President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 27 Views 27
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15510 Replies


Would be good if he ends up under 50%

by Montrealcorp k

Trump will be w.e he needs to be to win.
His past as no bearing on him , it just pure survival motive at this point .

It's just hard for me to understand his support from strongly religious people. Their ideal candidate is a showy rich person who twice divorced his wife to trade in for a newer model, bangs porn stars, and spews hateful rhetoric?

Oh yeah, I guess all that doesn't matter, because he is (now) against abortion, something never mentioned in the Bible as being a problem.

by browser2920 k

I wonder if the divisions in the country between the election was rigged crowd and the Biden won legit crowd will continue for as long as Trump lives. I say that because does anyone think that if Trump runs against Biden again and loses again, that this time he will say he lost fair and square in a legit election? I just dont think that is possible.

I believe he would repeat all the same baseless allegations forever. And all the people who believe the 2020 election was rigged will believe the 20

It didn't happen because the stupid prosecutors were so slow with their prosecutions against Trump. He should have been racking up convictions for the last two years.

County by county results in Iowa are both dismaying and interesting. The dismaying part is that Trump appears likely to win every county (or nearly every county) in the whole state. The interesting part is how much better Trump does in poor and rural counties than he does in wealthy or urban counties, even among Republicans.

Trump's enormous appeal to the voters he holds in the most contempt will be studied for decades.

by chillrob k

It's just hard for me to understand his support from strongly religious people. Their ideal candidate is a showy rich person who twice divorced his wife to trade in for a newer model, bangs porn stars, and spews hateful rhetoric?

Oh yeah, I guess all that doesn't matter, because he is (now) against abortion, something never mentioned in the Bible as being a problem.

Whether he is against abortion or not, his appointments overturned Roe

by metsandfinsfan k

Whether he is against abortion or not, his appointments overturned Roe

That's certainly true. And that seems to be the only thing the religious right cares about. Not that stuff that, you know, Jesus actually talked about being bad.

Jesus specifically said that, basically, rich people are damned.

Matthew 19:24
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God"

Desantis alleging there was election interference in the iowa caucus. welcome to the next 2 decades of republican politics.

Vivek quits

Trump picks him as vp??


50% is way higher than I'm comfortable with. I was hoping for a fairly even split, maybe high 20s low 30s squeaker vs the newcomers.

Hey Google, show me the highest rated clown masks for sale. Maximum $25.

by Rococo k

County by county results in Iowa are both dismaying and interesting. The dismaying part is that Trump appears likely to win every county (or nearly every county) in the whole state. The interesting part is how much better Trump does in poor and rural counties than he does in wealthy or urban counties, even among Republicans.

Trump's enormous appeal to the voters he holds in the most contempt will be studied for decades.

It will be a very short chapter, A slightly long one might be how anyone is remotely suprised by those most angry/let down by mainsteam politics voting more and more extremely.

This is the future we are determinedly making and it's going to get a lot worse unless we start seriously addressing real problems rather than just not being quite as bad as the other lot.

There aren't a lot of election results in the US that can surprise me given what we've seen over the last 8 years.

by Bobo Fett k

There aren't a lot of election results in the US that can surprise me given what we've seen over the last 8 years.

How do you reconcile both DeSantis and Haley's margin of loss to Trump and both of them having a bigger lead over Biden than Trump in the polls?

by bundy5 k

How do you reconcile both DeSantis and Haley's margin of loss to Trump and both of them having a bigger lead over Biden than Trump in the polls?

The national voting public is much different than the group of Iowa Republicans who manage to make it to a caucus event at a certain time in freezing weather.

by bundy5 k

How do you reconcile both DeSantis and Haley's margin of loss to Trump and both of them having a bigger lead over Biden than Trump in the polls?

The “center right “isn’t on the side of trump ?

by chillrob k

The national voting public is much different than the group of Iowa Republicans who manage to make it to a caucus event at a certain time in freezing weather.


the kind of people who vote in these are generally very active politically

there's over 3 million residents of iowa and trump received 56,260 votes, which is not even 2% of the population

by chillrob k

It's just hard for me to understand his support from strongly religious people. Their ideal candidate is a showy rich person who twice divorced his wife to trade in for a newer model, bangs porn stars, and spews hateful rhetoric?

