Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Politico is massively increasing coverage about the possible cut to medicaid and how that battle is key right now among republicans.
It's the only area where there is enough room to make significant cuts to pay for tax cuts (or whatever else trump wants to do, maybe I creased border security or whatever), and that doesn't translate into automatically losing every election for 10+ years, yet in some purple districts house members are legitimately worried it might cost them.
I really hope the anti w
How American will get wealthy .
Give tax cut to the rich (so they can buy even more stocks and gold) and pay it from the bottom 60% who’s already in pain with not much pension plan .
Then u wonder why those poor states at the bottom are all red states….
- Don’t give money to the government because people know better how to spend it .
- Dont give money to the people because vast amount of them are dumb and make bad decision, so give it to the rich .
- Give the money to the rich and big corp because they make great decision and know how to create wealth .
So the top 1% buy stock and big corp do buybacks shares lol .
Apple going going from 500 billions to 1 trillion sure help the poor people ….
Don’t worry , we feel it too In the North …
But it just hilarious how even on international stage vs the whole world he lies without a shred of bashfulness In him.
This will end up like Putin .
Putin been surrounded by yes man ,
« yes boss you are the strongest and absolutely right , we win Ukraine in 2 weeks no problem » .
Trump administration will create a massive blunder (economically, geopolitical ,w.e) soon enough .
Hopefully not 2 simultaneously….
And it’s not even a partisan thing. I went there (probably my favorite national park) and everyone calls it Denali and even Alaska republicans will tell you McKinley is just a stupid name for it that never made sense. If Thry tried to change the name of the Sun to Jeff Davis’ Star idiots here will find a way to both sides someone for saying that’s dumb.
Denali is the name used by a specific group of people, in another language.
I don't care one way or the other about this, but it's nowhere near as ridiculous as wanting to use "Gulf Of America" for something that already had a name in English for centuries.
It's not disrespectful or unusual to not call something the same name that the natives used. In English that is done for almost every country in the world, as well as most big cities and major geographical features.
The next EO is going to force enormous SUVs to be called McKinleys
How American will get wealthy .
Give tax cut to the rich (so they can buy even more stocks and gold) and pay it from the bottom 60% who’s already in pain with not much pension plan .
Then u wonder why those poor states at the bottom are all red states….
- Don’t give money to the government because people know better how to spend it .
- Dont give money to the people because vast amount of them are dumb and make bad decision, so give it to the rich .
- Give the money to the rich and big corp because
Generally rich people contribute far more than they receive in benefits from the gov't and the poor get more benefits than the contribute. You seem to have this backwards.
Facts vs what Trump thinks is true = watching John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever getting ready for a night out vs watching the Elephant Man deciding which way to part his hair to look good
The 1970's would like their cultural references back while there are still a few people around to get them.
Trump got absolutely mogged by Macron today 😂
Isn't there enough small dick energy in this thread with Trump and his lackeys without adding more?
Trump is so out of his depth when he's in a room with someone that doesn't have to take his ****.
Someone should create a wikipedia page called 'small dick energy vs big dick energy' and just put a picture of this on it.
this is not an attack, i'm just trying to figure out what are we trying to gain with this comment
Yeah but Macron is French. As a right winger you just have to say that and you win, because French.
and any possibility for an earnest back and forth discussion has been hung out to dry and flame wars now begin!
I mean you have leftists cheering the most right-wing German parliament in more than a generation because "only" 20% voted for "neonazis" and 30% voted for a center-right party that moved right a lot from Merkel times
I’m very curious where *normal* trump stans are finding their copium at these days
Crypto bros: well this isn’t going great for you
Inflation bros: well this isn’t going great for you
Palestine bros: well this isn’t going great for you
Leon bros: end yourselves
Can you just admit you wanted this cuz of big white guy energy? Cuz this seems to be going spectacularly for big white guy energy bros
they are losing on all fronts politically worldwide so they need to vent off their frustration
You're 100% correct... and you're going to win us all right into WWIII.
How about we do a tally of all the predictions so far from people on the left and right in this thread, and see how many of them have already come true? Maybe we can start to see who is actually seeing more clearly about what's going on vs those who are brainwashed?
it takes a special kind of scumbag (not that it is uncommon) to laugh at institutions & norms being burnt down in the name of some crypto profit. it's right up there with, but granted a slight notch below, pissing on the graves of WWII soldiers who died for us so that the magat's can pwn da' libs with nazi salutes.
BTC-USD not having its moment at this moment
Down since trump's inauguration and down 15k since the pump and dump peak