Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
We aren't talking crime here, we are talking civil law.
If you are accused of lying about your assets to get preferential rates on your loan, it's absolutely insane you can go to court even if the entity lending you money was paid back in full and had no problems.
Florida picked the biggest target they could on the left, Disney. They threw the book and won and "very serious people" on the left said that was a politically targeted civil case used to threaten companies that had a leftist bias in the
republicans already do this everywhere they can get away with it. it's like how dare you hold someone accountable or we will file frivolous lawsuits everywhere.. THEY ALREADY DO. desantis is the perfect example.
Inflating prices give better Interest rates from the bank .
Which means less profits to the banks -> aka less earning for shareholders .
(The more u have wealth , the more u can find better monetary accommodation because you are perceived as less risky ) .
Well tax payers obv gets screwed because trump do not pay what his suppose to pay in real taxes by diminishing the value of his property and probably other shenanigans….
But hey , not surprisingly it’s perceived as a good thing to screw the government with taxes by Maga …
It really is insidious watching newly programmed messaging being regurgitated by the MAGA cult on a daily/weekly basis. My idiot friend's argument last night was the exact same as I am seeing here today, yet I had never heard it before last week:
"He did nothing wrong! He paid all the loan back! How is that illegal?! Who pays a loan back and then gets arrested for it?!"
Jesse Watters must be so damn proud, getting all the lemmings in line with their grievance-of-the-week.
It really is insidious watching newly programmed messaging being regurgitated by the MAGA cult on a daily/weekly basis. My idiot friend's argument last night was the exact same as I am seeing here today, yet I had never heard it before last week:
"He did nothing wrong! He paid all the loan back! How is that illegal?! Who pays a loan back and then gets arrested for it?!"
Jesse Watters must be so damn proud, getting all the lemmings in line with their grievance-of-the-week.
Ban for maga friends.
Inflating prices give better Interest rates from the bank .
Which means less profits to the banks -> aka less earning for shareholders .
(The more u have wealth , the more u can find better monetary accommodation because you are perceived as less risky ) .
Well tax payers obv gets screwed because trump do not pay what his suppose to pay in real taxes by diminishing the value of his property and probably other shenanigans….
But hey , not surprisingly it’s perceived as a good thing to screw th
You actually believe these banks didn’t do their due diligence.
As for the tax part please show me were he committed tax fraud
Believe me, it's getting tiresome. I honestly can't do it anymore. This is a couple that we've hung out with most over the last 5 years, but every single time Biden or Trump is even mentioned it just becomes a fox news segment-of-the-day.
I finally told him last night to just STFU, for real bro. Take your MAGA **** and shove it up your ****ing ass, you child.
He wasn't a fan of that, but I'm done. His wife was almost in tears trying to get him to stop 😆. Obviously, he just couldn't bring himself to do that, so I lit into him. Fun times.
You actually believe these banks didn’t do their due diligence.
As for the tax part please show me were he committed tax fraud
so is your argument the banks defrauded themselves? or that since they didnt figure out he was scamming them they dont deserve compensation? or what?
what about people/institutions that now don't have access to that money that the bank has loaned out on a fraudulent basis? are they not potential victims? that is the statute at the heart of both the college admission scandal and the fani willis attack. honest services fraud.
Personally I think judges should be severed from politics in a significant way, like in some countries, it should be illegal for them to register as members of any party or to participate in any political movement.
Militaries as well.
Under a "division of powers" framework (they used to call this "checks and balances"), the judiciaries and the militaries are to be severed from politics as much as possible and need to be an orthogonal source of power to keep other powers in check, in perpetual dist
How you think the world should be, and the US's failure to adhere to your world view, doesn't matter.
There was nothing in either the verdict or the damages that you can attribute to the alleged bias of the judge or prosecutor. Trump got his ass handed to him in another courtroom because he is a jackass that constantly tries to cheat the system. Expect it to happen three more times this year, regardless that the judges, prosecutors and witnesses belong to either major political party.
so is your argument the banks defrauded themselves? or that since they didnt figure out he was scamming them they dont deserve compensation? or what?
Yeah, man. It's like when doing taxes. It's not the taxpayer's fault that he or she types in incorrect numbers; it's the fault of the IRS for not doing their due diligence and accepting those numbers. 😃
so is your argument the banks defrauded themselves? or that since they didnt figure out he was scamming them they dont deserve compensation? or what?
what about people/institutions that now don't have access to that money that the bank has loaned out on a fraudulent basis? are they not potential victims? that is the statute at the heart of both the college admission scandal and the fani willis attack. honest services fraud.
College admission fraud lets you in, and other people stay out, those are the frauded people not the college lol.
How you think the world should be, and the US's failure to adhere to your world view, doesn't matter.
There was nothing in either the verdict or the damages that you can attribute to the alleged bias of the judge or prosecutor. Trump got his ass handed to him in another courtroom because he is a jackass that constantly tries to cheat the system. Expect it to happen three more times this year, regardless that the judges, prosecutors and witnesses belong to either major political party.
The bias is in prosecuting him to the full extent of the law and not all democratic donors living in NY state who always did the same. And sentencing to the max possible fine amount you think appeal courts won't overtun.
That's fine, it's legal.
