Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14490 Replies


by 27offsuit k

Yes it is. Everything after it is a symptom of the original and only problem: printing money out of thin air.

Which BoTh SiDeS do.

If there is suddenly a much lower supply of something, there will be higher inflation even with no change in the money supply. I guess you're not familiar with OPEC, or the 1970s?

by 27offsuit k

Yes it is. Everything after it is a symptom of the original and only problem: printing money out of thin air.

Which BoTh SiDeS do.

I'm no expert but isn't inflation caused by an increase in the amount of money in circulation? Quantitative easing might be one cause of that, but I imagine there are others - value of speculative investments (e.g. real estate, stock market) going up and fractional reserve banking spring to mind as a couple ofexamples.

by jjjou812 k

A 9-0 decision will be bloodless and a split decision will be a Saw sequel.

If all the justices were happy with the lower court's ruling, I wouldn't have expected them to take the case.

But this could be different than usual. I guess it's possible that the Trump appointees aren't crazy enough to think he is actually immune, but are fine keeping it up in the air while longer to help him in the election.

by 27offsuit k

Yes it is. Everything after it is a symptom of the original and only problem: printing money out of thin air.

Which BoTh SiDeS do.

This is just ignorance of basic economics. Nothing more.

by 27offsuit k

There is one, and only one, reason for inflation. Are you ready? It's very simple and 100% fact. The more people realize this, the better:

Inflation is caused by the government printing money out of thin air.

That's it. That's the end of the list of things that cause inflation.

Don't think anybody who's thought about this for more than 6 min would agree with you. In Japan they tried printing money for decades to get core inflation up and couldn't do it.

Basic economics don't work when there is money printing at the level we are(40% in last 4 years). Which is why we are currently in a debt death spiral with massive hyperinflation on the horizon.

Cantillon and Keynes can't save us now.

by 27offsuit k

Basic economics don't work when there is money printing at the level we are(40% in last 4 years). Which is why we are currently in a debt death spiral with massive hyperinflation on the horizon.

Cantillon and Keynes can't save us now.

"Basic economics don't work" is a nonsensical phrase. It doesn't even make sense. What are you trying to say, exactly? Basic economics is the fundamental theories and concepts that drive economics. They work.

And basic knowledge of it would tell you there are 5 causes of inflation, not one.

And even that is simplifying it.

I'll end the derail, but if you take the Japan example in that Milton Friedman video, the difference between them pulling out of it and us not is the fact that we can't stop the printers now. There is simply too much interest on our past debt. The yearly interest alone is almost the same as the entire defense budget. That is grim, and the vast majority have no idea.

Max pain incoming, and neither geriatric, diaper-wearing shell of their former selves are going to be able to do dick about it.

by lozen k

Nope I would never take that bet I never thought they would hear the case

It would have been very surprising if they hadn't.

by 27offsuit k

There is one, and only one, reason for inflation. Are you ready? It's very simple and 100% fact. The more people realize this, the better:

Inflation is caused by the government printing money out of thin air.

That's it. That's the end of the list of things that cause inflation.

If someone said that printing money doesn't cause inflation, they'd be mostly correct.

Printing more bills just changes the terms of each transaction. You print more to create liquidity and so that's its consumed towards products or businesses that have interest and demand. If you've got no demand, printing money won't do ****.

by d2_e4 k

I'm no expert but isn't inflation caused by an increase in the amount of money in circulation? Quantitative easing might be one cause of that, but I imagine there are others - value of speculative investments (e.g. real estate, stock market) going up and fractional reserve banking spring to mind as a couple ofexamples.

If the cost of shipping, trade, energy etc goes up then that's inflationery as well

We've had a lot of this recently.

by 27offsuit k

There is one, and only one, reason for inflation. Are you ready? It's very simple and 100% fact. The more people realize this, the better:

Inflation is caused by the government printing money out of thin air.

That's it. That's the end of the list of things that cause inflation.

