Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14517 Replies


by Inso0 k

Trump is open and honest about how he operates.

I would use the word transparent rather than open and honest, but I agree with the general sentiment. I just argued in the 2024 Election thread that Trump is exactly who his words would lead you to believe he is.

by bahbahmickey k

Mods, the above post by lolwat is the kind of post I am talking about that is better suited for the conspiracy theroy thread and since I am responding to it please move this post with it. Maybe we should create a special "political conspiracy theory thread".

Big picture outcomes:

Outcome 1: biden wins and repubs bitch for a few hours and the America resumes in being home to the most productive people in the history of the world.

Outcome 2: trump wins and dems bitch for a few hours and the Americ

lol , in bahams mind executive branch has no power .
Definitely is a troll .
( I really hope he is ….)

by Inso0 k

Do you get mad at pitbulls when they eat another baby? No, it's just what they do. Get mad at the people who put them in rooms with babies.

Trump is playing the same game he always has, and it's just working. In business, even if you're a little shady, there are an infinite number of deals available and you need only seek out people who aren't aware of all your previously burned bridges and disasters, or don't care about them.

If Trump wins and the next 4 years are a shitshow, the only people

I’m glad u see through trump play .
How many clueless baham exist in the maga movements u think?

by d2_e4 k

This "dem playbook" appears to be limited only by your imagination.

Trump, on the other hand, has followed the "Nazi playbook" pretty much to the letter.

It baham is not troll then is probably the typical german of the 1930s.

by Inso0 k

Do you get mad at pitbulls when they eat another baby? No, it's just what they do. Get mad at the people who put them in rooms with babies.

Trump is playing the same game he always has, and it's just working. In business, even if you're a little shady, there are an infinite number of deals available and you need only seek out people who aren't aware of all your previously burned bridges and disasters, or don't care about them.

If Trump wins and the next 4 years are a shitshow, the only people

The big problem is there's nothing he can do that his legions won't defend him on. Literally nothing.

by Montrealcorp k

It baham is not troll then is probably the typical german of the 1930s.

I've been watching a pbs show on the German American bund in the 30s. Scary to see the parallels.

by d2_e4 k

This "dem playbook" appears to be limited only by your imagination.

Just because you have blocked something from your memory doesn't mean it didn't happen. Please google how dems labeled trump an illegitimate president and how they talked about impeachment for nearly every single word he said and thing he did. The mere fact that they talked about impeaching him prior to him officially becoming president is proof on how legitimate they thought he was.

by d2_e4 k

Trump, on the other hand, has followed the "Nazi playbook" pretty much to the letter.

One day liberals say don't vote for trump because he will favor Israel and the Jews and the next day he is a nazi.

I'm glad to see those who responded to my post didn't deny that there is some voter fraud (likely a small amount), collusion between dems & the intelligence community which assisted bidens election effort and how violent dems have become and so non-violent repubs have been over the last 10 years.

"The dems are the real nazis here" sure is a hot take.

by bahbahmickey k

Just because you have blocked something from your memory doesn't mean it didn't happen. Please google how dems labeled trump an illegitimate president and how they talked about impeachment for nearly every single word he said and thing he did. The mere fact that they talked about impeaching him prior to him officially becoming president is proof on how legitimate they thought he was.

One day liberals say don't vote for trump because he will favor Israel and the Jews and the next day he is a nazi

lol we didn’t deny it because we quit in putting sense into u …

And btw a president having full immunity and having full executive power shouldn’t be bothering u by what u try to claim here .
And it’s what u actually want to happen so I don’t know why u complain about it ….

Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6]

The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security,

So why u complain about your conspiracy theory about Biden and intelligence agency ?
They are going away anyway to give even more power to the president .

Btw baham , u say Biden is senile not knowing where he is most of the time and u credit Biden to be a mastermind in controlling the cia and fbi at the same time ?


by bahbahmickey k

I'm glad to see those who responded to my post didn't deny that there is some voter fraud (likely a small amount)

Lol at taking a victory lap on this point. I'm sure there have been trivial amounts of voter fraud in every presidential election, including the most recent one.

The point is that Trump's allegations of widespread fraud in favor of Democrats were baseless horseshit, as his own AG confirmed.

Above all else, he's broken the country the most by turning everyone into sore loser bitches just like he is. This sentiment is going to drag on for quite a while, and it's sad. Not a shred of evidence after thousands of hours of investigations and dozens and dozens of court rulings. But nope, everyone's a bitch boy now just like their golden idol:

If he wins, "see? fair election". If he loses, "wahhh, deep state, immigrants, voter fraud".
Faaaaaahk youz.

by bahbahmickey k

Mods, can we move the “trump is going to start a civil war” and “he’s a danger to the nation” moved to the conspiracy theory thread?

Many Dem politicians supported the most violent riots the US has seen in decades and encouraged their followers to confront repubs in the streets and I see no reason repubs would follow the dem playbook on this.

go check out last week's CPAC. you've got all the extremist speech, they adopted Hitler a while back. And neo-nazis saluting in the lobby of the venue.

bahbah never learned his lesson and thinks the USA is special and cant do the worst of the barbarity taking place elsewhere in perpetuity.

by 27offsuit k


This think-for-your-own-research-and-question-authority experiment has really matured into something befitting its vain genesis.

reap, America

Oh I'll question authority, buddy!

lol u silly


It's funny how the authoritarians always think everyone else are the authoritarians.

I can dig it. I'm not thrilled with every extreme-left absurdity.

