President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Trump won every county except Johnson county, which Haley won by a single vote. Johnson county is home to the University of Iowa and is considered the most Democratic county in the state.
Overall, the results suggest to me that Trump would pick up more votes if DeSantis dropped out than he would if Haley dropped out. (In other words, Haley supporters are more likely to have DeSantis as their second choice than DeSantis supporters are to have Haley as their second choice.)
Either way, the not-T
You forgot that Vivek is done and threw his support behind Trump that 7% will go to Trump.
Lets be honest its a Biden/Trump battle
Not even surprised. I am just numb to how the GOP is rushing to die on the hill of Trump.
I just hope they don't take the country and the rest of us with them.
Haley will do well in New Hampshire. Maybe that wakes people up
But I'm losing hope
Yes, but my opinion on this shouldn't be the deciding vote. The deciding vote is the millions and millions of people who choose to spend their own money to stay at trump hotels every year.
Think about the richest people you know personally, the richest people in the US or what are the top 10 occupations for rich people and you will see almost every single person who create wealth in this world did so because they helped others.
You are wrong. I know this isn't a normal dinner party conversation, but I am surprised you believe nobody thinks abortion is murder.
The Bible on eating habits - you shall not eat shrimp, bacon, or cheeseburgers.
The Bible on abortion -... crickets
Whenever I get pulled over for spending I tell the officer that the bible never said I shouldn't drive over 80 mph so I don't see the problem.
Isn't the Iowa process pretty much a shambles though? It's not really even an election by normal measures, and the previous one was so messed up that the Democrats decided not to participate in it any longer.
LOL. Trump wins a vote and what is the lefts first reaction? That wasn't legitimate.
Trump stole the dems play of calling an election or president illegitimated and they want the play back.
Haley will do well in New Hampshire. Maybe that wakes people up
But I'm losing hope
Trump won't do as well in New Hampshire as he did in Iowa, but I'm not sure that matters.
I don't think GOP primary voters believe that Haley is sufficiently conservative. That's odd, because she's pretty damn conservative, at least according to definition of the word that prevailed 25 years ago. For example, I have every confidence that she would nominate people like Gorsuch and ACM to the Supreme Court if given the chance.
But modern conservatives are measured by their enthusiasm for conservatism for populist demagoguery. Haley isn't a populist or a demagogue. Therefore, by modern lights, she is a RINO.
Yeah, but the Bible also is silent on heart transplants. Was abortion even a concept when the Bible was written? Maybe it was believed that you induce a miscarriage by drinking some sort of poison. Not sure.
I believe it was a thing back then, as was infanticide, which was generally not considered to be murder by most.
Even the prohibition of murder was likely understood to mean only killing of other members of one's own clan.
The same Bible says that some members of other clans who worship different gods should be killed.
Yes, but my opinion on this shouldn't be the deciding vote. The deciding vote is the millions and millions of people who choose to spend their own money to stay at trump hotels every year.
Think about the richest people you know personally, the richest people in the US or what are the top 10 occupations for rich people and you will see almost every single person who create wealth in this world did so because they helped others.
You are wrong. I know this isn't a normal dinner party conversation,
Building a fancy hotel doesn't make anyone's life better other than other rich people who Jesus also said have no chance of going to heaven.
And you seem not to have even read the reason I said no one thinks abortion is murder. When was the last time your even heard someone day that women who get abortions should be prosecuted for murder. I would be happy to see any evidence of that happening regularly.
Yes, highway laws also have nothing to do with the Bible, but they are not a cause championed by the religious right.
My comment about the Iowa caucus being a shambles was in response to DeSantis saying there were irregularities in the process. You think he is a member of 'the left'?
How did I "forget" Vivek? Where did I claim that someone other than Trump was going to win the nomination?
What I meant is you had posted on Haley and Desantis and had not mentioned Vivek. You may have not known yet that he had withdrawn from the race . As well I never thought you think anyone else would win the nomination.
Think about the richest people you know personally, the richest people in the US or what are the top 10 occupations for rich people and you will see almost every single person who create wealth in this world did so because they helped others.
The scream I scrumt at this comedic twist
Let the meltdowns begin. I've got a feeling I'm going to enjoy this year.
Wow Rachel than why not call out the fact that your party has selected a man that has the highest chance of losing to him .
Sadly you cried wolf in before he took office in 2016 as well. Yes he is not the candidate I would like to win the primaries but votes count
Listen, I can appreciate the thrill of victory and the pwning of the libs if you somehow get Trump back into office after the completely unhinged response by said libs to his first stint in the Oval.
But at the end of the day, you're going to be left with Trump in office again, and he's not going to bring anything even remotely close to usefulness with him this time around. We know this for certain, because anyone left in Washington who doesn't completely suck probably has enough self respect and/or awareness to know to stay far far away from that administration for fear of catching strays. It's going to be a 4 year "U Can't Touch This" tribute tour, and you know damn well that he's going to crank it up to 11. He'll be completely insufferable.
