Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14496 Replies


lol @ thinking the CO ruling is any type of victory. Were any serious people putting their eggs in that basket? Without some sort of guilt verdict is was a joke of an attempt to remove him from ballots.

errrrrrbody knew that and even more people were fine with it because at the very poked him in the eyeball.

lmao Trump's mannerisms late in that 'sentence,' during the most [strike]Abby[/strike] fully normal audiblizations, 're be do ahhhh.'

by #Thinman k

lol @ thinking the CO ruling is any type of victory. Were any serious people putting their eggs in that basket? Without some sort of guilt verdict is was a joke of an attempt to remove him from ballots.

errrrrrbody knew that and even more people were fine with it because at the very poked him in the eyeball.

as a practical real world matter, i think trump should be on the ballots.

but it was amusing to see the supreme court twist itself in a pretzel to get there. they had to make a bunch of **** up out of thin air. it completely strips away any "credit" any of the conservative judges had about being "originalists". not that it matters to most, but hopefully it will convince the few remaining "the law will save us" centrists that the scotus is completely a partisan political entity.


If he comes out and says, ' I was scatting,' I'll vote for him.

Still time to vote for the best republicans have to offer rather than the worst. If you can , vote Nikki Haley tomorrow.

stop trying to make fetch happen

by Slighted k

stop trying to make fetch happen

I have +1’d this post in case you don’t have likes enabled.

That would be the entirety of my response except I want to note her father was a professor at an HBCU, she was the one who banned confederate flags in south carolina, and one of the few republican governors who expressed disapproval of the anti trans bathroom legislation.
Then she appointed Tim Scott , one of the few african american senators ever, who has since … become a vocal trump supporter.

but yeah : (

What is "fetch" referring to above?

by Slighted k

as a practical real world matter, i think trump should be on the ballots.

but it was amusing to see the supreme court twist itself in a pretzel to get there. they had to make a bunch of **** up out of thin air. it completely strips away any "credit" any of the conservative judges had about being "originalists". not that it matters to most, but hopefully it will convince the few remaining "the law will save us" centrists that the scotus is completely a partisan political entity.

The scotus unanimously came together and said the US will never be a banana republic didn’t they?

by spaceman Bryce k

That would be the entirety of my response except I want to note her father was a professor at an HBCU, she was the one who banned confederate flags in south carolina, and one of the few republican governors who expressed disapproval of the anti trans bathroom legislation.
Then she appointed Tim Scott , one of the few african american senators ever, who has since … become a vocal trump supporter.

She is vehemently anti-union, which is 100% disqualifying for me in 2024.

Trump just told all the moderates and fence-straddlers that he doesn't need their stinking votes, because he has all the votes he needs.

Can't wait to watch him get ass-blasted in the election, try to start a civil war, and then get sent to prison. He was of course never going to serve a day in jail for any of his current pending crimes, but we all know he can't control himself so he will do or say something incredibly treasonous and leave no choice in the matter.

Edit: leaving the country in exile would be even funnier.

by chillrob k

What is "fetch" referring to above?

mean girls

by 27offsuit k

She is vehemently anti-union, which is 100% disqualifying for me in 2024.

fair. there are other negatives about her viewpoints to me as well(overall I do like her)

have you considered she is willing to run against trump as long as necessary and make things difficult for him? have you considered how fun it is to dismissively tell Trump supporters you support Nikki Haley?
None of this matters much because of what is going to happen tomorrow : /

I'm honestly waiting for this election to just be over and hopefully America wakes up and starts letting young, capable, earnest Americans start leading again. Both sides have a number of them, but the old-government bs has turned rotten with geriatrics in too many high-level positions until they're literally wheeled out and die months later. We need to get back to a functioning government.

Biden is too old and everyone knows it(even Biden, and so is Trump for that matter), but the fact is he was and is the only thing that was standing between Trump literally taking over the country. The bottom line is Trump is a very, very dangerous man right now. If and when he loses, everything financially will come crashing down for him. I bet Biden wishes he didn't have to run either tbh, but Trump is a true cornered animal. The walls are closing in, and he honestly looks and sounds like **** lately. They both do.

I want my 2028 president to be 35-55 and tired of the bs. Could be a Cuban-esque guy or a young gun, but I will be looking for a big change and it will be truly wide open for the taking.

I don't blame our best and brightest for wanting absolutely nothing to do with politics. It's a post-truth shitshow out there.

We need our best and brightest to devise and implement a pacification effort, gulag. I'm serious.

The right has fantasized the need for their own repression into existence with their belligerent posturing opposite absolutely nothing.

Mods, can we move the “trump is going to start a civil war” and “he’s a danger to the nation” moved to the conspiracy theory thread?

Many Dem politicians supported the most violent riots the US has seen in decades and encouraged their followers to confront repubs in the streets and I see no reason repubs would follow the dem playbook on this.

by bahbahmickey k

Mods, can we move the “trump is going to start a civil war” and “he’s a danger to the nation” moved to the conspiracy theory thread?

Many Dem politicians supported the most violent riots the US has seen in decades and encouraged their followers to confront repubs in the streets and I see no reason repubs would follow the dem playbook on this.

I'm curious what you think the possible outcomes of the 2024 election are? Let's assume Donald Trump is the Republican nominee and Joe Biden is the Democratic.

The way I see it, there are 2 outcomes:

DT wins, we've been promised: and many threats of retribution. We end up with an angry dictator.

