Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I think we will see just how partisan the court is and this case will test the loyalty of the Trump's appointees in a public forum. I imagine scathing dissents and kiss-ass concurring opinions if they make favorable determinations for Trump. I don't think this type of result raises the image of the court and could permanently tarnish the Robert's era, possibly even end it.
As the court is following the smith procedural (or timeline) proposal, I still believe a more unanimous low-key rejection
There is no question that the Court is partisan, but each justice's partisanship has boundaries, and I think Trump's position will be outside those boundaries for all of them (or nearly all of them).
I don't think ACB, Gorsuch, or Kavanaugh cares about Trump personally. If Trump gets any votes, I don't think it will be from them. I am guessing that this will go 9-0, but if there are any dissents, I think they will come from Alito or Thomas.
I won't be surprised if Roberts writes the majority opinion, especially if it is 9-0. He is the logical choice to write a low-key rejection.
I think if I took the other side of all Inso's predictions in the last 2 years for max bet on predictit, I would have made enough for a pretty nice apartment in Central London.
Yeah, turns out reality DGAF about my wishful thinking.
I still think the GOP has punted on this election by allowing Trump to get the nomination. I will not be voting for Trump.
To Rococo, for me personally, none of this really matters much one way or the other. I'm a generic white dude with my financial house in order. My wife's salary ultimately comes from Medicare after passing through some non-profits, and I'm entrenched in a recession-proof company. My kids are in college for various engineering degrees, so they'll find some faction or another to lend their talents to during the apocalypse if it comes. If the economy remains hostile to young people and they need a boost after college to get a foothold, I'll help them out. Beyond being disappointed in the republicans, I'm just not very personally invested in the outcome here.
For society as a whole, I hope the election plays out with Biden curb-stomping Trump in spectacular fashion. Nature can begin to heal, and having him rebuked a second time in a row might finally relax his cult-like grip on the GOP establishment. The MAGA true believers can go back to just not paying attention to politics.
If Trump wins, there will be a great gnashing of teeth and he's going to be absolutely insufferable. I'll probably have to self-ban from the entire internet until 2028 for fear of going blind due to excessive eye-rolling. But, I don't think he'd do much harm to the long term outlook of the country as a whole, because he doesn't care about the country enough to willfully do it harm. This is about Trump and his ego.
What will society do if Trump wins? I'm not sure. Lefties will whine on the internet, but that's already a given. I'll probably continue to be called a deplorable everything-ist whenever I say something that can be construed as sympathetic to Trump. The dems will fundraise on the back of daily soundbites from Trump, each more absurd than the last. The republicans will tow the party line like good little soldiers, unless Trump gets caught doing something treasonous and then they'll turn on him immediately. The media will burn out the bulbs on their "RED ALERT" props due to overuse. They're already salivating at the potential clickstravaganza of Trump 2.0.
I'd like to think that the people who actually run our government will just give Trump the Mad Catz controller that isn't actually plugged into the console during a second term. Let him get in fights on Twitter and leave the governing to congress and the cabinet. The only downside of that plan is my fear that nobody with any common sense will agree to be part of his cabinet this time around.
The country will survive. MURICA is bigger than whatever old guy sits in the Oval office. Though, I see some of the things coming out of the EU and do find myself a little envious of their results. America can learn a thing or two about pursuing legislation that improves the lives of every citizen, and not just the list of donors.
Thanks for the response, Inso0.
As a conservative, all you can do is recognize Trump for who he is and act accordingly, which you are doing. FWIW, I honestly believe that Trump is making both parties worse, not because he is making the parties more extreme in terms of policy but rather because he has popularized a political style that frankly sucks regardless of party affiliation.
Best of luck.
Good post Inso. Very relatable.
Thanks for the response, Inso0.
As a conservative, all you can do is recognize Trump for who he is and act accordingly, which you are doing. FWIW, I honestly believe that Trump is making both parties worse, not because he is making the parties more extreme in terms of policy but rather because he has popularized a political style that frankly sucks regardless of party affiliation.
Best of luck.
He's a cancer, and cancer spreads.
...not because he is making the parties more extreme in terms of policy but rather because he has popularized a political style that frankly sucks regardless of party affiliation.
Sweet baby Jesus, yes. Exactly this.
I hope this genie goes back into the bottle quickly, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
I won't put all the blame on Trump, though. Social media and the tech algorithms being designed to provoke strong negative feedback are just as much to blame. Trump, love or hate him, leveraged this to his benefit.
Yeah, turns out reality DGAF about my wishful thinking.
I still think the GOP has punted on this election by allowing Trump to get the nomination. I will not be voting for Trump.
To Rococo, for me personally, none of this really matters much one way or the other. I'm a generic white dude with my financial house in order. My wife's salary ultimately comes from Medicare after passing through some non-profits, and I'm entrenched in a recession-proof company. My kids are in college for various eng
Good post by I think they were saying the same thing about Rome in their time too about the bolded part.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. “ – Mark Twain
If Trump wins, there will be a great gnashing of teeth and he's going to be absolutely insufferable. I'll probably have to self-ban from the entire internet until 2028 for fear of going blind due to excessive eye-rolling. But, I don't think he'd do much harm to the long term outlook of the country as a whole, because he doesn't care about the country enough to willfully do it harm. This is about Trump and his ego.
Last time trump was president instead of gnashing teeth a lot of the people who opposed him decided to kill people, physically hurt others, get arrested, burn building, smash windows, burn cars, loot and terrorize businesses and neighborhoods over a few year period and claimed they were just protesting a problem that can only be seen by those who don't understand statistics. Instead of sitting at home with a bunch of pint up anger maybe rioting will burn off some of that energy for you this time around.
