Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14489 Replies


by washoe k

you do not even know whats the procedure is in the states.

how can you claim that it is not hackable then??

Who claimed that? No voting system would be impossible to cheat. The only thing claimed by anyone is that there has not been enough cheating to change the winner in any recent US presidential election. Even people appointed by Trump to serve in the Justice and Homeland Security departments determined that the 2020 election was the most secure election in US history. Why would they lie about this?

by washoe k

within the eu u dont need. when ure already in it.
like within the states it is.

This makes no sense at all, and the question you quoted didn't ask about the EU. Are you even trying to be coherent?

Washoe, your posting was kinda fun when I was able to respond in the manner I'd like to, but with all the rules against personal attacks now being strictly enforced, it's just annoying me so I'm going to bow out of this discussion.

by washoe k

idk when they see it as a positive for them they would do it.
latins are the ones that say who the president it, right?
they make the president. you know how many latins they have in the US?

So you think that drug cartels made fake ballots to change the US election, but you don't know why they would even want to do that?

And no, people of Latin American descent are not a majority of US citizens, if that's what you meant. But if they were, then they wouldn't need any drug cartels to influence the election. You think that Latin American US citizens already choose the US president, but foreign drug cartels want to change the election results to favor people that Latin Americans like?

by d2_e4 k

Washoe, your posting was kinda fun when I was able to respond in the manner I'd like to, but with all the rules against personal attacks now being strictly enforced, it's just annoying me so I'm going to bow out of this discussion.

Ok fine. thats how logic works btw. you cant talk about a topic you dont know anything about.
we have established here that you and me dont know a thing about mail in ballots in the US. so we cant claim they are secure I guess.

by washoe k

Ok fine. thats how logic works btw. you cant talk about a topic you dont know anything about with such confidence imo.


by washoe k

we have established here that you and me dont know a thing about mail in ballots in the US.

Right. But only one of us is making claims about it.

by chillrob k

So you think that drug cartels made fake ballots to change the US election, but you don't know why they would even want to do that?

And no, people of Latin American descent are not a majority of US citizens, if that's what you meant. But if they were, then they wouldn't need any drug cartels to influence the election. You think that Latin American US citizens already choose the US president, but foreign drug cartels want to change the election results to favor people that Latin Americans like?

Latins are the ones that can tilt the elections.
Im not saying they did, just saying they probably could if they wanted to.

by d2_e4 k


Right. But only one of us is making claims about it.

all you need are the barcodes btw. if you have the barcodes you can vote. for that they just need to hack the database.
if anyone can do it, its the mexicans, or the russians via the mexicans.
or anyone basically.

by washoe k

all you need are the barcodes btw. if you have the barcodes you can vote. for that they just need to hack the database.
if anyone can do it, its the mexicans, or the russians via the mexicans.
or anyone basically.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Use your words and explain to me how it works. I am guessing you need to apply for a sticker with a barcode in order to vote by mail, and this barcode uniquely identifies the voter?

How does it work in Germany, and how is Germany more secure?

by d2_e4 k

I have no idea what you're talking about. Use your words and explain to me how it works. I am guessing you need to apply for a sticker with a barcode in order to vote by mail, and this barcode uniquely identifies the voter?

How does it work in Germany, and how is Germany more secure?

they have databases with names and each name gets a barcode and a letter, if they have that they are golden. if they can make out who has a barcode and is an idiot, even easier. if they can pay off the recipient, also good for them. many ways to hack this thing. thats why they say mail ins are the the most prone to hacking. its true of course.

by washoe k

Those are so godawfully fugly, they would be cool to wear just to get a rise out of people.

I knew this guy in college that would wear a Jesus shirt and anytime a couple of people would come by and snicker or make a snide remark, he would go off on an incendiary diatribe about how they're going to hell and they need to repent and so on until they got freaked out and would leave.

Then whenever people would come up to him and say they were brothers in Christ, or ask him which church he went to or something like that, he would tell them that he doesn't believe in any of that nonsense and neither should they and that he just thought it was the most comfortable fitting shirt at the flea market and argue with them until they got angry and huffed off.

That's kind of how I feel about those shoes.

by d2_e4 k

Land O Lakes, were you around for when wreckem started postulating his hypothetical scenarios for voter fraud? That was a hoot. One of them included a hypothetical cyber criminal called "Jake" who uses his l33t hacking skills to steal identitities in order to... wait for it... send in mail-in ballots using their details.

Wreckem has been known to partake in olympic mental gymnastics and take home the gold 🤣

Since I'm tough on D2_e4 when he crosses the line, I feel compelled to congratulate him for showing restraint in the midst of one of the most fact free discussions I have seen yet. Great job, D2!

by washoe k

they have databases with names and each name gets a barcode and a letter, if they have that they are golden. if they can make out who has a barcode and is an idiot, even easier. if they can pay off the recipient, also good for them. many ways to hack this thing. thats why they say mail ins are the the most prone to hacking. its true of course.

Not sure what you can hack , this is the German system and they only send you the paperwork to vote from home if you send them the request first

by washoe k

they have databases with names and each name gets a barcode and a letter, if they have that they are golden. if they can make out who has a barcode and is an idiot, even easier. if they can pay off the recipient, also good for them. many ways to hack this thing. thats why they say mail ins are the the most prone to hacking. its true of course.

