Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
When you say this without even quoting another post it becomes unclear who you are trying to personally insult. Most people already know this, but I thought I'd help you out. It is also useful to explain why you feel that way if you are responding to a poster who wrote about multiple things. I hope this helps.
I could be wrong and you could be talking about rubio.
****ing imagine being stupid enough to believe trump was gonna be good for the economy
Give it a few months before mass layoffs start to kick in
Luckily I'm told income inequality is a lie and transgender mice must be stopped
Imagine thinking you can judge how well a president does by how the economy does in the 4 years he is president... yes, judging a president over the first 60 days are even worse.
If we judged how a president does with the economy just by the 4 years they are in office they would all balloon the size of gov't until the gov't is 100% of the economy, cut interest rates and throw money into the economy like we did during covid. Luckily, we have presidents and presidential advisors that actually care about the long-term health of the economy.
I agree that dems have fought to give elon and many other green energy guys an insane amount of money. I hope trump, or anyone else, ends these insane subsidies.
I used someone inventing a product (which millions of people voted with their pocketbooks) because it is the best example of how to get super rich. Nearly all wealth created in this country is a result of someone improving the lives of other people.
If nobody things their life would be better with a squatty potty as opposed to $25 then
And how often that happens and how many people actually succeed at that you believe ?
And is it possible all can do it at the same time ?
Amidst all the chaos
Trump is demanding MSNBC fire two anchors.
Imagine if Biden demanded anchors be forced to resign, what the outcry would be.
Amidst all the chaos
Trump is demanding MSNBC fire two anchors.
Imagine if Biden demanded anchors be forced to resign, what the outcry would be.
"Demand"...he has no power to fire an anchor from a private company. Hyperbolic paranoia. And so what? They should be fired. No one watches them!
"Demand"...he has no power to fire an anchor from a private company. Hyperbolic paranoia. And so what? They should be fired. No one watches them!
So you would have had no problem with Biden demanding Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity be fired from Fox News? You realize the white house has direct ways to retaliate against media companies right?
I think my mistake is expecting a maga republican to ever have any standards or any self awareness whatsoever. In fact they delight in us trying to hold then to their own standards because they are all ad hoc.
So you would have had no problem with Biden demanding Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity be fired from Fox News? You realize the white house has direct ways to retaliate against media companies right?
If they said things as disgusting as the MSNBC anchors have said I'd have no problem with Biden crying for them to be fired. That's all Trump did. He suggested their bosses fire them. That's what he was "demanding". He NEVER said the word "demand". He said "they should be forced to resign"...that's means fired.
If they said things as disgusting as the MSNBC anchors have said I'd have no problem with Biden crying for them to be fired. That's all Trump did. He suggested their bosses fire them. That's what he was "demanding". He NEVER said the word "demand". He said "they should be forced to resign"...that's means fired.
Yes "should be forced to" is a suggestion. Nice work. If I said you should be forced to get vaccinated, do you think I'm suggesting you get vaccinated?
And you aren't fooling a single soul on the Biden thing, so why are you trying?
Yes "should be forced to" is a suggestion. Nice work. And you aren't fooling a single soul on the Biden thing, so why are you trying?
If Hannity said he hopes the black kid doesn't kill himself or that he was used as a prop I most certainly would.
"should be forced to" implies fired by their boss as their boss has the ability
to force them out of their job. WTF, "demand" was never used yet the headline was meant to make it seem like Trump was trying to exert some power over them when that's definitely not the case.
You guys are ****ing nuts. I win, next subject.
They lost their mind when Biden called parents who adorn their children in "**** biden" t-shirts sick puppies or whatever the hell it was
has any other country ever forced themselves into a planned recession in an attempt to destroy their own economy...or are we pioneers here??
You obviously haven't heard of Liz Truss.
or thatcher
and 40+ years later the labour party are still thatcherite
If they said things as disgusting as the MSNBC anchors have said I'd have no problem with Biden crying for them to be fired. That's all Trump did. He suggested their bosses fire them. That's what he was "demanding". He NEVER said the word "demand". He said "they should be forced to resign"...that's means fired.
Wallace had been making the point that services that Trump would like to cut likely contributed to the youngster surviving cancer. “It is a fact that Trump has slashed cancer research. It’s a fact, by eliminating NIH and by all the cuts, pediatric cancer trials are halted,” she said.
Wallace added that she hopes the young boy has a “long life as a law enforcement officer” and referenced officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot in 2021 and later took their own lives.
“I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide,” she said.
It’s so disgusting when people criticize the president for his horrible policies and trying to overthrow an election. You guys really are banking on people not having brains to think for themselves?
You realize when a president says someone should be fired it caries a lot different of a connotation when you say it right? No of course you understand, you’re being obtuse.
Btw Hannity has promoted conspiracy theories alleging that Seth Rich was assassinated by Clinton for leaking stuff from the DNC. This is objectively way more disgusting than Wallace’s statements. Will you now say that Hannity should be fired?
I agree that rich people are selfish and may do x, y or z to make their lives better. However, I'd add the middle class and the poor are doing the same. Selfishness and greed are massive net positives in the US today.
While all groups may act in their own self-interest, wealthier individuals often have far more resources and influence to pursue their goals, which can magnify the impact of their actions (for better or worse). Indeed selfishness and greed can result in positive outcomes for both the individual and the population as a whole; it also may be the case that they are indeed net positives. It should be apparent, though, that at extremes it can cause significant and perhaps even irreparable harm to many people.
Does Trump not get that this is likely occurring all over the US.?
Uncertainty and pauses and flip-flopping is unhinging things everywhere.
I'm guessing the administration has a better idea of what's likely to happen than anyone on this forum, and chances are that some of the flip-flops are by design.
get ready for 4 years of experiencing the invisible claw of biden every time something bad happens
DEI hires and Canada will get some of the blame too.
Random thought. I was thinking about how Trump rattles off groups he blames during speeches: illegal immigrants, terrorists, gang members, mental patients, antifa, radical leftists, etc., and the secretary for Ferris Bueller's Day Off popped into my mind. I'd love to hear Trump get to that part of his speech and call out the sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wasteoids, dweebies and dickheads.
Does Trump not get that this is likely occurring all over the US.?
Uncertainty and pauses and flip-flopping is unhinging things everywhere.
I'm guessing the administration has a better idea of what's likely to happen than anyone on this forum, and chances are that some of the flip-flops are by design.
There have been some lazy jerkoff motion defenses of Trumpy but this takes the cake
Literally Donald Trump in a pretaped interview where they edit shit: ‘ya I might be starting a recession, idk’
Zers: masterful gambit sir
Also Zers: none of you idiots understand the 4d chess by sir