Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I understand you might think I am dishonest with my inquiry but I truly dislike illegal actions no matter if I agree with the outcome.
the blanket freeze was found to be illegal so if that was what created problems for your family and that got solved I am happy you got redress from the courts.
that's actually what I love in the American system, a true division of power with entities that exist exclusively to protect citizens from other parts of government
Ok fine, that’s at least fair so I won’t yell at you as previously threatened 😀
It solved part of my family’s problem. There still remains the issue of the ICE raids and wanting to limit my child’s exposure to that at such a young age.
Our state’s Board of Education just unanimously passed a proposal that all parents must now prove their citizenship status when enrolling their children in school. It goes to the legislature next and then the governor, where it will be passed into law. There’s no way to stop it. So the ICE raids are surely coming next.
where were you when the Biden admin attempted the biggest fraud in US history trying to cancel more than a trillion of student debts in utter disregard of the constitution? that was so insanely worse than anything trump ever attempted yet you were silent.
no president in history ever attempted to misappropriate so many dollars from Americans in a blatant and brutal violation of the basic divisions of power.
I wonder why.
Wat? The Trump administration wrote an executive order that they had to rescind because it's not even clear what it was trying to say! It has nothing to do with the constitutionality of what Trump was attempting. Everybody agrees whoever wrote the order is incompetent. The Trump administration consistently does stuff like this because of inexperience, the unqualified nature of people working for him and just straight up stupidity.
Wat? The Trump administration wrote an executive order that they had to rescind because it's not even clear what it was trying to say! It has nothing to do with the constitutionality of what Trump was attempting. Everybody agrees whoever wrote the order is incompetent. The Trump administration consistently does stuff like this because of inexperience, the unqualified nature of people working for him and just straight up stupidity.
they rescinded the MEMO because a judge stayed it.
I agree the MEMO was badly written.
it wasn't an ORDER though. and the guy trump wants to install there isn't there yet, Senate didn't got to his hearing yet, they just have the acting guy.
they didn't rescind any ORDER. they rescinded a MEMO by OMB.
And the memo implied to suggest unconstitutional actions, like freezing funding for specific already appropriated and directed by Congress funds (which is unconstitutional).
there is a lot of grey area on how much the executive can stop spending money on stuff congress directed and they disagree with but some stuff is clearly mandated with the executive powerless to intervene and the blanket freeze included some of that stuff.
that said, Biden admin did something orders of magnitude worse, it attempted to spend hundreds of billions of non appropriated money (I hope you agree violating the power of the purse through extra unjustified expenses is always infinitely worse than attempting NOT TO SPEND money).
when trump tried to spend a few bills for the wall which weren't appropriated all hell broke loose (correctly) with democrats on the trenches (and they rightly prevailed in courts).
Biden attempted to do 100x that , the worst violation of the power of the purse in American history by an immense margin.
WHERE THE **** WERE YOU WHEN THAT HAPPENED? where were you when Biden attempted to steal 600-700 billions from taxpayers to give to collega students?
Obviously even they realized they couldn't defend it when it's flaws were pointed out. I understand conservative affirmative action and not being able to choose from competent people...but this would be akin to appointing you statistics czar and trying to sell whatever nonsense you were about assuming non random samples to be random. It's clear y these authors were simply not qualified for their job and it's not because I think a well written order couldn't do what they wanted. They just were too dumb to write it. You keep incompetently trying to pivot to Biden, but that's why the situations are not remotely similar. You can't really argue about whether an order that is incoherent is legal or not.
the vicious attempt to destroy the budget by Biden was repealed by courts.
the people who pushed for it in the Biden admin were as incompetent as the trump temporary names in OMB which wrote the bad memo, but they tried to violate the country insanely more.
yet you deny it happened, or that it was relevant.
*there was no incoherent order btw*. there was an incoherent memo
Sure, you think Biden was worse. But you also struggle with High School statistics so it doesn't mean much.
FYI the memo made the order incoherent, that's why they had to rescind the memo. It's impossible to implement the order when the memo telling you how to implement it doesn't make sense. The order itself may or may not make sense, or be legal, but we are not even to that stage yet. It's like a bridge falling down before a car even goes on it.
Sure, you think Biden was worse. But you also struggle with High School statistics so it doesn't mean much.
