Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Literally Donald Trump in a pretaped interview where they edit ****: 'ya I might be starting a recession, idk'
Zers: masterful gambit sir
Also Zers: none of you idiots understand the 4d chess by sir
I don't get the "Trump is stupid" view. I'd argue that his intelligence is up for debate, but even if it's not, you can't say he's not "getting **** done."
If this administration is so incompetent, why do you consider them such a threat? It's not because they're incapable of achieving their goals or knowing how to play the media and influence public opinion. There are a lot of smart and organized people behind him.
I don't get the "Trump is stupid" view. I'd argue that his intelligence is up for debate, but even if it's not, you can't say he's not "getting **** done."
If this administration is so incompetent, why do you consider them such a threat? It's not because they're incapable of achieving their goals or knowing how to play the media and influence public opinion. There are a lot of smart and organized people behind him.
Yeah I don't know how easy it is to even find these grand architects behind him any more. They tend to attach for a little while until he dumps them to chase a new headline. Pretty much every "insider" who has detached from Trump and talks about it publicly, talks about a man with no plan who makes decisions based on feeling in the moment. Who is it right now, Navarro and Miller?
So if you think a driver is incompetent, you don't consider that driver a threat to the safety of pedestrians and other drivers?
Incompetence isn't synonymous with the not acting in the best interest of others. It depends on what his/the administration's goals are. If you think he has ill intentions, and he implements policies that fulfill those intentions, that's the opposite of incompetence. "Don't worry about Project 2025. He's too dumb for it to work."
Incompetence isn't synonymous with the not acting in the best interest of others. It depends on what his/the administration's goals are. If you think he has ill intentions, and he implements policies that fulfill those intentions, that's the opposite of incompetence. "Don't worry about Project 2025. He's too dumb for it to work."
Incompetence includes things like: "oh let's fire all of the people protecting our nuclear secrets; oops our enemies stole our nuclear secrets." Incompetence is dangerous. It's baffling this has to be explained to you.
When you say this without even quoting another post it becomes unclear who you are trying to personally insult. Most people already know this, but I thought I'd help you out. It is also useful to explain why you feel that way if you are responding to a poster who wrote about multiple things. I hope this helps.
I could be wrong and you could be talking about rubio.
Imagine thinking you can judge how well a president does by how the economy does in the 4 years he is president...
But but but Biden created the inflation in 2021 lol …..
"Demand"...he has no power to fire an anchor from a private company. Hyperbolic paranoia. And so what? They should be fired. No one watches them!
Is that your definition of free speech and free market ?
A president asking to fire people in the private sector ?
Isn’t suppose the right supporting less powerful and less intervening governments and yet u see no problem about trump demands ?
Wow …
Good job. Now do more thinking. Like the part where he literally can't read. And thinks asylum seekers are coming from insane asylums. And stares at solar eclipses. And doesn't know what Presbyterians are despite claiming to be Presbyterian himself. Or claimed to have created the phrase "priming the pump" in front of the editors of The Economist. You realize I could go on for HOURS with examples of this crap.
If they said things as disgusting as the MSNBC anchors have said I'd have no problem with Biden crying for them to be fired. That's all Trump did. He suggested their bosses fire them. That's what he was "demanding". He NEVER said the word "demand". He said "they should be forced to resign"...that's means fired.
Fox did .
But I guess paying 7-800 millions in diffamation isn’t strong enough evidences …
I don't get the "Trump is stupid" view. I'd argue that his intelligence is up for debate, but even if it's not, you can't say he's not "getting **** done."
If this administration is so incompetent, why do you consider them such a threat? It's not because they're incapable of achieving their goals or knowing how to play the media and influence public opinion. There are a lot of smart and organized people behind him.
No, all trump ask is loyalty ….nvm qualifications .
Incompetence isn't synonymous with the not acting in the best interest of others. It depends on what his/the administration's goals are. If you think he has ill intentions, and he implements policies that fulfill those intentions, that's the opposite of incompetence. "Don't worry about Project 2025. He's too dumb for it to work."
I think he's competent at coning the rubes and working towards establishing an autocracy but not nearly as competent as Musk. You can decide for yourself if that's for the betterment of the country, and it sounds like you've already decided.
I mean, hes clearly shrewd. Hes a guy who is willing to make a decision, even ones that others often find hard to make.
He hasn't completely pissed away the fortune he was given, and even if he did at one point hes found a way to make it back and more
You can find old interviews and find a guy who talks pretty fast and seems cool and confident, even if he was a douche
He clearly plays something of a character. He played a character on the Apprentice for 13-14 years and played characters in movies and in ads before that.
So I don't think hes a genius or anything but his failings are probably around his overconfidence or narcissism that have largely worked out for him in the business, grifting, and campaigning worlds, but fail him in the politic'ing world for what should be fairly obvious reasons that make him look like a complete moron
:30-:50. One step forward, two steps back.
Well, my argument was that Trump/this administration isn't stupid, and you asked me why I was simping for him. That leads me to believe you think he/they are stupid.
Well, Trump couldn't figure out what 17*6 is and said "yes" when Stern poked him by saying, "Ivanka is one fine piece of ass," but that doesn't mean he isn't a genius conman.
If you want to argue that the administration is smart, then you should bring examples. By smart, people think in terms of being smart at governing the country constitutionally and not being evil geniuses intent on dismantling the government for personal gain.