Ok, thanks. Now for the second part of the question - how does it work in Germany, and how is it more secure?

Edit: sorry, I guess you were explaining how it works in Germany. So how does it work in the US then?

by Land O Lakes k

Those are so godawfully fugly, they would be cool to wear just to get a rise out of people.

I knew this guy in college that would wear a Jesus shirt and anytime a couple of people would come by and snicker or make a snide remark, he would go off on an incendiary diatribe about how they're going to hell and they need to repent and so on until they got freaked out and would leave.

Then whenever people would come up to him and say they were brothers in Christ, or ask him which church he went to or

well, if you want a pair you have to pay US $5,375.95 on ebay.

by d2_e4 k

Ok, thanks. Now for the second part of the question - how does it work in Germany, and how is it more secure?

Edit: sorry, I guess you were explaining how it works in Germany. So how does it work in the US then?

that was for the US. how it works in germany luciom posted there.

by washoe k

that was for the US. how it works in germany luciom posted there.

I fail to see how the German way is more secure. The US method seems to have sufficient checks and balances such that one would need to actually hack the central database in order to cheat it. Of course it's possible, but anything is possible. Banks have been hacked and billions stolen, yet you still keep your money in a bank, don't you?

by d2_e4 k

I fail to see how the German way is more secure. The US method seems to have sufficient checks and balances such that one would need to actually hack the central database in order to cheat it. Of course it's possible, but anything is possible. Banks have been hacked and billions stolen, yet you still keep your money in a bank, don't you?

its just a hunch. maybe germany has less homeless living in the streets.

by washoe k

its just a hunch. maybe germany has less homeless living in the streets.

No idea what the homeless have to do with it, but I will note that all your "hunches" seem to align perfectly with far right wing propaganda and conspiracy theories. Must be an uncanny coincidence.

As for hacking the database to somehow rig mail-in votes, I suspect that any actor with the means and motivation to pull this off would also have the means to just straight up hack the systems that tally and report all the votes (mail in and in person) and change the counts there.

The more I learn about this mail-in ballot rigging, the more ridiculous it sounds. The fact that a whole bunch of people believe that this is a thing is a testament to the stupidity and gullibility of the average person and the pernicious positive feedback effect of groupthink and echo chambers.

by d2_e4 k

I fail to see how the German way is more secure. The US method seems to have sufficient checks and balances such that one would need to actually hack the central database in order to cheat it. Of course it's possible, but anything is possible. Banks have been hacked and billions stolen, yet you still keep your money in a bank, don't you?

DW answers your question (the whole concept of "voter registration" in the USA tbh is kind of a joke)

Voting systems in both countries have been subject to similar criticisms — including from former President Donald Turmp in the US — but they are structured differently. "The biggest difference is having a stable voter register based on the register of residents," Federal Returning Officer Georg Thiel told DW. Where Americans must actively register to be able to vote, Germany's system of recording citizens' place of residence ensures they are automatically registered. This difference means that voter lists are regularly updated, including when people die or move, making it more difficult to falsely add people to the database.

Checking the names of ballots against the registry and ensuring that only one vote is cast per entry is the main part of Germany's effort to prevent election fraud. Measures used in the US, where no such resident register exists, measures like signature verification and ballot paper evaluation are not used.

see d2? there you go mate!
whos right? Im right, eh? hahahahahaaa!

they could also steal the barcodes of the homeless.
all you need to do is hack some rehab databases.
any idiot could do this.

by Luciom k

DW answers your question (the whole concept of "voter registration" in the USA tbh is kind of a joke)

Voting systems in both countries have been subject to similar criticisms — including from former President Donald Turmp in the US — but they are structured differently. "The biggest difference is having a stable voter register based on the register of residents," Federal Returning Officer Georg Thiel told DW. Where Americans must actively register to be able to vote, Germany's system

by washoe k

see d2? there you go mate!
whos right? Im right, eh? hahahahahaaa!

they could also steal the barcodes of the homeless.
all you need to do is hack some rehab databases.
any idiot could do this.

Ok. Jake lives in a swing state where every vote counts. One of you explain to me how Jake would go about it if he wanted to submit a fraudulent mail-in ballot in the US. What information would Jake need, and what steps would he need to take? Imagine you are writing a step-by-step guide that a 5 year old could follow.

by d2_e4 k

Ok, so explain to me how I would go about it if I wanted to submit a fraudulent mail-in ballot in the US. What information would I need, and what steps would I need to take?

The most basic example would be to not delete your dead relative from the voter registry and keep getting the papers in his name and send them in to vote.

Ofc this is not scalable or hackable or usable by a party to change outcomes, but it's still a very basic example of things not going how they should.

by d2_e4 k

Ok. Jake lives in a swing state where every vote counts. One of you explain to me how Jake would go about it if he wanted to submit a fraudulent mail-in ballot in the US. What information would Jake need, and what steps would he need to take? Imagine you are writing a step-by-step guide that a 5 year old could follow.

you could just get every homeless to vote for what you want to vote.
or you collect their barcodes and ids and then you vote for them I guess. but idk, I havent thought about this.