You should change your sn to blahblahmickey.
Last time trump was president instead of gnashing teeth a lot of the people who opposed him decided to kill people, physically hurt others, get arrested, burn building, smash windows, burn cars, loot and terrorize businesses and neighborhoods over a few year period and claimed they were just protesting a problem that can only be seen by those who don't understand statistics. Instead of sitting at home with a bunch of pint up anger maybe rioting will burn off some of that energy for you this time
Who got killed in anti-Trump riots? I don't remember any of that, but it has been several years.
He's not entirely wrong, but all that delinquency does sort of blend in with the BLM stuff, which wasn't entirely about Trump.
Our facilities division installed tens of thousands of dollars worth of glass protection for local businesses just prior to the 2020 presidential election. People were concerned about more rioting if Trump won.
Good post by I think they were saying the same thing about Rome in their time too about the bolded part.
lol no
the fall of rome was gradual and piecemeal and preceded by a century of invasions and internal crises that had eroded central power and authority that the time we choose to designate as the fall was long after any roman had held any real power for quite some time
soviet union would have been a better example
Prosecutors plan to use text from Trump’s own book.
Quote from mom,
"Trumps a scam artist. You don't see the Rockefellers or Kennedys bragging how wealthy they are."
‘It’s very well-thought-out’: Authoritarian expert breaks down dangers of Project 2025
I am seeing before my very eyes what I studied in my history books.
I thought it wouldn’t happen again, but here we are on the brink of fascism again.
It's not just trump. There are large and very well funded groups working hard to end democracy.
trump is just one cog in the wheel. If the country doesn't realize this and take
measures to shore up democracy, we will become a full fledged authoritarian country.
Being saying it for weeks/months and total silence of the pro trump around of here about this …
Who got killed in anti-Trump riots? I don't remember any of that, but it has been several years.
Like inso said it wasn't directly an anti-trump riot, but the riot likely wouldn't have occurred if trump wasn't president. The left does a tremendous job of winding up a lot of people and fearmongering.
As an example of this pleas see the posts directly above me from steamraise and montrealcorp - they are both claiming fascism is about to overtake the US and we will never have democracy again. You can laugh at this and say those two posters are just tin foil hat wearing nuts (which may have some truth to it), but there are millions of people in the US that even today still believe that the hundreds of unarmed lunatics who entered the capital a year ago almost overthrew the most powerful country in the history of the world.
If you really want to do your part to help this country we need more people from the left suggesting therapy to the people who believe last January we almost saw an overthrow of the most powerful country in the world by a few hundred whackjobs. These people need to realize that the odds of that occurring last January or anytime in our lifetimes is at least 100 less likely to happen than aliens landing on earth and releasing the same dinosaurs that they kidnaped from earth 1000s of years ago waiting for a time like now when we aren't prepared to deal with the dinos.
‘It’s very well-thought-out’: Authoritarian expert breaks down dangers of Project 2025
I am seeing before my very eyes what I studied in my history books.
I thought it wouldn’t happen again, but here we are on the brink of fascism again.
It's not just trump. There are large and very well funded groups working hard to end democracy.
trump is just one cog in the wheel. If the country doesn't realize this and take
measures to shore up democracy, we will become a full fledged authoritarian countr
Reality a well paid MSNBC consultant that hates Trump
I don't remember anyone getting killed in BLM riots either, but those had nothing to do with Trump and I'm sure they would have happened regardless. They mostly wouldn't have happened if people hadn't been locked down for covid for months.
I wouldn't have called it an overthrow, but if VP Pence had done what Trump wanted him to do, or if the mob managed to kill or incapacitate him before he could certify the election, I think there would not have been a peaceful transfer of power. I don't know what actually would have happened, but I believe Trump would have tried to stay in power by any means necessary. I didn't think this opinion would be considered controversial.
Like inso said it wasn't directly an anti-trump riot, but the riot likely wouldn't have occurred if trump wasn't president. The left does a tremendous job of winding up a lot of people and fearmongering.
As an example of this pleas see the posts directly above me from steamraise and montrealcorp - they are both claiming fascism is about to overtake the US and we will never have democracy again. You can laugh at this and say those two posters are just tin foil hat wearing nuts (which may have som
I’m not claiming it , the heritage foundation actions do .
So u agree about project 2025 plan of actions ?
And u see no autocratic/fascism regime implementation from that plan of actions ?
I thought Republican agrees to a weak federal government and less power in government as a whole ?
I never thought u would support a full powerful Democrat president with full immunity on all his actions he takes without any restrictions on the executives branch …
. Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6]
Mi don’t know about you but that sounds pretty bad , regardless which faction the president is from .
Maybe u don’t know what the implication of the executive branch means ?
I don't remember anyone getting killed in BLM riots either, but those had nothing to do with Trump and I'm sure they would have happened regardless. They mostly wouldn't have happened if people hadn't been locked down for covid for months.
I wouldn't have called it an overthrow, but if VP Pence had done what Trump wanted him to do, or if the mob managed to kill or incapacitate him before he could certify the election, I think there would not have been a peaceful transfer of power. I don't know wh
If you google it at minimum it was 19 killed during BLM Riots . How many police officers were injured as well
BLM was and is a protest of racial injustice. What happened on J6 was at best a riot. Here's an easy one. How many people were arrested on J6 verses all the BLM protests? See any difference? Why were there no mass arrests on J6? I'm not going to go back and forth with you Tools.