Oh yeah, I guess all that doesn't matter, because he is (now) against abortion, something never mentioned in the Bible as being a problem.

A lot of strongly religious people view abortion as murder and the Bible has a pretty strong anti-murder stance.

by chillrob k

That's certainly true. And that seems to be the only thing the religious right cares about. Not that stuff that, you know, Jesus actually talked about being bad.

Jesus specifically said that, basically, rich people are damned.

Matthew 19:24
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God"

If Jesus came back to earth I think he would change his tune on rich people. I don’t think 2k years ago you had people getting rich like they do. In today’s world people who create wealth almost exclusive create a product or service that make others peoples lives better.

by bundy5 k

How do you reconcile both DeSantis and Haley's margin of loss to Trump and both of them having a bigger lead over Biden than Trump in the polls?

I don’t think a lot of voters vote for who in my party is most likely to beat the other party - they vote for who they think will be best to the lead our country who is best to help them personally.

You think Trump created a product or service that makes other people's life better?

Jesus also said people should give away all their wealth and personal belongings to follow him. You think he would appreciate someone who brags about his wealth? Or brags about anything in the way Trump does?

Also, no one REALLY thinks abortion is murder. I never hear even right wing politicians calling for murder charges against women who have abortions. Sure, they think abortion is bad. And they focus on that because they personally do many of the things that the Bible actually says it's bad.

The Bible on eating habits - you shall not eat shrimp, bacon, or cheeseburgers.

The Bible on abortion -... crickets

by Slighted k

Desantis alleging there was election interference in the iowa caucus. welcome to the next 2 decades of republican politics.

Isn't the Iowa process pretty much a shambles though? It's not really even an election by normal measures, and the previous one was so messed up that the Democrats decided not to participate in it any longer.

by Inso0 k


50% is way higher than I'm comfortable with. I was hoping for a fairly even split, maybe high 20s low 30s squeaker vs the newcomers.

Hey Google, show me the highest rated clown masks for sale. Maximum $25.


I'm sorry it went this way, and despite our differences in the past, I believe that you wish it were otherwise. But I'm not surprised. This is about where the polls were.

The best thing you could have hoped for as a not-Trump Republican was a decisive second-place finish for DeSantis or Haley, and unfortunately, that didn't happen either.

by bundy5 k

How do you reconcile both DeSantis and Haley's margin of loss to Trump and both of them having a bigger lead over Biden than Trump in the polls?

Most of those voters voted for Trump in 2020, they picked Haley/DeSantis in the primary this time.

We'll see what it means

by Rococo k

Trump appears likely to win every county (or nearly every county) in the whole state.

Trump won every county except Johnson county, which Haley won by a single vote. Johnson county is home to the University of Iowa and is considered the most Democratic county in the state.

Overall, the results suggest to me that Trump would pick up more votes if DeSantis dropped out than he would if Haley dropped out. (In other words, Haley supporters are more likely to have DeSantis as their second choice than DeSantis supporters are to have Haley as their second choice.)

Either way, the not-Trump Republicans need to coalesce around DeSantis or Haley sooner rather than later.

by chillrob k

The Bible on abortion -... crickets

Yeah, but the Bible also is silent on heart transplants. Was abortion even a concept when the Bible was written? Maybe it was believed that you induce a miscarriage by drinking some sort of poison. Not sure.

by bahbahmickey k

If Jesus came back to earth I think he would change his tune on rich people. I don’t think 2k years ago you had people getting rich like they do. In today’s world people who create wealth almost exclusive create a product or service that make others peoples lives better.

LOL the mental gymnastics with this one. Not to mention that the rich 2,000 years ago were the OG job creators.

by hardinthepaint k

LOL the mental gymnastics with this one. Not to mention that the rich 2,000 years ago were the OG job creators.

"christians" be like: "jesus was wrong. I know better"