FYI the memo made the order incoherent, that's why they had to rescind the memo. It's impossible to implement the order when the memo telling you how to implement it doesn't make sense. The order itself may or may not make sense, or be legal, but we are not even to that stage yet. It's like a bridge falling down before a car even goes on it.
the only thing I struggle with is reading your nonsense.
the memo was about 7 different EO that tried to eradicate illegal unAmerican practices from the federal administration and all their derivatives, within the limits of the law.
the memo was badly written because it basically said given the intricacies, just suspend everything then we will sort out piece by piece what is allowed and just and what has to be discarded because of horrific illegal unAmerican choices by predecessors.
it wasn't incoherent. it was illegal though because a blanket freeze would have included programs that the executive cannot quit by fiat.
the memo didn't make the EOs inapplicable.
now every agency will have to determine for example by itself what's sanctioned systemic racism or discrimination (DEI) and if that sanctioned systemic unconstitutional unamerican programs can be shut down legally by executive fiat or not. same as it was before the memo was written.
OMB will get it's chief confirmed by the Senate soon and when that happens they will help every agency in determining which programs they legally can and have to defund and quit
lol do you want me to quote your statistics claim again? I didn’t write that, you did.
the memo was about 7 different EO that tried to eradicate illegal unAmerican practices from the federal administration and all their derivatives, within the limits of the law.
the memo was badly written because it basically said given the intricacies, just suspend everything then we will sort out piece by piece what is allowed and just and what has to be discarded because of horrific illegal unAmerican choices by predecessors.
lol yeah. It’s not trumps fault it’s everyone else’s! It’s ok to treat conservatives like normal humans who should be able to do the job they have.
Luc, this thread is about Trump, not Biden. That should be obvious. Whataboutism doesn't belong here and probably not in the for Trump Supporters thread.
Maybe put your comments in the Biden thread. Seems obvious
Can I ask why we’re so focused on making sure a bad faith actor like luciom is treated like we should all make sure he has a pillow to rest his head and a warm glass of milk?
I’m not saying he should be neutered in his posting but if he’s allowed to exist unabated I should be able to respond in kind. And I like to think I’m way tamer than he deserves
Nobody has said you have to be nice, but there is a line where it becomes verbal abuse, and that isn’t allowed here toward anyone. The stakes are simply not that high here; this is an Internet forum.
I'm sure Trump and his fellow reality star clown transportation sec have what it takes to make the necessary changes for flight safety. And I don't think it;s racist or discriminatory to say this parade of unintelligent unqualified white men in his cabinet don't seem up to the job, just like last time. You're just picking from a really under-qualified pool, coupled with a president who is a very poor manager/delegater.
Meh, my jimmies aren't rustled at all and you can see I can still chat with Inso0 or rick, who I am not agreeing with.
I don't need to have a blown top to either call the likes of luciom or bgwhatever names or to talk about how mods doing their modding just makes everything worse.
Hyperbole, brah. I don't recall you ever calling posters idiots and shitheads before. I didn't mean to imply that you were rage-posting while kicking your dog in the puss over what Lucy posted, nor was I addressing anything over the modding, as I'm not keeping track of that stuff and nobody could ever be a worse mod than Rapini was.
Don't misconstrue this, but it's highly unlikely that dude voted for Trump.
Dunno why you think that guy wouldn't be a Trump supporter.
- I haven't seen him say he voted for Trump
- A dude who had his wife taken from him would probably mention that he voted for him while making his pleas to Trump
- A guy whose wife's immigration status is in limbo probably wouldn't vote for Trump
I think those three combined outweigh, "He sounds like a ******, so he probably voted for Trump."
If you're into Trump voter schadenfreude, I'm sure you'll have plenty of better examples in the near future.
what am I even watching at?
Please post links , I know what you are trying to say but this is horrible posting and doesn't help your case.
OK lol
Her username is in the screenshot. What exactly do you want here?
And BTW it exactly makes my case. I've always maintained the people that voted for Trump did so primarily out of ignorance and against their own self-interest.
Team "empathy" is doing the "let's organize a party every time an unvaxxed person dies of COVID" thing again
Team "empathy" is doing the "let's organize a party every time an unvaxxed person dies of COVID" thing again
Why shouldn’t they be .
“I told you so “ is something the left should starts doing more …
Been dunk by the right so many time like that -> “gotcha ya “ phrase wins election now more then policies today ….
Nothing shameful to make fun of stupid people today, especially on social media where they get paid for being and saying stupid $h!t ….
It is quite something to listen to Lara Trump prattle on about what an abomination it is for hiring to be done on any basis other than merit.
Also, LOL meritocracy when we are in the process of filling as many critical positions as possible based mainly on one factor -- unwavering loyalty to Trump.
OK lol
Her username is in the screenshot. What exactly do you want here?
And BTW it exactly makes my case. I've always maintained the people that voted for Trump did so primarily out of ignorance and against their own self-interest.
Guess that tells you how badly the Democrats are in touch with Americans that they had a choice between a two time impeached and 37 felony counts man and the anointed DEI queen and choose the convict and he won the popular vote
Look on the bright side only 3 years and 359 days left
And yes Trump is an idiot to claim DEI caused this crash