President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Crypto is one of many irredeemable cancers upon society and should not exist. Trump is just another scumbag taking advantage of the same type of people who buy lottery tickets they cannot afford. At least the lottery operates the scam as advertised. Crypto is digital snake oil. Come at me.
Lots of people talk about it. Its a really big deal in the crypto sphere
The issue is that crypto largely revolves around twitter and is loaded to the brim with the demographics that watch Andrew Tate. IE: they all fell victim to propaganda (see housenuts)
There is just now starting to be a push back from twitter accounts that bull posted Trump for 6 months straight
But ultimately hes the crime president. Most people are desensitized to the point that doing a hamfisted Tesla ad on the white hous
The Trump coin was always a grift. I've said that from the start.
Just buy Bitcoin. The vast majority of other stuff will get you rekt.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Sucks for them, but also sucks for the people that go to the casino and lose. Also sucks for the people that buy Pokemon cards, bottled water or Keurig cups. Lots of bad products to waste your money on. Generally profitable for the creator of those bad products.
Personally I like bottled mineral water, I prefer the taste to tap water. And the minerals are good for your health.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Sucks for them, but also sucks for the people that go to the casino and lose. Also sucks for the people that buy Pokemon cards, bottled water or Keurig cups. Lots of bad products to waste your money on. Generally profitable for the creator of those bad products.
The difference is, the POTUS isn't pushing those things...
Hey what's the overall explanation for how Trump can perform a Trump coin rug pull, but if Obama did that, there would be calls for his head?
How does a president manage to actually do that and nobody really talks about it?
Due to how Trump and his government wields power, a lot of people with something to lose are afraid to criticize him. It risks your position, your job, your business and your safety.
His direct political opposition has no such qualms, but this opposition is expected and has less of an effect. And if it is the only opposing voice in the room, it can even end up normalizing his actions as it makes the criticism seem purely political.
For a president-elect to flog two "meme-coins" / pyramid scams in short order is not normal, and it isn't acceptable.
Any other president-elect or president who did something similar would be subjected to an avalanche of criticism from business leaders, his own party, watch-dogs and public agencies, and deservedly so. But of course, under a normal president-elect or president, the most severe repercussions from offering such criticism would likely be mild discomfort from the turmoil.
With Trump dishonesty, incompetence, downright stupidity are a given not really on par with other celebrities outside of shady YouTubers etc. not really fair to compare him to some one merit based like Obama.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Sucks for them, but also sucks for the people that go to the casino and lose. Also sucks for the people that buy Pokemon cards, bottled water or Keurig cups. Lots of bad products to waste your money on. Generally profitable for the creator of those bad products.
Are you really comparing an old lady playing a slot machine where she knows that it's rigged for the house to win but wants to take her chances or wants to spend the money for entertainment with an incoming president starting a scam coin?
Lol at comparing a scam coin to boujee coffee. Trolls gonna troll.
Are you really comparing an old lady playing a slot machine where she knows that it's rigged for the house to win but wants to take her chances or wants to spend the money for entertainment with an incoming president starting a scam coin?
Lol at comparing a scam coin to boujee coffee. Trolls gonna troll.
People buying a scam coin choose to get into that risk same as the old lady gambling.
Except it's a lot harder to buy scam coins for normies so there is even a layer of selection added there.
I don't understand why you want to protect people from themselves in general though. The aspect of "people can /will get hurt by the scam coin" should be utterly irrelevant.
Trump promoting the scam coin is a problem because of the reputational loss for the office of the president, because of the conflict of interests with regulations the trump admin wants to apply to crypto, because of the risk of making it easier for people to send money to trump and so on and on.
But lol at the "think of the degens that buy that coin" as a problem. 1) paternalism is inherently wrong as an approach 2) even if trump hadn't pushed that coin those degen have virtually unlimited opportunities to get scammed elsewhere in crypto or financial market with ******ed products anyway, they will be separated by the money anyway no matter what trump does or doesn't.
People buying a scam coin choose to get into that risk same as the old lady gambling.
Except it's a lot harder to buy scam coins for normies so there is even a layer of selection added there.
Incorrect on both points. The old lady doesn't know wtf a meme coin is and assumes it's going to be a legitimate investment opportunity due to Trump putting his name on it.
Literally on Trump's website for the coin, you can enter your debit card info. You do not need a digital wallet. Most old ladies know how to type in a debit card into a website.
I don't understand why you want to protect people from themselves in general though. The aspect of "people can /will get hurt by the scam coin" should be utterly irrelevant.
This is the dumbest thing I think I've heard you say, "Hey, brah, let's let criminals run amok - caveat emptor."
I assumed you brought that name up because you were drawing a parallel that it's a scam due to being overpriced. I don't drink coffee so fukk if I know it's boujee or not.
With Trump dishonesty, incompetence, downright stupidity are a given not really on par with other celebrities outside of shady YouTubers etc. not really fair to compare him to some one merit based like Obama.
Trump literally achieved his final form and turned the White House lawn into an opportunity to be a car salesman for TESLER
You get what you get and you don’t get upset
So people protesting against Tesla are terrorists, people storming the Capitol building are patriots?
Ohhhh, Donnie Donnie, you need to look at yourself and think about what you are saying, just once.
So people protesting against Tesla are terrorists, people storming the Capitol building are patriots?
Ohhhh, Donnie Donnie, you need to look at yourself and think about what you are saying, just once.
He knows exactly what he is saying. His droolers are incapable of identifying the absurdity of it all, for they are stupid people.
Yes exactly. He's only capitalising on the rank stupidity of most Americans. A decent chunk of them can't even place Canada on a map ffs.
Maybe even a Tesler
Trump literally achieved his final form and turned the White House lawn into an opportunity to be a car salesman for TESLER
You get what you get and you don't get upset
It would be interested to see the faces of people if you could go back in time 10 years to tell them that in 10 years democrats will destroy EVs and are up in arms because a repub president gave an African American man too much power.
It would be interested to see the faces of people if you could go back in time 10 years to tell them that in 10 years democrats will destroy EVs and are up in arms because a repub president gave an African American man too much power.
It would be interested [sic] to see the faces of people if you could go back in time 45 years to tell them that in 45 years ReaganRepublicans will elect a President who loves Russia, hates NATO