Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14563 Replies


by housenuts k

Black people should be unfireable

Your endless trolling is super funny. Please keep it up.

by checkraisdraw k

I just feel like the work of the FBI is, contrary to popular belief, actually mostly concerned with non-political policing.

I don't think that there is a public miconception on this point.

There might be a wide berth to utilize it as a political entity, but the problem is that so much time and resource needs to be dedicated to actually solving crimes.

Like any large organization, the FBI has finite resources so it has to prioritize. And those priorities come from the top. I'm less concerned about an existing plan to weaponize the FBI for specific political goals and more concerned about the general problem of having two MAGA idiots at the head of the agency.

I'm sure that Luciom will pop in here in a minute and tell us that the job of agency heads is to carry out the whims of the president without regard for the integrity or reputation of the agency. But government actually works better when agency heads actually feel some urge not to bring their agencies into disrepute.

by Rococo k


I'm sure that Luciom will pop in here in a minute and tell us that the job of agency heads is to carry out the whims of the president without regard for the integrity or reputation of the agency. But government actually works better when agency heads actually feel some urge not to bring their agencies into disrepute.

Libertarians famously love the feel of government's weighty boot.

by Rococo k

Like any large organization, the FBI has finite resources so it has to prioritize. And those priorities come from the top. I'm less concerned about an existing plan to weaponize the FBI for specific political goals and more concerned about the general problem of having two MAGA idiots at the head of the agency.

I'm sure that Luciom will pop in here in a minute and tell us that

Well the idea from the right is that the FBI did destroy its reputation.

They operated under the purported priority that the biggest domestic threat was rightwing extremists in the USA for example.

They were used to attack parents at school board meetings

They were used to entrap gullible low iq republicans to present them as terrorists when the whole terrorist plan was made by the FBI, as in the Whitmer kidnap case (and possibly on Jan 6)


Basically the left utterly destroyed the credibility of the FBI using it as a private leftist militia to persecute rightwing people. It already happened. There is nothing to lose anymore on the front of credibility. There is nothing to save.

by ecriture d'adulte k

That specific group of people and language includes Americans and English. You think white people just grunted and pointed at Denali before the federal government changed its name to McKinley?

I don't even know which time you're talking about the government changing the name to McKinley, since you seem to think that both were a problem.

I had never heard of the word Denali until the Obama proclamation. That made exactly as much sense as it would to change the name of the state of Washington to whatever the native tribes called the area.

by Luciom k

Well the idea from the right is that the FBI did destroy its reputation.

They operated under the purported priority that the biggest domestic threat was rightwing extremists in the USA for example.

They were used to attack parents at school board meetings

They were used to entrap gullible low iq republicans to presen

If you think that there was some dramatic change in the FBI after Biden took office, you have no idea how the FBI historically has operated in the United States.

As for the Whitmer thing, defendants frequently argue that there was entrapment in cases where there was a large, protracted government investigation into an alleged conspiracy. Several of the defendants pled guilty. For the ones who went to trial, the court refused to dismiss the charges on the ground of entrapment but did allow the defendants to argue entrapment to the jury. That's about what I would have expected.

Your suggestion that Jan 6 may have been a case of FBI entrapment is laughable right-wing conspiracy horseshit. I also would love for you to explain how "leftists" were in control of the FBI on January 6. Trump was still president at that time, and had been for the last four years.

by chillrob k

I don't even know which time you're talking about the government changing the name to McKinley, since you seem to think that both were a problem.

I had never heard of the word Denali until the Obama proclamation. That made exactly as much sense as it would to change the name of the state of Washington to whatever the native tribes called the area.

Thanks for jumping in and giving opinions without doing any of the background research! Always a wise idea. Denali was the name native and non native people used to describe the mountain and forested surrounding area. Changing the name to McKinley made as much sense as changing the name of Oklahoma to Martin Van Burenville. Obama, with the support of a heavy bipartisan majority of people in Alaska, restored the official name back to Denali which was always the name people in Alaska called it regardless of the federal designation. Already the Alaska House voted 28-10 to ask the federal government to keep the name as Denali. You guys are so eager to play the both sides card you don't let facts get in the way and are driven by blind unthinking partisanship. Ironically the charge you love to level but personify as much as any politician.

by Rococo k

I also would love for you to explain how "leftists" were in control of the FBI on January 6. Trump was still president at that time, and had been for the last four years.


The idea that a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY is a liberal deep state operation is one of the most laughable conservative positions of the past decade. Like have you ever met anyone who actually works for these places?

Every single FBI director ever was a dyed in wool conservative. Especially boogeyman Mueller and Comey, those dudes were basically Romney clones.

Why would the deep state have to be liberal?

by GTO2.0 k

The idea that a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY is a liberal deep state operation is one of the most laughable conservative positions of the past decade. Like have you ever met anyone who actually works for these places?

Every single FBI director ever was a dyed in wool conservative. Especially boogeyman Mueller and Comey, those dudes were basically Romney clones.

I understand the confusion, substitute "leftist" with "aligned with the previous power structure" if it helps you understand better.

RINOs were in bed with that power structure as well

weird how the magat's want to talk about joy instead of VOTING WITH RUSSIA at the UN and then PITCHING A RUSSIAN ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN....

lol, ****ing idiots

by Rococo k

If you think that there was some dramatic change in the FBI after Biden took office, you have no idea how the FBI historically has operated in the United States.

