President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 27 Views 27
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15561 Replies


by Inso0 k

Have you never done something unpleasant just to spite someone, or out of sheer defiance?

One of my earliest core memories was sitting at a table staring out a bay window for literal hours because my 85 year old cranky babysitter demanded that I finish my lunch plate, but I refused to eat whatever terrible vegetables she had. I couldn't have been more than 4. I would much rather have been watching Adventures of the Gummi Bears or Thundercats or whatever was cool in the mid 80s, but **** that.

I find it hard to believe u don’t see right wing bitching non stop when a democrats president is in office too …
They even lie about how in reality he didn’t win either shrug

What actually policies republicans try to pass with the democrats when they aren’t in power ?
All they do is complain, lies and interfere and u say it’s only the libs that freaks out ?

by jjjou812 k

So the Trumpers that we can't blame for simply being stupid, we can blame for acting like 4 year olds, right Inso?

It's exactly this. For so many of them, "owning the libs" is one of the most important things. Just peep how excited they get at the prospect of people crying after Trump gets elected, and literally nothing else about his potential presidency.

by Gorgonian k

It's exactly this. For so many of them, "owning the libs" is one of the most important things. Just peep how excited they get at the prospect of people crying after Trump gets elected, and literally nothing else about his potential presidency.

Seems to be the left wing Media acting like 4 year olds when Trump is the race

by lozen k

Seems to be the left wing Media acting like 4 year olds when Trump is the race

One person do not represent the entire left like the Maga movement for the right when Maga is represented by millions of people and couple of senators and representatives …
U got other names then meadows ?

Lib butthurt is something special though. I can't think of a group of people more deserving.

Yes, precisely.

In 2016 I was on board for the entertainment value and the whole idea of letting a business man take a non-standard approach at POTUS. My guy was already out of the race, so why not? Run it like a business, WCGW?

A lot, apparently. I own that.

But yeah, I genuinely [strike]believed[/strike] hoped a lot of his support is the people who really didn't appreciate being talked down to so harshly the first time around saying a collective **** you to those who did all that talking and complaining.

Edit: ... and that they could be reasoned with. Sorry, didn't complete that last thought.

Looking forward to a lot more of this in the coming year.

by Montrealcorp k

One person do not represent the entire left like the Maga movement for the right when Maga is represented by millions of people and couple of senators and representatives …
U got other names then meadows ?

The Media is more than one person You do realize many folks are voting for Trump as crooked as he may be because

Under Trump there were no wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300
A gallon of gas was cheaper
groceries were cheaper
Crime wasn't as bad
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now
Men couldn't have babies
No one was trying to forgive college loans
Trump is the only president whose net worth didn't increase while in office
Trump actually acknowledges all his grandchildren

by Brian James k

Lib butthurt is something special though. I can't think of a group of people more deserving.

U know libs and the left isn’t the same thing ?

It’s probably too much for you to distinguish the two tho ….

by lozen k

The Media is more than one person You do realize many folks are voting for Trump as crooked as he may be because

Under Trump there were no wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300
A gallon of gas was cheaper
groceries were cheaper
Crime wasn't as bad
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now
Men couldn't have babies
No one was trying to forgive college loans
Trump is the only president whose net worth didn't increase while in office
Trump actually acknowledges all his grand

But, but he said some bad things on twitter.

My fee fees were hurt.

by lozen k

The Media is more than one person You do realize many folks are voting for Trump as crooked as he may be because

Under Trump there were no wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300
A gallon of gas was cheaper
groceries were cheaper
Crime wasn't as bad
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now
Men couldn't have babies
No one was trying to forgive college loans
Trump is the only president whose net worth didn't increase while in office
Trump actually acknowledges all his grand

Harsh facts

by lozen k

The Media is more than one person You do realize many folks are voting for Trump as crooked as he may be because

Under Trump there were no wars wrong
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300 nope
A gallon of gas was cheaper not always
groceries were cheaper global inflation due to covid
Crime wasn't as bad wrong
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now wrong
Men couldn't have babies wrong
No one was trying to forgive college loans terrible
Trump is the only president whose net wor


by lozen k

The Media is more than one person You do realize many folks are voting for Trump as crooked as he may be because

Under Trump there were no wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300
A gallon of gas was cheaper
groceries were cheaper
Crime wasn't as bad
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now
Men couldn't have babies
No one was trying to forgive college loans
Trump is the only president whose net worth didn't increase while in office
Trump actually acknowledges all his grand

Half of what u complain could be discard by 8 trillions of debts in 4 years under trump ….
But I won’t discuss it anymore cause I already did with you many times and it just doesn’t go through your head .

And again yeah no war under trump because he was doing a better job to screw the US then what any other adversary could accomplish by themselves…
Again many times discuss with you .

by Montrealcorp k

Half of what u complain could be discard by 8 trillions of debts in 4 years under trump ….
But I won’t discuss it anymore cause I already did with you many times and it just doesn’t go through your head .