But the preponderance of sanity is there. The end. next

exactly 8 more months of biden vs trump. great. I am looking forward to hearing more about these two men every day. for 8 months, at least! I want to learn what their views are and what kind of values they hold 🙄 🙄

by spaceman Bryce k

exactly 8 more months of biden vs trump. great. I am looking forward to hearing more about these two men every day. for 8 months, at least! I want to learn what their views are and what kind of values they hold 🙄 🙄

You could just not hear about them.

by Schlitz mmmm k

I can dig it. I'm not thrilled with every extreme-left absurdity.

But the preponderance of sanity is there. The end. next

Preponderance of sanity is banning the sale of combustion engine vehicles in 2035? or double masking for covid? or asking for distancing even after a very efficacious vaccine existed?

Or closing schools more than a year? or trying to cancel hundreds of billions of student debt?

What the mainstream left did for covid, and is proposing for "the climate crisis" , is so absurd , so against evidence and common sense, that there is literally nothing a rightwing person can do to look worse than that.

Even the q anon shaman in the capitol looks like a normal person when compared to a random democrat voter double masking in 2022

The only thing I think anyone did wrong during covid was make businesses shut down, and that was the Trump administration.

"Asking for" more social distancing and masking went a bit too far IMO, but it didn't really hurt anything, and as this was a hundred year event, I can't see anything related to covid being that important to consider now.

I also didn't support eliminating student debt, and it didn't happen. It's not going to happen in my lifetime, as the supreme court ruled against it, so again it's an unimportant issue.

If you're denying a climate crisis exists, you're a conspiracy theory believer. 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded, and this year is predicted to be even hotter. I don't enough of the science to say what specific measures are the most important to take, but it's crazy to want to do nothing, and I don't know what you think is crazy about having the goal of switching to EV vehicles by more than a decade from now. It's unlikely that goal will be met, but we need to have something to shoot for, and switching to EVs means less of a lifestyle change for most Americans than would many other possible measures.

by chillrob k

The only thing I think anyone did wrong during covid was make businesses shut down, and that was the Trump administration.

"Asking for" more social distancing and masking went a bit too far IMO, but it didn't really hurt anything, and as this was a hundred year event, I can't see anything related to covid being that important to consider now.

I also didn't support eliminating student debt, and it didn't happen. It's not going to happen in my lifetime, as the supreme court ruled against it, so agai

It didn't happen because of SCOTUS lol, they tried as hard as they could and they still canceled those portions they were legally authorized to touch.

Trump (and Biden) had 0 power to close down any business (Except aviation), it was all the states. And democrat -led states closed more and for longer than republican states, and that alone is proof the left, on the major question of our generation, was impossibly more wrong than the right. And that wasn't the radical left, it was bread and butter left.

And democrat led states and counties closed schools more than most countries in the world, even after it was absolutely clear from everywhere else, including many left-government countries in europe and elsewhere, schools could stay open.

So the american mainstream left, governing democrats at the local level, did something truly obscene, far worse than any republican policy in the last decades.

I am denying spending trillions to reduce co2 emissions help the country more than spending less in mitigation. I deny the solutions proposed not the fact that the planet is slightly warmer. I also deny that the planet being slightly warmed is a "crisis", it's just something to take into account and that can be easily dealt with normal investments, no need to change the way we live significantly.

You don't need to have anything to shoot for, just live normally adjusting slightly at the margin. Some crops will stop being grown in some areas, others will change the way they are grown. Install more AC, do a little investment in energy efficiency in building, and so on and on . It costs far less than "decarbonizing" with law mandates. Everyone would be better off except the hysterical radical leftists who convinced the mainstream left about this.

The radical left wants economic upheavel because they actually want to destroy capitalism. The normal left has fallen for the ridicolous claims. At least biden for now is a little less insane than the rest (he allowed shale on federal land and so on) but people like Newsom are terrifying on that topic.

by Brian James k

It's funny how the authoritarians always think everyone else are the authoritarians.

Right? I mean, here is Trump running on his explicit project 2025 agenda to dismantle democracy, yet his sycophantic followers still claim it's the democrats who are the authoritarians.

Oh, wait, BJ, you are one of those unctuous toadies, mea culpa.

by d2_e4 k

Right? I mean, here is Trump running on his explicit project 2025 agenda to dismantle democracy, yet his sycophantic followers still claim it's the democrats who are the authoritarians.

Oh, wait, BJ, you are one of those unctuous toadies, mea culpa.

Project 2025 doesn't dismantle democracy at all.

I link it for everyone so everyone can read and decide by himself

It has many things that are literally an INCREASE in democracy in actual semantic sense. For example all the project parts about removing power from unelected bureaucrats is literally pro democracy, against the current trend which is *antidemocratic* , where unelected, unaccountable people make decisions that affect the freedoms of everyone in the nation.

You might disagree , you might like "experts" more than elected people, but it's truly oxymoronic to claim someone plans to dismantle democracy if a core part of his plan is to remove power from UNELECTED PEOPLE to give it to ELECTED PEOPLE.

They want to eliminate the department of education, because education is stricly and only a state issue. Vastly reduce the role of EPA. All of this might be something you dislike, but it's truly democratic as rightwing voters fundamentally agree with that, the constitution allows for that, and what would be decisively undemocratic is to deny representation to people who want to close down departments that the constitution doesn't mandate, or reduce the role of agencies to which congress didn't delegate the power they currently administer.

I get that people on the left are scaried about project 2025. Terrified even. Because it's an organic, well drafted plan to make the country work in actual rightwing ways dismantling the main sources of power the left built in the last decades. It's scary because it's not some random rant by Trump that ends with Trump going to play golf and actually doing nothing.

It's about surgically sever the cancer of leftism in every institution that is touched by political power, reshaping them fundamentally. And creating the condition for a "never again" military occupation of societal institutions by the left.

Please indicate which proposals would "end democracy", or be anti-democratic, authoritarian and so on.