More complicated then that .
Banks can do that too, printing money from Thin air (creating loans) .
But yes when government create deficit (money printing) it can create inflation .

Over demand can create inflation.
Lack of supply can create inflation
Low interest rates

by ecriture d'adulte k

Don't think anybody who's thought about this for more than 6 min would agree with you. In Japan they tried printing money for decades to get core inflation up and couldn't do it.

They can.

It just that the deflationary force are stronger .
Bad demographic being like te oldest in the world meaning they spans far less .
Biggest savers on the planet (they are the biggest holder of US treasuries if my memory serves me well)
Mostly an export economy .
Many reason explain their situation .
If u see how it’s getting cheap to live there compare to early 1990s they had a huge deflationary shock so they could printed a lot without causing inflation.

Japan is more of an outlier then a usual result .

by chillrob k

If all the justices were happy with the lower court's ruling, I wouldn't have expected them to take the case.

But this could be different than usual. I guess it's possible that the Trump appointees aren't crazy enough to think he is actually immune, but are fine keeping it up in the air while longer to help him in the election.

4 justices are required to grant a cert petition, and there is no way this decision will be 5-4.

It isn't that surprising to see the Supreme Court take a case on a question of first impression that has significant national implications, even if the Court agrees with the Circuit decision.

by jjjou812 k

A 9-0 decision will be bloodless and a split decision will be a Saw sequel.

This is my instinct as well.

The coordinated heel-dragging to push past the election is very on-brand with the current iteration of a once-respected SC that has lost its way and become a whore for gifts and trinkets provided by the Federalist Society.

The most dangerous result this decision leaves is a desperate Trump trapped in a corner with the only way out being an election win. In the event of a loss, he will probably go total scorched earth since he will be royally f'd and likely bankrupted as well.

Honestly interested to see how it turns out. I mean, America loses either way, but something has to happen. Election night is gonna be like the SB.


by 27offsuit k

and likely bankrupted as well.

Trump is out of cash.

He's always rich when he's on the campaign trail or applying to banks for loans,
but he's always poor when it comes to income taxes or paying legal judgments.

by Montrealcorp k

They can.

It just that the deflationary force are stronger .
Bad demographic being like te oldest in the world meaning they spans far less .
Biggest savers on the planet (they are the biggest holder of US treasuries if my memory serves me well)
Mostly an export economy .
Many reason explain their situation .
If u see how it’s getting cheap to live there compare to early 1990s they had a huge deflationary shock so they could printed a lot without causing inflation.

I guess I should have added nobody that knows what they are talking about could agree with that. Sure Japan is an outlier. And so is. The US and Europe post 2008 and a bunch of other examples. What competent people realize is that inflation is not just a function of money printing alone but other factors as well.

The money printing people are all bitcoiners.

by Didace k

The money printing people are all bitcoiners.

They are also talking about how the dollar would collapse by 2011.

by Inso0 k


50% is way higher than I'm comfortable with. I was hoping for a fairly even split, maybe high 20s low 30s squeaker vs the newcomers.

Hey Google, show me the highest rated clown masks for sale. Maximum $25.


Your hopes that someone other than Trump would be the GOP nominee have gone down the toilet. (I'm not trying to be a dick. As I said previously, I honestly believe that you wish it were otherwise.)

How do you see the election playing out now, both for you personally and the country?

by Rococo k

This is my instinct as well.

I think we will see just how partisan the court is and this case will test the loyalty of the Trump's appointees in a public forum. I imagine scathing dissents and kiss-ass concurring opinions if they make favorable determinations for Trump. I don't think this type of result raises the image of the court and could permanently tarnish the Robert's era, possibly even end it.

As the court is following the smith procedural (or timeline) proposal, I still believe a more unanimous low-key rejection of the argument is likely and the timing of that decision won't help/will screw Trump in his bid for reelection.

I think if I took the other side of all Inso's predictions in the last 2 years for max bet on predictit, I would have made enough for a pretty nice apartment in Central London.
