Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Right, I got that. You said the judge was "very clearly" a political opponent of Trump's, and so far all you've provided to back that up is a smile and a smirk. If that's all you've got, I don't think 'very clearly a political opponent' means what you think it means.
A rational not stupid person would eventually come to the conclusion that it's not everyone else but it is precisely donald trump.
Right, I got that. You said the judge was "very clearly" a political opponent of Trump's, and so far all you've provided to back that up is a smile and a smirk. If that's all you've got, I don't think 'very clearly a political opponent' means what you think it means.
The associated press defined him as " a democrat" but u understand these days, conflict of interest doesn't apply
(If you don't agree that being politically active in any way as a democrat or republican should fully disqualify you to judge a politician, we have a problem)

Nevermind the litany of lawsuits and judgements trump faced while he was a scumbag registered democrat without a political career
the people i "like" aren't committing crimes to my knowledge. and if they are they should be prosecuted in a court of law for those crimes.
Trump already was caught running a fraudulent university and a fraudulent foundation. if you are going to "throw the book" at someone, you should absolutely pick the biggest target not a random smaller one. it loses all sense of meaning if you throw the book at small company xyz that know one has ever heard of.
We aren't talking crime here, we are talking civil law.
If you are accused of lying about your assets to get preferential rates on your loan, it's absolutely insane you can go to court even if the entity lending you money was paid back in full and had no problems.
Florida picked the biggest target they could on the left, Disney. They threw the book and won and "very serious people" on the left said that was a politically targeted civil case used to threaten companies that had a leftist bias in their policies (which it was, and was legal).
If you want this to be the norm, for republican controlled areas to use the full extent of their power, everytime, to target any entity that is in any way associated with anything leftwing, this is the way.
Saw Trump defamed Carroll again yesterday and mentioned it offhandedly with a chuckle when I saw it.
The guy in the room who heard that then went on a 15 minute tirade about all the ways Trump is inocent/set up/railroaded/just an upstanding citizen. It was painful to witness.
Finally just laughed and told him he is an absolute moran and he should just get himself a red hat to complete the clown costume.
Trump has truly broken this country, but this fact will always remain: If you support Trump, after all he has done(literally), then you are just an *******. I've honestly never come across one supporter of his that just isn't an absolute trashball on multiple fronts.
Never upstanding citizens, never thoughtful discussion or debate. Just dipshit fox talking points, continually louder by the sentence. A basket of deplorables, if you will.
And btw I hate all parties in us gubmint, they all suck and are anti-American. But these MAGA chodes and chodesses...they're just a different breed of TRASH.
You have a DEI department? We prosecute you for civil right violations, we suspend your license, we arrest people in your company, and then we see what our right-wing judges think.
Maybe you can get redress in SCOTUS sure.
Meanwhile we spend everything we can to demolish you at every step, with the only intent of targeting political opponents.
You want that world? This is what democrats did in NY.
You have a DEI department? We prosecute you for civil right violations, we suspend your license, we arrest people in your company, and then we see what our right-wing judges think.
Maybe you can get redress in SCOTUS sure.
Meanwhile we spend everything we can to demolish you at every step, with the only intent of targeting political opponents.
You want that world? This is what democrats did in NY.
Trump has gone through his whole life being a thieving, immoral, cruel *******. He is reaping exactly what he has sowed. If karma is real, he will die in prison.
I agree that political considerations interfering with the legal process are generally a bad thing, but in his case, I'd be very happy to make an exception.
Hey, there ya go! That's better than a smile and a smirk at least.
Well, at least now we know that "conflict of interest" doesn't mean what you think it means. The term you're looking for would be something like "bias".
(If you don't agree that being politically active in any way as a democrat or republican should fully disqualify you to judge a politician, we have a problem)
First of all, we need to establish whether said judge is politically active before we know if that is relevant here. Perhaps you're not aware of this, but the majority of American voters are registered as either a Republican or Democrat, so simply knowing someone "is a democrat" really doesn't tell us a whole lot. But yeah, I have a big problem with the way so much of the US judicial system is a partisan one. It's bizarre, IMO.
