Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
oh yeah, but mail in ballots you cant rig.
and you cant rig elections by withholdings crackpots laptop. lmao
You're German, right? A quick google search tells me that "millions of German residents cast their votes in elections by mail as absentee voters" ( Is this a controversial issue in your country? Does the losing party always cry "mail in voter fraud"?
When did I say this? It can be done, but the logistics to do something like this on a scale which would actually influence an election would be absolutely immense and probably easily detectable. If you really wanted to change the vote of 1 voter, I am sure it can be done. If you wanted to change the vote of a 10,000 or more voters in a single electoral district, it's not so easy.
You're German, right? A quick google search tells me that "millions of German residents cast their votes in elections by mail as absentee voters" ( Is this a controversial issue in your country? Does the losing party always cry "mail in voter fraud"?
in the US its more easy I would guess. germans go to the next voting booth usually, or send a letter. that is hard to fake and not worth it, if it isnt done in the millions. that would flag it. again its not the states.
When did I say this? It can be done, but the logistics to do something like this on a scale which would actually influence an election would be absolutely immense and probably easily detectable. If you really wanted to change the vote of 1 voter, I am sure it can be done. If you wanted to change the vote of a 10,000 or more voters in a single electoral district, it's not so easy.
you just do it in states that are on the verge. just enough to tilt the thing. just some states with rednecks or whatnot.
in the US its more easy I would guess. germans go to the next voting booth usually, or send a letter. that is hard to fake and not worth it, if it isnt done in the millions. that would flag it. again its not the states.
The article literally says that millions of Germans vote by mail. By sending a letter. Same as the US. I am not seeing the difference, can you explain it again? What is the difference in the process that makes it more easy in the US? Please be specific.
I'm not sure exactly what you meant to ask, but I'll answer the question as posed.
You would need to intercept the envelope containing the ballot at some point in transit, use steam to open the envelope without ripping it, substitute the contents of the envelope for your forged ballot, destroy the original, then re-seal and re-send the envelope. You would then need to repeat this process for every mail in ballot you wanted to "hack".
why intercept, why not just forge the entire thing from scratch?
what do you need for mail in voting? just a social security number?
a drivers licence? the states are a joke when it comes down to that.
Because when 2 ballots arrive by mail for the same voter and are discovered, a bunch of red flags get raised, an audit is conducted, and your whole scheme falls apart. Otherwise, you need a way to guarantee that all the voters in whose names you are sending in fake ballots are not going to vote by mail themselves, which is impossible to do at scale.
The article literally says that millions of Germans vote by mail. By sending a letter. Same as the US. I am not seeing the difference, can you explain it again? What is the difference in the process that makes it more easy in the US? Please be specific.
In germany people can actually read and things are different.
they all have id also, its way different and you know it. probably as different as uk and us. I would say its as differnt as it is diffferent getting a drivers licence difference in each country. a night and day difference.
In germany people can actually read and things are different.
they all have id also, its way different and you know it. probably as different as uk and us.
I have no idea what question you think you are answering, but the question I asked is "what is the difference between mail in voting in Germany and mail in voting in the US"?
Id say it is a lot different as everything else is a lot different.
you tell us what is the difference? idk
I have no idea. You tell me, you're the one who says that the security is a joke. So tell me what the security is, then explain why it's insufficient.
you can just walk into the states from mexico, as 1000s every hour do. you think you can do that in europe? they dont get 86ed in notime. they stay. doesnt happen in europe. they actually keep track of things.
Id say it is a lot different as everything else is a lot different.
you tell us what is the difference? idk
You said that mail in voting in Germany is secure and mail in voting in the US is not. Now you're saying you actually have no idea why you said that, and basically, you just made it up. It's fine that you don't know, what is annoying is that you constaintly talk authoritatively about things that you, by your own admission, have no idea about.
you can just walk into the states from mexico, as 1000s every hour do. you think you can do that in europe? they dont get 86ed in notime. they stay. doesnt happen in europe. they actually keep track of things.
If they can vote by mail, why do they need to walk across to the US to do it? In fact, why do you need real people at all? If it's that easy, I can just send in a ballot for a Jose the Mexican. Why do I need a real Jose the Mexican to walk across the border?
And you'd think if these 1000s of mexicans an hour were all turning up at polling booths and voting democrat, Arizona and Texas would be solidly blue by now.
You said that mail in voting in Germany is secure and mail in voting in the US is not. Now you're saying you actually have no idea why you said that, and basically, you just made it up. It's fine that you don't know, what is annoying is that you constaintly talk authoritatively about things that you, by your own admission, have no idea about.
everything else is secure in germany when its not in the US.
what is it you dont get here?
If they can vote by mail, why do they need to walk across to the US to do it? In fact, why do you need real people at all?m If it's that easy, I can just send in a ballot for a Jose the Mexican. Why do I need a real Jose the Mexican to walk across the border?
I would not be surprised if the cartel actually sends out ballots.
that would not surpise me at all. you know? they are sending out fake oxis and etc. too and flood the states the states with it. what makes you so sure its secure?
you can just walk into the states from mexico, as 1000s every hour do. you think you can do that in europe? they dont get 86ed in notime. they stay. doesnt happen in europe. they actually keep track of things.
I thought it was supposed to be very easy to travel between countries in the EU, like not needing a visa or anything in particular. Is this not true? Does a german citizen need permission from anyone to enter France?
@washoe - Ok, so what we've established is that you don't actually know anything about this topic, at best you're making some wild guesses like "cartels send out ballots" and vague unsubstantiated statements like "everything in Germany is more secure".
I'm not the one claiming it's secure, you're the one claiming it's insecure. If I say to you "Germany's mail in voting is insecure" it would be on me to go and research how it's secured and why this is insufficient, not on you to spend time debunking my throwaway uneducated opinion.
I think these observations bring our discussion of this topic to its logical conclusion.
I have never heard that anything was 'more secure' in Germany than in the US. What kinds of things are you thinking of, and why do you think they are more secure? Just because no one alleges widespread voter fraud in Germany? No one alleged that in the US before 2020 either.
I would not be surprised if the cartel actually sends out ballots.
that would not surpise me at all. you know? they are sending out fake oxis and etc. too and flood the states the states with it. what makes you so sure its secure?
What 'cartel' are you talking about here? Drug cartels sell drugs to make money. How would they make money by sending out ballots?
I have never heard that anything was 'more secure' in Germany than in the US. What kinds of things are you thinking of, and why do you think they are more secure? Just because no one alleges widespread voter fraud in Germany? No one alleged that in the US before 2020 either.
within the eu u dont need. when ure already in it.
like within the states it is.
you do not even know whats the procedure is in the states.
how can you claim that it is not hackable then??
I didn't make any positive claims. You did. Do you see the difference?
You said "I think that X". I asked you questions about why you think this. Instead of answering my questions, you are now saying that I am claiming "Not X" and I need to prove my position. That's not how logic works. That's not how forums work. That's not how discussion between normal humans works. That's not how any of this works.
What 'cartel' are you talking about here? Drug cartels sell drugs to make money. How would they make money by sending out ballots?
idk when they see it as a positive for them they would do it.
latins are the ones that say who the president it, right?
they make the president. you know how many latins they have in the US?