Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
That's rich coming from a troll like you. All you do is troll other posters in this forum. I don't think I've ever seen you post any actual content. It's all just snide remarks and insults. And you are the one who seems to be jealous because I get more attention than you do. Probably why you stole my avatar.
Also FYI, unlike you I don't intentionally try to cause upset to others. I try to post stuff that I genuinely believe. If that upsets people tough, but that's not the intention.
These similar avatars are even causing you confusion. Good to know....
Hours after the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration,
Trump bragged about how little he did as president to pass gun safety legislation.
His willingness to joke about shooting people himself,
his support for conservatives who have fatally shot people,
his call to have shoplifters shot as they leave the store and his
obsequiousness to the gun lobby make one thing clear:
He doesn’t actually see gun violence as a problem.
Presidential historians in a new survey rank President Biden as the
14th best president in U.S. history — and put former President Trump last.
Trump’s rating matches up with what you’d expect. His first survey had him at 3rd from the bottom….then he got impeached for corruption and trying to solicit a campaign bribe behind closed doors, gave up on providing a federal
Covid response because it was too hard then tried to undo an election. All while having no signature achievements that anyone will remember after his time and leaving a disaster of an economy.
Hours after the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration,
Trump bragged about how little he did as president to pass gun safety legislation.
His willingness to joke about shooting people himself,
his support for conservatives who have fatally shot people,
his call to have shoplifters shot as they leave the store and his
obsequiousness to the gun lobby make one thing clear:
He doesn’t actually see gun violence as a problem.
To be fair, neither does the conservative, right-leaning second amendment crowd in general. They've shown over and over again that they're absolutely fine with kids getting murdered in school. The priority for them is being able to have their bang bang toys and as long as they can go out and buy 30 round magazines for their ARs, the violence will continue.
Trump said Mar-A-Lago is worth $1.5 billion. Do you think he was paying property taxes on $1.5 billion or closer to $18 million? 🤣
It's a simple question, yet nobody wants to take it up here. Hmm...
Also, anytime someone uses the term 'libs' it exposes them for what they are: unserious people there simply to poke the monkey aka 'own the libs'. They aren't there to try to have any kind of real discussion, and they always seem to be angry little white men, 40+, and overlooked by society. They're there to own some libs, dammit.
Oh you are right I had another name starting with W messed up and swapped in my memory sorry.
I was thinking about this case (weisselberg)
Yes, I knew what you were talking about. But your original comment seemed to imply that since someone that reported to Trump pled guilty, Trump was absolved of responsibility. You seem to be a smart guy, so I know you couldn't have meant that. I was just wondering what you did mean.
Yes, I knew what you were talking about. But your original comment seemed to imply that since someone that reported to Trump pled guilty, Trump was absolved of responsibility. You seem to be a smart guy, so I know you couldn't have meant that. I was just wondering what you did mean.
I implied that, but for tax evasion only. Not only because the CFO pleaded guilty, but because Trump wasn't tried for tax evasion and i am pretty sure they would have tried him if they had a chance.
The 350m verdict stems from civil litigation for fraud, not tax evasion, afaik.
I implied that, but for tax evasion only. Not only because the CFO pleaded guilty, but because Trump wasn't tried for tax evasion and i am pretty sure they would have tried him if they had a chance.
The 350m verdict stems from civil litigation for fraud, not tax evasion, afaik.
The Trump Organization was also convicted and fined in that case. That's pretty much Trump.
Yes, the $350mm was a different case.
Trump said Mar-A-Lago is worth $1.5 billion. Do you think he was paying property taxes on $1.5 billion or closer to $18 million?
I understand the point, but I don't think it is as simple as you are suggesting. You don't pay property taxes based on what you believe your property is worth. In New York City, at least, you receive a notice stating that your apartment has been valued at $[X] value for the purpose of assessing property taxes, and you don't have a legal obligation to argue for higher property taxes if your apartment in fact is worth more than $[X].
Hours after the mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl celebration,
Trump bragged about how little he did as president to pass gun safety legislation.
His willingness to joke about shooting people himself,
his support for conservatives who have fatally shot people,
his call to have shoplifters shot as they leave the store and his
obsequiousness to the gun lobby make one thing clear:
He doesn’t actually see gun violence as a problem.