But that doesn't change the fact that this is the system they have, and it seems rather silly to deem one a "political opponent" simply because of a party affiliation and a smirk and a smile.
Yeah a case with no victims or complainants or damages and fines him 355 million
No political agenda here
95 million when the defendant asked for far less
I’m sorry ?
Tax payers and share holders of banks got screwed .
Since trump had more money he should had it gave him unfair advantage against his competition too .
But keep defending a fraudulent, sexual predator individual.
It serves u well .
I’m sorry ?
Tax payers and share holders of banks got screwed .
Since trump had more money he should had it gave him unfair advantage against his competition too .
But keep defending a fraudulent, sexual predator .
It serve u well .
Please explain how shareholders of banks and tax payers got screwed .
In most other first world countries the underclass are immigrants (exceptions are south Korea and Japan that have basically no immigration).
Dunno why you think the social safety net is non existent in the USA, just for Medicaid they spend more than most countries spend for all public healthcare as a % of GDP.
The US spends a lot in hc because of higher drug costs, and middlemen who have no function but to extract $. Those middlemen have huge office buildings, lawyers, janitors, advertising... all of which has to be paid for.
While I'm not an expert on the ins and outs of the system, I do know first hand that if you don't have money hc is a constant source of worry and setbacks.
Years ago my ex had abdominal pains. We went to the hospital. They kept her overnight, ran a sonogram or something. We had insurance. The bill was $3k. A massive body blow at the time. Close to a months pay.
So do you go to the Dr and get wiped out, or roll the dice with your health?
In any other rich country, or in places like Brazil, it would be a non issue.
Just one reason being broke/poor here is really stressful, miserable and tough to escape.
Hey, there ya go! That's better than a smile and a smirk at least.
Well, at least now we know that "conflict of interest" doesn't mean what you think it means. The term you're looking for would be something like "bias".
First of all, we need to establish whether said judge is politically active before we know if that is relevant here. Perhaps you're not aware of this, but the majority of American voters are registered as either a Republican or Democrat, so simply knowing someone "is a democrat"
Personally I think judges should be severed from politics in a significant way, like in some countries, it should be illegal for them to register as members of any party or to participate in any political movement.
Militaries as well.
Under a "division of powers" framework (they used to call this "checks and balances"), the judiciaries and the militaries are to be severed from politics as much as possible and need to be an orthogonal source of power to keep other powers in check, in perpetual distrust with each others, never aligned on interest.
If a judge or a military wants to enter politics and civil society, he has to completely abandon his previous line of work and be banned for life to return there
Don’t worry guys, lozen definitely wouldn’t be defending trump if it weren’t biden on the other end
Wat? You said you thought the punitive damages were ridiculously high. I simply asked you to state what you thought they should have been since you stated what they shouldn't have been.
Apparently, whatever the appeals court decides. So if they choose to keep them the same, or even increase them, lozen's on board!
Wat? You said you thought the punitive damages were ridiculously high. I simply asked you to state what you thought they should have been since you stated what they shouldn't have been.
The fact that Trump couldn’t shut up about her I would say another 5 million
Don’t worry guys, lozen definitely wouldn’t be defending trump if it weren’t biden on the other end
Let’s be clear I think Trump is guilty in the documents case and will wait and see on Georgia but with all the folks that took deals probably there as well. Jan 6 th I’d have to hear the case first .
Trump is scum and I am not defending him but see no victims and gets a 350 million judgement I call political agenda especially when there is no other case similar. Also how do you come up with 350 million ?
Apparently, whatever the appeals court decides. So if they choose to keep them the same, or even increase them, lozen's on board!
If the appeals court says its stands I’m on board even though I make think it’s harsh