On one hand, the left brought this on themselves after the 857th "IT'S HAPPENING!" celebration of his imminent demise; but sweet baby Jesus, GOP, think about what happens after you win.
Does Trump even have a platform this time around, or is this strictly about proving he's untouchable?
We know this for certain, because anyone left in Washington who doesn't completely suck probably has enough self respect and/or awareness to know to stay far far away from that administration for fear of catching strays.
It's uncertain but at least possible that a functional human will end up as Trump running mate because one heartbeat away and all that. But the Cabinet? Forget about it. Anyone with a reputation to protect will stay far away. And from Trump's perspective, there will be only two criteria for prospective members of his cabinet--loyalty and obsequiousness.
On one hand, the left brought this on themselves after the 857th "IT'S HAPPENING!" celebration of his imminent demise; but sweet baby Jesus, GOP, think about what happens after you win.
I have limited enthusiasm for laying the blame for Trump mostly on Democrats or the left. Sure, Democrats could have done a better job of preventing Trump from happening, but they weren't the ones who voted this jackass into the White House.
It's uncertain but at least possible that a functional human will end up as Trump running mate because one heartbeat away and all that. But the Cabinet? Forget about it. Anyone with a reputation to protect will stay far away. And from Trump's perspective, there will be only two criteria for prospective members of his cabinet--loyalty and obsequiousness.
I have limited enthusiasm for laying the blame for Trump mostly on Democrats or the left. Sure, Democrats could have done a better job of p
They helped him in the primaries. And Hillary ignored and insulted the people Trump said he would help
Well, if there is one positive regarding Trump, the thought of a president that would do literally nothing sounds interesting. As a Floridian, I can tell you that a far right dipshit like Desantis that insists on "doing stuff" is worse than some idiot that just sits on his fat ass doing nothing.
It's uncertain but at least possible that a functional human will end up as Trump running mate because one heartbeat away and all that. But the Cabinet? Forget about it. Anyone with a reputation to protect will stay far away. And from Trump's perspective, there will be only two criteria for prospective members of his cabinet--loyalty and obsequiousness.
I bet there will be a long line of folks to serve in his cabinet .
I have limited enthusiasm for laying the blame for Trump mostly on Democ
No but they did go with a candidate that 70% of their own party doesn't want and the lowest approval rating ever
Well, if there is one positive regarding Trump, the thought of a president that would do literally nothing sounds interesting. As a Floridian, I can tell you that a far right dipshit like Desantis that insists on "doing stuff" is worse than some idiot that just sits on his fat ass doing nothing.
I'm going to try to think this.
Well, if there is one positive regarding Trump, the thought of a president that would do literally nothing sounds interesting. As a Floridian, I can tell you that a far right dipshit like Desantis that insists on "doing stuff" is worse than some idiot that just sits on his fat ass doing nothing.
You forget that he is going to end the war in the Ukraine in 24 hours and the mass deportation and drill baby drill
Or as Morning Joe likes to say Trump said
I will be a dictator from Day 1
Of course they leave out the next line
I have limited enthusiasm for laying the blame for Trump mostly on Democrats or the left. Sure, Democrats could have done a better job of preventing Trump from happening, but they weren't the ones who voted this jackass into the White House.
Have you never done something unpleasant just to spite someone, or out of sheer defiance?
One of my earliest core memories was sitting at a table staring out a bay window for literal hours because my 85 year old cranky babysitter demanded that I finish my lunch plate, but I refused to eat whatever terrible vegetables she had. I couldn't have been more than 4. I would much rather have been watching Adventures of the Gummi Bears or Thundercats or whatever was cool in the mid 80s, but **** that. She made a big deal about it, and I didn't back down. Ruined my own afternoon over something that I ultimately didn't really care that much about, just to prove I could. I did not like that woman. Consequences be damned.
The left lost their **** on a daily basis when Trump was in office, even over things that were not worth talking about. Trump's shenanigans turned people like me off, but having to listen to the incessant bitching and moaning from the left is what made me almost entirely disengage from politics during his time in office. It was easily more obnoxious than whatever he was doing. Many of you will disagree with me on that, and that's fine, but apparently enough of the GOP base would rather stick it to the cranky libs than enjoy their afternoon.
Wow Rachel than why not call out the fact that your party has selected a man that has the highest chance of losing to him .
Sadly you cried wolf in before he took office in 2016 as well. Yes he is not the candidate I would like to win the primaries but votes count
The democrats haven't selected anyone, unfortunately. Seems like you would know that hardly anyone is excited about Biden running again, and that there has not yet been any democratic primaries.
He certainly is likely to win, mostly because no one many democrats have heard of seems interested in running.
So the Trumpers that we can't blame for simply being stupid, we can blame for acting like 4 year olds, right Inso?