I mean it’s far more dangerous than that
The guy doesn’t have a single core belief or moral compass. At any point he’s been on both sides it every single major issue, he just goes with the extreme positions that his base loves moment to moment
2 years he spent celebrating how awesome he is for the covid vax, taking credit for the vaccine and the first rally he brings up how awesome he is for the vaccine and he gets resoundingly booed I vaguely remember his response being something to the effect of ‘well didn’t see that coming’
And suddenly voila he’s an anti vaxxer
I mean it’s far more dangerous than that
The guy doesn’t have a single core belief or moral compass. At any point he’s been on both sides it every single major issue, he just goes with the extreme positions that his base loves moment to moment
2 years he spent celebrating how awesome he is for the covid vax, taking credit for the vaccine and the first rally he brings up how awesome he is for the vaccine and he gets resoundingly booed I vaguely remember his response being somethin
And imagine how far up there your head has to be to not know his base is wildly anti-vax.
I mean it’s far more dangerous than that
The guy doesn’t have a single core belief or moral compass. At any point he’s been on both sides it every single major issue, he just goes with the extreme positions that his base loves moment to moment
2 years he spent celebrating how awesome he is for the covid vax, taking credit for the vaccine and the first rally he brings up how awesome he is for the vaccine and he gets resoundingly booed I vaguely remember his response being something to the effect of
Wait what which antivaxxing did he do?
I mean it’s far more dangerous than that
The guy doesn’t have a single core belief or moral compass. At any point he’s been on both sides it every single major issue, he just goes with the extreme positions that his base loves moment to moment
2 years he spent celebrating how awesome he is for the covid vax, taking credit for the vaccine and the first rally he brings up how awesome he is for the vaccine and he gets resoundingly booed I vaguely remember his response being somethin
He's still pro vax as far as I know.
Nobody's perfect. Not even Trump.
Anyone with any common sense can see right through that "survey" which puts Trump as the least best president, it's laughable.
So, how could a judge stick his nose into business transactions having nothing to do with the state of NY, and people are OK with that? Do people really not see how serious this is?
When you're a judge, they let you do it. Poor Donald, all his monies gone. Maybe you can donate to him.
Serious people, educated people, vote Trump as the worst president in history. And here you are defending him. Did you expect your life to turn out like this, where you provide weak, incoherent babble in support of a conman because you share his prejudices?
I have some news for you. They're not coming after him, they're coming after you. The WEF recently stated soon there will be no super powers left like America because the world will be under the control of the WEF (according to Klaus Schwab) this is not a war against Trump it's actaully a war for our future, literally.
First they came after the lying narcissist conman who scammed everyone he ever met and I said nothing, because lying narcissist conman belong in prison.
Seriously, it's ok not to watch Fox News where bad faith blowhards teach you your thimble-deep worldview.
They do not write history, we write history...including that Trump was the worst president in history.
Go easy on PB, he thinks Elvis is playing the piano for some church choir as we speak. He's not going to understand any of what you just wrote, you are completely wasting your time.
Apparently trump is losing really bad in the donation race vs Biden (at least wrt funds directly donated to his campaign)
Apparently trump is losing really bad in the donation race vs Biden (at least wrt funds directly donated to his campaign)
That reminds me, what happened to our favourite crackhead? The pillow guy. He plowed all his millions into Trump's campaign and went all in on the election theft IIRC. Did he go bakrupt and go back to smoking crack out of a chicken bone yet?
Apparently, the secondary market is booming, with prices in the 4 digits. Someone paid almost 10k for a set of those monstrosities, and that's just on the pre-order "option" as it were.
One born every minute for sure. Gotta give it to Trump, if there is one thing he knows how to do, it's milk them for everything they've got.
That reminds me, what happened to our favourite crackhead? The pillow guy. He plowed all his millions into Trump's campaign and went all in on the election theft IIRC. Did he go bakrupt and go back to smoking crack out of a chicken bone yet?
I think he is completely broke, peak pillow guy was when he convinced Idaho to have a recount in counties where trump won more than 60% of the vote because of alleged hacking, recount returned basically the same votes, and Idaho sued for the costs iirc
Mega yikes
That reminds me, what happened to our favourite crackhead? The pillow guy. He plowed all his millions into Trump's campaign and went all in on the election theft IIRC. Did he go bakrupt and go back to smoking crack out of a chicken bone yet?
Paying a $5m idiot fine, well, in typical Top Trumper fashion, not paying...
[URL=""]Mike Lindell's Financial Troubles Just Got Worse
Let's try to get to the end of this derail please.
edit: I moved the derail to the proper thread. Sorry if some of the responses may not have made it over to the thread or got deleted in the process