If Biden wins, DT will claim he won and we see something similar to J6. This is certain to occur because DT's brand is winning, so he can't ever admit defeat. Also he will be in a much more precarious situation than 2021.

It's no conspiracy, there's history.

Mods, the above post by lolwat is the kind of post I am talking about that is better suited for the conspiracy theroy thread and since I am responding to it please move this post with it. Maybe we should create a special "political conspiracy theory thread".

Big picture outcomes:

Outcome 1: biden wins and repubs bitch for a few hours and the America resumes in being home to the most productive people in the history of the world.

Outcome 2: trump wins and dems bitch for a few hours and the America resumes in being home to the most productive people in the history of the world.

A few details:

If biden wins, there will not be another event where hundreds of people (out of our population of 330M) who break into a federal building to show their distain for an election. It is extremely unlikely there will be any significant political violence in the streets supported by repubs (or otherwise).

If trump wins, Dems will continue for the next 4 years saying trump is racist/sexist/and the rest of the ists while trump continues to make life for every American better. Trump will not only not try to gain more control than previous presidents but he will have less power than almost any president before him because dems will refuse to work with him. There will be 10+ repubs who run for office over the next 10 years who will be labeled as the next trump - some will say that as a compliment and some will say it as an insult. Having serious political violence is the streets with dem support is a slight underdog.

by L0LWAT k

If Biden wins, DT will claim he won and we see something similar to J6. This is certain to occur because DT's brand is winning, so he can't ever admit defeat. Also he will be in a much more precarious situation than 2021.

Trump of course would complain about fraud and try to undermine public confidence in the election results if he lost. But as a challenger rather than an incumbent, he wouldn't have the same ability to create a January 6 scenario or threaten a constitutional crisis.


You can continue this nonsense for as long as you want, but several things are clear.

First, Trump tried to undermine confidence in election results with baseless allegations of fraud.

Second, Trump explored options for remaining in office despite losing the election, and he actively tried to precipitate a constitutional crisis in order to remain in power.

Third, Trump has promised to compromise the historical independence of the DoJ, and there is no reason to believe that he is anything other than serious about pursuing that objective.

Does that mean the U.S. will transform into North Korea if Trump wins the election Of course not. Does that mean that Trump will attempt to remain in power at the end of his second term. Not necessarily. In fact, probably not. Does it mean that U.S. democracy will continue to slide in the direction of, say, Orban's Hungary? Yep.

I think that you should just admit that U.S. democracy sliding in that direction is fine with you as long as you get policies that you prefer. It's a much more honest approach than what you are doing now.

1. I agree that trump followed the dem playbook of calling into question the office of the presidency. Fortunately, not many repubs followed him where the dem party all got on the same playbook in saying trumps wasn't a legitimate president. We can't say allegations of fraud for the election are baseless - I think exaggerated is more fair. To suggest there is 0 voter fraud is of course absurd and on top of that the dem party and the intelligence community colluded to get biden elected.

2. Trump again followed the dem playbook of trying to change the will of the people. Trump was unsuccessful at it where it isn't 100% clear how successful biden and the dems were colluding with the intelligence committee to change the results of an election, but there was a poll back then that suggested a statistically significant amount of people wouldn't have voted for biden if they knew the laptop was real and the big guy was lying about.

I think suggesting we will become less democratic under trump than biden is beyond silly. Trump didn't have the support of hardly any repub politicians or non-politicians in storming the capital to shake their fists and it was literally just hundreds of people who participated. Dems have encouraged the BLM riots, people standing outside the homes of the SCOTUS, attempted to remove the favorite to be our next president from the ballot, explored creative ways to try to throw him in jail and their supporters to confront repub politicians in the street all in the name of violence or the threat of violence to make political changes - and these were all fairly well supported by dem politicians (especially compared to 1/6).

by bahbahmickey k

1. I agree that trump followed the dem playbook of calling into question the office of the presidency. Fortunately, not many repubs followed him where the dem party all got on the same playbook in saying trumps wasn't a legitimate president. We can't say allegations of fraud for the election are baseless - I think exaggerated is more fair. To suggest there is 0 voter fraud is of course absurd and on top of that the dem party and the intelligence community colluded to get biden elected.

2. Trump

This "dem playbook" appears to be limited only by your imagination.

Trump, on the other hand, has followed the "Nazi playbook" pretty much to the letter.


Just like your idol, you're projecting!

by Rococo k

First, Trump tried to undermine confidence in election results with baseless allegations of fraud.

Second, Trump explored options for remaining in office despite losing the election, and he actively tried to precipitate a constitutional crisis in order to remain in power.

Do you get mad at pitbulls when they eat another baby? No, it's just what they do. Get mad at the people who put them in rooms with babies.

Trump is playing the same game he always has, and it's just working. In business, even if you're a little shady, there are an infinite number of deals available and you need only seek out people who aren't aware of all your previously burned bridges and disasters, or don't care about them.

If Trump wins and the next 4 years are a shitshow, the only people to blame will be your fellow countrymen. Trump is open and honest about how he operates. It's all on decades of tape for anyone to review. I'm not going to sit here and say I know for certain that no other president has ever asked the room, "So, what are my options here?" after losing a close election, but it's absolutely something you could see Donald Trump doing. It happens all the time in lower offices. Every jurisdiction has rules about recounts to prevent people from taking moonshots at staying in office.

The biggest wrinkle here is that the only other horse in the race for POTUS needs help finding the podium on any given day. We didn't do ourselves any favors.