As for the Whitmer thing, defendants frequently argue that there was entrapment in cases where there was a large, protracted government investigation into an alleged conspiracy. Several of the defendants pled guilty. For the ones who went to trial, the court refused to dismiss the charges on the ground of entrapment but did allow th

In his first term Trump more or less left the federal bureaucracy alone, and they operated as usual, often contrary to his stated preferences. Which you would probably argue was a good thing. And this time around he is not leaving them alone, and we are seeing the results, which you wold probably argue are a bad thing.

I just find it so bad faith when liberals make the "Trump was President 2016-2020; so obviously govt bureaucracies weren't leftist" argument; when clearly they were*

*Yes, I am using leftist in the common parlance of 2024 US political polarization, and dont really want to get into the "not true leftists" sidetrack.

"liberals" make up what...10% of the Democrat party?

BOOGIE MAN!!!!!!!!!

by GTO2.0 k

The idea that a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY is a liberal deep state operation is one of the most laughable conservative positions of the past decade. Like have you ever met anyone who actually works for these places?

Every single FBI director ever was a dyed in wool conservative. Especially boogeyman Mueller and Comey, those dudes were basically Romney clones.

Anybody with a minimum level of competence in anything is not a true conservative.

by Dunyain k

In his first term Trump more or less left the federal bureaucracy alone, and they operated as usual, often contrary to his stated preferences. Which you would probably argue was a good thing. And this time around he is not leaving them alone, and we are seeing the results, which you wold probably argue are a bad thing.

I just find it so bad faith when liberals make the "Trump was President 2016-2020; so obviously govt bureaucracies weren't leftist" argument; when clearly they were*

*Yes, I am

And when exactly do you believe that the FBI become "leftist" in the common parlance? Was it under the direction of notorious leftist James Comey, under the direction of notorious leftist Robert Mueller, under the direction of notorious leftist Louis Freeh, or some time in the 1980s?

If there were any way to know, I would bet all the money that FBI agents as a group have voted Republican in every presidential election in my lifetime. This most recent election might have been the closest because of Trump's attacks on the FBI, but I still bet they went Republican as a group.

Calling the FBI "leftist" by any definition of the word is a complete ****ing joke.

by GTO2.0 k

The idea that a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY is a liberal deep state operation is one of the most laughable conservative positions of the past decade. Like have you ever met anyone who actually works for these places?

So much this.

by Rococo k

And when exactly do you believe that the FBI become "leftist" in the common parlance? Was it under the direction of notorious leftist James Comey, under the direction of notorious leftist Robert Mueller, under the direction of notorious leftist Louis Freeh, or some time in the 1980s?

Calling the FBI "leftist" by any definition of the word is a complete ****ing joke.

It might be a joke but when millions of violent radical leftists many of which with power within colleges aren't considered as much of a problem for society as 50k fat low income low iq radical right extremists by the FBI, that's a political choice.

When burning down 50 cities in organized ways doesn't trigger the biggest nationwide investigations against domestic terrorism in a generation, same thing.

"leftist" might not be the proper word but not defining BLM as the biggest domestic terror threat (and not using actual power against it) is a very specific choice that helped the left.

The nation was blackmailed by leftist terrorists which organized 50+ riots, often with the help of democratic party elected politicians, and the FBI did nothing about it even under Trump. Those are facts.

by Luciom k

It might be a joke but when millions of violent radical leftists many of which with power within colleges aren't considered as much of a problem for society as 50k fat low income low iq radical right extremists by the FBI, that's a political choice.

When burning down 50 cities in organized ways doesn't trigger the biggest nationwide investigations against domestic terrorism in a generation, same thing.

"leftist" might not be the proper word but not defining BLM as the biggest domestic terror threa

I understand that you are walking back your insane desciption of the FBI as "leftist." My comment was directed at Kelhus, who apparently wanted to double down on the insanity.

by diebitter k



by Luciom k

"leftist" might not be the proper word but not defining BLM as the biggest domestic terror threat (and not using actual power against it) is a very specific choice that helped the left.

As has been thoroughly demonstrated, acts of right-wing domestic terrorism occur far more frequently than acts of left-wing domestic terrorism occur in America.

You're right, though, the FBI is SHOCKINGLY left. Just last week, they instituted a 99% income tax on all billionaires, pulled all US arms support to Israel, and imprisoned 10,000 landlords! And now they're even talking about expropriating all the private land ownership of the colonist class and giving it back to whatever non-genocided indigenous people of this land are still left!

Ignore my sarcasm, I forgot that the FBI has put out woke commercials in which their workers discuss their racial and gender identity and that's all that matters in our culture-war hellscape.

by Luciom k

It might be a joke but when millions of violent radical leftists many of which with power within colleges aren't considered as much of a problem for society as 50k fat low income low iq radical right extremists by the FBI, that's a political choice.

When burning down 50 cities in organized ways doesn't trigger the biggest nationwide investigations against domestic terrorism in a generation, same thing.

"leftist" might not be the proper word but not defining BLM as the biggest domestic terror threa

It all makes sense now... the FBI, whom is overwhelmingly conservative, and likely almost all voted for Trump, and have listed right-wing white nationalist extremist as the biggest domestic terrorist threat in the US for decades now, as a smoke screen to push and support their secret BLM agenda, and provide cover for protests turned to riots.

93% of BLM protests weren't actually peaceful, it was way lower than that, but the FBI deep state has changed data, media footage, and collaborated w/ local and state officials to hide the real data.

It's really is all making sense now. ty
