Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Do you think there's something inherently bad to have one more question asked and answered even if the answer is very probably already known a priori? i think SCOTUS does take "obvious" cases from time to time , and deliver 9-0 verdicts on them, exactly because some times you need to refresh the precedent (making it stronger, broader, and so on) and/or clarify something to a portion of society.
The Supreme Court doesn't have unlimited time. Not by a longshot. 9-0 decisions are not necessarily obvious. I would say that the Court very rarely takes "obvious" cases, and when it does so, it is often because they believe the intermediate appellate courts obviously got something wrong.
And yes, I think there is something inherently bad about a society relying on its judiciary to repeatedly reject frivilous legal positions advanced by the federal government.
You advocating positions on this board has provided campaigns with a valuable service. Foreigners are not allowed to do that. I believe that is a felony.
The Supreme Court doesn't have unlimited time. Not by a longshot. 9-0 decisions are not necessarily obvious. I would say that the Court very rarely takes "obvious" cases, and when it does so, it is often because they believe the intermediate appellate courts obviously got something wrong.
And yes, I think there is something inherently bad about a society relying on its judiciary to repeatedly reject frivilous legal positions advanced by the federal government.
I mean it took Gamble recently (which admittedly didn't even go 9-0) to clarify yet again for the n-th time the double jeopardy fed / state thing.
Your BOLD is happening *anyway* with every administration, except right now it happens making a ton of damage (not in trump birthright EO, but in other cases), by allowing unconstitutional provisions to have material effects until they are determined to be, in fact, unconstitutional.
His comments were meandering and borderline incomprehensible as well. He didn't even make the case that ATC was responsible for the accident.
3 military families were given the worst news they could ever get last night or this morning. And this POS goes on national television and BLAMES THEM without any evidence. And then gets his butt called out on the DEI thing since it was the same hiring practices they have had since at least 2013, VERIFIABLY, and the POS lies and says he changed them and Biden changed them back.
Unbelievable. I don't think my blood could boil any more.
Trump is a really shitty person. It's mindblowing that apparently that's what an awful lot of people want.
3 military families were given the worst news they could ever get last night or this morning. And this POS goes on national television and BLAMES THEM without any evidence. And then gets his butt called out on the DEI thing since it was the same hiring practices they have had since at least 2013, VERIFIABLY, and the POS lies and says he changed them and Biden changed them back.
Unbelievable. I don't think my blood could boil any more.
Given this is par on the course of what we all expected and it will happen again and again and could get even a lot worse than this, i suggest to try to detach yourself more because getting your blood boiling several times per month for the next 4 years isn't healthy.
Maybe as an italian it's easier for me to say because it has been like that for all my life with our politicians
Trump is a really shitty person. It's mindblowing that apparently that's what an awful lot of people want.
for the 1000th time, a lot of people just preferred him to the alternative, for a series of reasons, and i don't think his ability to talk coherently, or his sincerity, are among those reasons
we've been de-sensitized to shitty people in positions of authority
I don't have anything against Crossnerd as a person or a poster, but I do as a power-tripping mod and I don't mind if it will cause some consternation when she bans me to protect these *******s.
You don’t know me and you really don’t understand me or my heart at all. This much is clear from posts like these.
And I had nothing to do with splitting the threads.
for the 1000th time, a lot of people just preferred him to the alternative, for a series of reasons, and i don't think his ability to talk coherently, or his sincerity, are among those reasons
You can say something a thousand times and be wrong every one of them. Maybe you don't love Trump, but a lot of people do. He's absolutely beloved by a huge swath of the USA.
I’m actually struggling right now with how a lot of this is affecting my child, so I really dont need to be castigated by someone on my own ****ing team. In not dealing with any of this right now.
It's going to take generations to recover from what the COVID shutdowns, general asshattery on the part of absentee parents, and mental damage from the alphabet mafia has done to today's youth.