Just, accept all republican states doing it as much as possible forever now, and you are never allowed to complain if they explicitly disregard republican irregularities and only target democrats and companies linked to democratic ideology. That's supposed to be the rule of the game now, and the democrats decided it. They are never allowed to complain about this in the next 50 years.
Just hope republicans never get power in any place where they can hurt democrats. Because they will use it to the full extent of the law and they will write laws to achieve that, if given a chance, and they will be completly morally legitimated doing so by this.
If you are fine with this, everything is ok.
You actually believe these banks didn’t do their due diligence.
As for the tax part please show me were he committed tax fraud
Trump corp committed tax fraud and was fined for it, just Trump wasn't considered responsible personally for any of it (afaik). But it was another court hearing , not this one
republicans already do this everywhere they can get away with it. it's like how dare you hold someone accountable or we will file frivolous lawsuits everywhere.. THEY ALREADY DO. desantis is the perfect example.
sure like for the filibuster, democrats do it first (they nuked it for appeal judges) then when republicans nuke it for scotus judges they complain.
No man, republicans don't put the IRS against democrats like the Obama admin did for example. Don't harass companies that donate to democrats to the full extent of the law. Yet.
They will now and they are fully legitimized to do it now in every state they govern, it should actually be their moral imperative to do so, it's total war when one side throws away any vestigial idea of impartiality.
sure like for the filibuster, democrats do it first (they nuked it for appeal judges) then when republicans nuke it for scotus judges they complain.
No man, republicans don't put the IRS against democrats like the Obama admin did for example. Don't harass companies that donate to democrats to the full extent of the law. Yet.
They will now and they are fully legitimized to do it now in every state they govern, it should actually be their moral imperative to do so, it's total war when one side throw
are you beginning to understand why a strong federal government is better than a bunch of states and locals doing crazy **** all the time? the more you learn. libertarianism is the dumbest of all political ideologies.
also i WANT the IRS to go after tax cheats. ALL OF THEM EQUALLY. that's not democrats abusing power, that the rule of law. funding the IRS is the best use of government money there is. anyone pretending about the deficit while also trying to hinder the IRS is a political hack.
it is funny how the right tries to equate the two though.. filing frivolous lawsuits and junk charges is totally the same as prosecuting actual fraud. totally the same.
College admission fraud lets you in, and other people stay out, those are the frauded people not the college lol.
Bank has x amount of funds to loan out. The bank makes money on the various interest it charges on loans. Trump paying a lower rate means the bank got defrauded out of earning more.
As for your college example, that's a very superficial view. One should be able to see right off the bat that having better candidates at the school is better for the school's image. Better students results in higher graduation rates which attract more students, as well as funding.
are you beginning to understand why a strong federal government is better than a bunch of states and locals doing crazy **** all the time? the more you learn. libertarianism is the dumbest of all political ideologies.
also i WANT the IRS to go after tax cheats. ALL OF THEM EQUALLY. that's not democrats abusing power, that the rule of law. funding the IRS is the best use of government money there is. anyone pretending about the deficit while also trying to hinder the IRS is a political hack.
Lol no? at least if a state goes crazy you move (like Musk moved away from delaware).
If the feds go crazy you suffer and have no options.
Are you informed about the IRS targeting right wing associations on purpose?
IRS settled in court admitting responsibility for arbitrary targeting of rightwing groups
/The IRS admitted it was wrong when it based screenings of the groups' applications on their names or policy positions, subjected the groups to heightened scrutiny and delays and demanded unnecessary information from the groups, the agreement in the Washington case said.
The IRS "expresses its sincere apology," it said./
But Obama didn't get fined 350m for this, nor any other democrat.
Btw ui am not talking frivolous. I am talking actual rule breaking. Everyone breaks the rules because it's impossible to follow all of them, they are written ON PURPOSE to be impossible to follow. So you can pick and choose who to assassinate through regulatory enforcement, that's the game, always has been.
But you usually didn't pick the opposition candidate.
Fair enough.
The bias is in prosecuting him to the full extent of the law and not all democratic donors living in NY state who always did the same.
Is it truly your belief that there are lots of other people living in NY state that have been as deceptive and fraudulent as Donald Trump, and not prosecuted for it?
I'm not going to tell you that they prosecute everyone, because we know that's not true. And I'm not going to tell you that there couldn't have been political motivation behind Trump's prosecution, because of course there could have been, and it's not something easily proven or disproven. But what I'm curious about is whether you've considered another possibility. Do you think that maybe they choose to prosecute the most egregious offenders, and that Trump is likely to be one of them?
I see. Do your rules also say that Republicans are never allowed to complain about this for the next 50 years?
I saw this picture and thought this might be the moment he finally jumped the shark

Bank has x amount of funds to loan out. The bank makes money on the various interest it charges on loans. Trump paying a lower rate means the bank got defrauded out of earning more.
As for your college example, that's a very superficial view. One should be able to see right off the bat that having better candidates at the school is better for the school's image. Better students results in higher graduation rates which attract more students, as well as funding.
Lol no, "loanable funds" are unlimited, if it's a secured loan it doesn't change capital tier ratios, they can borrow at lower rates and lend to you at higher rates, jfc we are in fractional reserve systems with unlimited liquidity available if you have assets to post as collateral, we aren't in 1850