And again yeah no war under trump because he was doing a better job to screw the US then what any other adversary could accomplish by themselves…
Again many times discuss with you .

Actually 7.5 billion under Trump and disgusting and under Biden 2.5 billion .

I never said it would be why I would vote for him but its why many would

by Gorgonian k


Just cause you say wrong or incorrect doesn't make it so.

Under Trump there were no wars wrong Please tell me what wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300 nope that is a fact based on current interest rates
A gallon of gas was cheaper not always actually it was
groceries were cheaper global inflation due to covid Gonna use that excuse forever
Crime wasn't as bad wrong Yes it is
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now wrong record crossings
Men couldn't have babies wrong He didnt spout that garbage
No one was trying to forgive college loans terrible We agree 😀
Trump is the only president whose net worth didn't increase while in office absolutely wrong Factual
Trump actually acknowledges all his grandchildren wat Biden refused to acknowledge Hunters child as his grandchild

Refuses not just refused

by lozen k

Just cause you say wrong or incorrect doesn't make it so.

Under Trump there were no wars wrong Please tell me what wars
Under Trump the mortgage payment was $1900 instead of $3300 nope that is a fact based on current interest rates
A gallon of gas was cheaper not always actually it was
groceries were cheaper global inflation due to covid Gonna use that excuse forever
Crime wasn't as bad wrong Yes it is
the border wasn't as wide open as it is now wrong record crossings
Men couldn't have babi

and just because you say it's so doesn't make it true either.

Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan
My mortgage payment hasn't changed. Nobody's mortgage went up. If you got a new mortgage, you chose your payment just like I did.
No, it wasn't always cheaper, and it was on the way up when Trump left office.
Calling the reason an excuse doesn't make it not the reason.
No it isn't.
Doesn't matter who spouts something that's factually true.
We don't agree.
Not factual.
Cool. His personal life couldn't matter less to me.

I've gone around and around with you several times and I already know you are not interested in being honest, plus I'm going out with friends in a bit, so expect this to be my last post on this topic. I'll let others deal with it if they choose.

by Gorgonian k

and just because you say it's so doesn't make it true either.

Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan
My mortgage payment hasn't changed. Nobody's mortgage went up. If you got a new mortgage, you chose your payment just like I did.
No, it wasn't always cheaper, and it was on the way up when Trump left office.
Calling the reason an excuse doesn't make it not the reason.
No it isn't.
Doesn't matter who spouts something that's factually true.
We don't agree.
Not factual.
Cool. His personal life couldn't matter less to me

I mean you arguing the gas thing is stupid

You can say it has nothing to do with the president but denying numbers makes you look dumb

by lozen k

Actually 7.5 billion under Trump and disgusting and under Biden 2.5 billion .

I never said it would be why I would vote for him but its why many would

Everything cost related u complain u can discarded your garbage narrative because clearly u have no idea how monetary policies work and how and why inflation appears ….
Trump had massive responsibilities about all of this and biden a little as well but far less .

It’s freakn hilarious u think so much stuff about trump economic (disaster) being so great just because his actions didn’t have time to go through a regular economic cycle .

Ps: btw interest rates are under central bank power , not presidential power .

In trumps 4 years it topped out at 2.98. 2.42 in January 2021 when he left office

by metsandfinsfan k

I mean you arguing the gas thing is stupid

You can say it has nothing to do with the president but denying numbers makes you look dumb

Nah, it's cheaper here now than it was under Trump at the end and that's what matters to me. I paid 2.23 yesterday and it was 2.48 on Trump's last day. I don't care about the national average. California skews that wildly. That's why I said "not always."

by Montrealcorp k

Everything cost related u complain u can discarded your garbage narrative because clearly u have no idea how monetary policies work and how and why inflation appears ….
Trump had massive responsibilities about all of this and biden a little as well but far less .

It’s freakn hilarious u think so much stuff about trump economic (disaster) being so great just because his actions didn’t have time to go through a regular economic cycle .

Ps: btw interest rates are under central bank power , not presid

Lol thinking executive branch has no influence on the fed

But I will give u this gift lozen .
Trump is the only responsible obviously for the **** hile inflation is of course .
Central bank made big mistake as well and their was covid too , ukrayne war .
But claiming biden is at fault is freakn hilarious …
Thinking trump would of made a better job then biden is ludicrous .

Oil prices , inflation as huge international component as well .

by metsandfinsfan k

Lol thinking executive branch has no influence on the fed

Lol thinking trump did anything other than blather while president.

by Montrealcorp k

But I will give u this gift lozen .
Trump is the only responsible obviously for the **** hile inflation is of course .
Central bank made big mistake as well and their was covid too , ukrayne war .
But claiming biden is at fault is freakn hilarious …
Thinking trump would of made a better job then biden is ludicrous .

Oil prices , inflation as huge international component as well .

Biden administration admits that THEIR POLICIES CAUSED INFLATION