Disbanding the Dept of Education is a fine start, but we probably need to bring it back under new leadership and direct schools to get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic. I'm not going to lose any sleep if w
- Most or maybe all developed countries had COVID "lockdowns" because, you know, there was a dangerous and highly contagious airborne disease floating around everywhere. It definitely sucked for the kids' schooling/social development, but it's nobody's fault for accepting that status quo when the alternative was a couple hundred thousand extra deaths. Also, by the way, all US COVID "lockdowns" were extremely weak and basic; but here you are, 4 years later, still whining.
- "Alphabet mafia" -- as always, conservatives love punching down. The great tragedy of allowing kids to express their true gender/sexual identity! Easing up on some of the massive societal pressure and oppression that comes to LGBTQ+ people is a very good thing and makes for a healthier society.
- "general asshattery on the part of absentee parents" -- there are undoubtedly some straight-up awful parents, but the main problem most of these people are suffering from is poverty and the social ills that come with it. If you want to largely fix this problem, it can be done by simply redistributing money from the wealthy hoarders to those who actually depend on it. Somehow, I doubt you'll be a big fan of that idea, though...
- How do you propose to ensure that all children have access to education if there's no Department of Education or related agency? Any kind of universal for-profit schooling will obviously leave a ton of kids behind (far more so than now, to be clear). Or do you think we can have a functional public education system with no overseeing agency?
- "but we probably need to bring it back under new leadership and direct schools to get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic." You know, I admit I haven't been inside a school for a while, but I somehow suspect those topics are still being taught and our poor scores in those areas aren't because the woke teacher's union is spending all the children's school time on gender, or whatever.
Look how I said all of that without calling you a shithead or telling you **** off. It’s actually not that hard. You’re making it hard. It’s a you problem.
Incompetent people also. Like Trump having to rescind a sweeping spending freeze executive order because his administration is too incompetent to properly wrote one. Like nobody read it and said “hey are we trying to freeze Medicare payments because the wording doesn’t make it obvious we aren’t?”
Just fits in to all the stereotypes about conservatives being unqualified and not able to do the basic functions of their jobs
You don’t know me and you really don’t understand me or my heart at all. This much is clear from posts like these.
And I had nothing to do with splitting the threads.
If you think the "power tripping" comment was about splitting threads, you're wrong. I mean, geez, just your response to jalfrezi about your privilege of seeing notes on posters is part of your power trippiness. And the condescending comments about time-outs and holidays...maybe you can't see it...shrug.
Do you have a college degree?
If so, and you're in an area with a struggling school district, I encourage you to sign up as a substitute. You can experience this situation in person, and they'll even pay you for your trouble.
Or just ask to be a community observer, if that's still a thing.
It's absolutely wild out there. I guarantee it's unrecognizable from when you were in school, and not in a good way.
Trump is a really shitty person. It's mindblowing that apparently that's what an awful lot of people want.
"Owning the libs" is an infinitely more important concern than "general human decency" or "concerns for the health of the nation" for the type of people you're describing. That's all it is -- an expression of their overwhelming resentment towards... well, pretty much everybody.
If you think the "power tripping" comment was about splitting threads, you're wrong. I mean, geez, just your response to jalfrezi about your privilege of seeing notes on posters is part of your power trippiness. And the condescending comments about time-outs and holidays...maybe you can't see it...shrug.
The forum is definitely a stand-in for the dog she isn't kicking at home.
I'm too lazy to make an Oprah gif with YOU GET A BAN and YOU GET A TIMEOUT and YOU CAN GO HANG OUT AT THE BEACH FOR A FEW DAYS for... reasons.
"Owning the libs" is an infinitely more important concern than "general human decency" or "concerns for the health of the nation" for the type of people you're describing. That's all it is -- an expression of their overwhelming resentment towards... well, pretty much everybody.
I think there is something where the Trumpy people are half-heartedly pretending to despise libruls because they know that libruls really despise them. I understand resenting being looked down on. Blowing things up and persecuting other people is a shitty response to it, but it's not entirely unforseeable.