Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 25 Views 25
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14430 Replies


each of you define "liberals" for me

by #Thinman k

each of you define "liberals" for me

My usage of “liberals “ in quotations is how I feel about most democrats and independents who use that label, not truly liberal. Most people who call themselves liberal have no interest in working on or even knowing about issues that liberals in America should be much more concerned about that I work very hard on. For example most people on the left excuse or embrace the horrible criminal justice system in America, and turn a blind eye or are unaware of the increase i. hatred and anti-lgbtq legislation. Many liberals really are just people who don’t want to seem red neckish as well or whatever. I could write a book about it.

fail #1.

you're up brian.

by #Thinman k

fail #1.

you're up brian.

why is it a fail?

What’s your definition of “liberals” in quotation marks?

by Brian James k

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

One day you will discover, to your chagrin, that karma has a very, very long memory.

Very few people get to go through life as a total cumstain and a cancer on society without any consequences. Hell, Trump might have been one of the few to pull it off if he hadn't decided he wanted to be god emperor of the world.

Love him or hate him, sad to see the once great NY state devolve a step further into Communism. Wouldn't be a stretch to say it's already half way there at this point.

by spooner90 k

Love him or hate him, sad to see the once great NY state devolve a step further into Communism. Wouldn't be a stretch to say it's already half way there at this point.

by Brian James k

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

Lol that must be one of the most hilarious post ever .
Trump don’t drive libs crazy , it’s the idiots that think trump is legit concern about them while believing is not liar, fraud , etc.

State determines valuation on a development warrants 9 fig fine as it differed from banks,; Attorney General Communist says assets will be seized (at their own valuation of course) if such fine on mis-evaluation isn't paid. Basically emulates what I read about Farm Collectivisation from Kulaks in Ukraine 100 yrs ago. Add that to the wokeism/immigrant influx causing purpose of schools to be redirected under state authority from same mob. Communism is rearing its ugly head in NY.

by spooner90 k

State determines valuation on a development warrants 9 fig fine as it differed from banks,; Attorney General Communist says assets will be seized (at their own valuation of course) if such fine on mis-evaluation isn't paid. Basically emulates what I read about Farm Collectivisation from Kulaks in Ukraine 100 yrs ago. Add that to the wokeism/immigrant influx causing purpose of schools to be redirected under state authority from same mob. Communism is rearing its ugly head in NY.

by Didace k

I'm not sure what this means. And you might want to check the spelling of the dude's name.

Oh you are right I had another name starting with W messed up and swapped in my memory sorry.

I was thinking about this case (weisselberg)

by spooner90 k

Basically emulates what I read about Farm Collectivisation from Kulaks in Ukraine 100 yrs ago.

Wow, did they do the bank and tax fraud too? If so, sounds similar for sure.

by 27offsuit k

Imagine the cowering he did in the closed-door meeting with Putin. He was probably shaking like a leaf. He sure looked scared when he walked out of that meeting.

That's MAGA's hero. General Bonespurs. Lol.

Don Reek

by Brian James k

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

I am sure you make yourself laugh too, which is the reason you post your nonsense in this forum. You enjoy the attention you receive, thinking your actions cause upset to others.

Ironically, you also appear jealous that the attention must now be shared for my avatar. It must be strange to obtain attention and self worth by hanging on someone else's coattails.

by spooner90 k

Love him or hate him, sad to see the once great NY state devolve a step further into Communism. Wouldn't be a stretch to say it's already half way there at this point.


by spaceman Bryce k

Brian James, what are your personal favorite things about trump?

by Brian James k

He makes me laugh. Plus he drives libtards insane as you can see from this thread.

by d2_e4 k

One day you will discover, to your chagrin, that karma has a very, very long memory.

Very few people get to go through life as a total cumstain and a cancer on society without any consequences. Hell, Trump might have been one of the few to pull it off if he hadn't decided he wanted to be god emperor of the world.

This feels like an overreaction. I asked an honest question and got a refreshingly honest answer. A better question, rather than shaming him and calling him a cumstain who will one day run into Karma, would’ve been to ask him why he wants the libtards to be mad? All things being equal wouldn’t it be better for everyone if they weren’t mad?

by jjjou812 k

I am sure you make yourself laugh too, which is the reason you post your nonsense in this forum. You enjoy the attention you receive, thinking your actions cause upset to others.

Ironically, you also appear jealous that the attention must now be shared for my avatar. It must be strange to obtain attention and self worth by hanging on someone else's coattails.

That's rich coming from a troll like you. All you do is troll other posters in this forum. I don't think I've ever seen you post any actual content. It's all just snide remarks and insults. And you are the one who seems to be jealous because I get more attention than you do. Probably why you stole my avatar.

Also FYI, unlike you I don't intentionally try to cause upset to others. I try to post stuff that I genuinely believe. If that upsets people tough, but that's not the intention.

by spaceman Bryce k

This feels like an overreaction. I asked an honest question and got a refreshingly honest answer. A better question, rather than shaming him and calling him a cumstain who will one day run into Karma, would’ve been to ask him why he wants the libtards to be mad? All things being equal wouldn’t it be better for everyone if they weren’t mad?

Thanks Bryce. I like your attitude. Quite an unusual one for a liberal around here I must say.

by spaceman Bryce k

This feels like an overreaction. I asked an honest question and got a refreshingly honest answer. A better question, rather than shaming him and calling him a cumstain who will one day run into Karma, would’ve been to ask him why he wants the libtards to be mad? All things being equal wouldn’t it be better for everyone if they weren’t mad?

Lolol if you think that guy is here to engage with anyone in good faith. He is here to "get liberals mad" for his own amusement and possibly sexual gratification - the same thing he idolises Trump for.

Note to mods: as written, whether or not I was calling him a cumstain or not is ambiguous enough so as not to have broken the sacrosanct rule against personal attacks. Bryce's reading is not the only reading of my post.

by spooner90 k

State determines valuation on a development warrants 9 fig fine as it differed from banks,; Attorney General Communist says assets will be seized (at their own valuation of course) if such fine on mis-evaluation isn't paid. Basically emulates what I read about Farm Collectivisation from Kulaks in Ukraine 100 yrs ago. Add that to the wokeism/immigrant influx causing purpose of schools to be redirected under state authority from same mob. Communism is rearing its ugly head in NY.

Trump said Mar-A-Lago is worth $1.5 billion. Do you think he was paying property taxes on $1.5 billion or closer to $18 million? 🤣

by washoe k

whats so funny?

This could be you:

crazy people are pooping in the streets and nobody does anything. and then they throw their feces EVERY day on business owners.

What does throwing poop have to do with communism?

by chillrob k

What does throwing poop have to do with communism?

You missed that chapter in Das Kapital?

Don't like communism
Don't like poop throwing
Therefore communism = poop throwing

I think anyone over the age of 6 who uses the word "poop" has to be a card carrying commie.

by d2_e4 k

You missed that chapter in Das Kapital?

Apparently (according to some Marxists) this is an example of Marxist commodity feticism
