President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Nobody has shown proof that trump used his time as president to gain wealth. Nobody has even bothered to show if that tiny fraction of trump's companies revenues gained via foreign governments is larger or smaller compared to the 5 years previous or since he was president.
I am tired of people using whataboutism on trump when asked about biden using his son to sell his finger painting or pretend to have a job at companies in countries he has some power to change policy on.
Do you think Trump's children didn't profit from his time in office?
You don't think Hunter wanted to sell his own paintings? That was forced on him by his father?
I wanted to rush through time to be old enough to drive. I wanted to rush through time to be old enough to legally drink the Devil's water. Beside those I haven't really wanted to rush through life. But I'm fatigued with all this Trump stuff and want to rush through time to see if the orange con man is going to be making license plates at Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary.
Not a chance he spends a single day behind bars. No how, no way.
For a variety of mostly practical reasons, I agree. U.S. prisons are not designed to accommodate security protocols for a former president. I suspect that forcing Trump to wander around Mar-A-Lago with an ankle bracelet and no access to the internet is the best case scenario for prosecutors.
For a variety of mostly practical reasons, I agree. U.S. prisons are not designed to accommodate security protocols for a former president. I suspect that forcing Trump to wander around Mar-A-Lago with an ankle bracelet and no access to the internet is the best case scenario for prosecutors.
Which on a mental scale may be worse than prison because everything will be in his grasp but untouchable while prison would probably have to accommodate his security detail and he would probably get a fairly comfortable environment. Well, except for the solid gold toilet.
For a variety of mostly practical reasons, I agree. U.S. prisons are not designed to accommodate security protocols for a former president. I suspect that forcing Trump to wander around Mar-A-Lago with an ankle bracelet and no access to the internet is the best case scenario for prosecutors.
He can go to ADX - he'll be perfectly safe there. Hope springs eternal.
Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary is in Pennsylvania which is a big state and needs someone to make all of the license plates. Inmates earn 12¢ to 40¢ per hour for these work assignments. But if you want to send him to ADX "Super Max" instead, then I am fine with that, especially since Colorado was the first with the courage to kick the insurrectionist con man off the ballot.
BREAKING NEWS: The supreme court has agreed to decide if Trump can be barred from office. I was saving my "one time" for a poker related event, but I'm using it here. Plus i am going to start a Go Fund Me account so that we can use the money to bribe Clarence Thomas' vote which is obviously for sale at the right price.
Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary is in Pennsylvania which is a big state and needs someone to make all of the license plates. Inmates earn 12¢ to 40¢ per hour for these work assignments. But if you want to send him to ADX "Super Max" instead, then I am fine with that, especially since Colorado was the first with the courage to kick the insurrectionist con man off the ballot.
BREAKING NEWS: The supreme court has agreed to decide if Trump can be barred from office. I was saving my "one time" for
The reason I said ADX is because inmates there literally have zero physical contact with one another, thus obviating the need for a security detail.
Accused of racism, Trump said his critics are racist.
When then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said he had a “meltdown”
during behind-the-scenes negotiations, Trump said Pelosi had a “meltdown.”
Confronted with allegations that his political operation cooperated
with Russian operatives, Trump said Democrats colluded with Russia.
Told that the Kremlin supported his candidacy, Trump responded by saying Russia supported Democrats.
after Trump tried to get the Justice Department to go after his political foes,
he falsely accused Biden of trying to get the Justice Department to go after his political foes.
When prosecutors accused the former president of committing crimes, he accused them of committing crimes.
Ted Cruz — at the time, Trump’s rival for the GOP nomination — said the future president
“is a pathological liar. He doesn’t know the difference between truth
and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth."
His response is to accuse everybody else of lying. ...
It now appears this applies to legally dubious payments from China, too.
I can't wait for a presidential debate in which Trump's response to an accusation is "I know you are, but what am I?".
What’s a little voter intimidation among friends
Print and then carry in a bag?

The more suspicious looking the better
as with most trump products, legit can't tell if that's something created by his detractors or supporters
What’s a little voter intimidation among friends
I remember the whole right wing justification of Trump was that he's not dumb and his supporters are not dumb. They "take him seriously but not literally". And it was justified by David Brooks types with some typical white anger grievance "minorities lives sucks because of their culture and whites lives sucks because of immigration" claptrap. Now it's ok fine he's dumb and so are his supporters but......aren't liberals to blame?????
Watching the Giuliani biopic on CNN. Quite interesting, and fascinating in once again revealing the feverish sychophantry that comprises the base of demigogues. It's like a latent aspect of personality that surfaces in religion, politics ... hero worship of all kinds. It's about latching on to something to admire in a corrupt way to the point of worship. It's not a virtue. It's an anti-anxiety device that attempts to wish away existential issues with feverish zealotry, for something, anything, real or imagined that seems to hold power that they don't possess.
Which on a mental scale may be worse than prison because everything will be in his grasp but untouchable while prison would probably have to accommodate his security detail and he would probably get a fairly comfortable environment. Well, except for the solid gold toilet.
Nah, being in prison would be worse mentally.
LOL at all the Trumpers who loved talking about Epstein and Clinton...
The craziest things about trump election fraud claims:
1) said he was going to claim it before the elections
2) few R's seemed to challenge other election results in jurisdictions where it was very close... The one who did is batt-shiit insane
3) all these believers turn to "we weren't actually serious" when they have to give affidavit ("after david" ) or fest tidy under oath
4) fox news did few shows on it... They knew there was nothing there... Tucker Carlson is in record recently as saying trump is basically nuts"
LOL at all the Trumpers who loved talking about Epstein and Clinton...
Who else thinks Trump had sex with an underage blonde girl while calling her Ivanka?
In what way is he intimidating voters? Isn’t he just saying watch out for shady things going on at the polls? You act like he’s telling people to hurt others if they look like Biden voters.
Dems are the party that encouraged their followers to physically hurt/intimidate repub politicians and Supreme Court justices. I know trump stole the dem playbook of not recognizing a new president, but suggesting trump stole this play too seems like a stretch.
In what way is he intimidating voters? Isn’t he just saying watch out for shady things going on at the polls? You act like he’s telling people to hurt others if they look like Biden voters.
Dems are the party that encouraged their followers to physically hurt/intimidate repub politicians and Supreme Court justices. I know trump stole the dem playbook of not recognizing a new president, but suggesting trump stole this play too seems like a stretch.