President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I'm so sorry for conflating the premier crypto coin with... crypto... and will try to not do so in the future. With that out of the way, would you mind joining me on Team Humanity and stop carrying water for Bitcoin?
i'll pass on joining you as unpaid laptop for communism. good luck on your quest.
How much of a bath did you take on Bitcoin due to your boy Trump? When do you think it will tank down to $10k?
Everyone who was a holder before the elections is substantially in the green right now for BTC.
Depending how further back in time we go, there are better off (or not) vs having the same amount in sp500.
That's not true for most of the rest of the crypto crap.
Note: I have like only a few grands total on crypto (mostly to have fun on polymarket or to scalp meme coins for fun) and I am not a lover of the asset class at all for investment purposes
Why does Canada need military jets at all? Who y'all fighting? Maybe that money could instead be used to help the impoverished citizens of Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, etc.? I'm just kidding.
Does marxism subtract IQ points from people metaphysically, epigenetically, or is it environmental factors?
Does marxism subtract IQ points from people metaphysically, epigenetically, or is it environmental factors?
Who the hell are you? I clicked on your name and can see that you have posted numerous times in this forum, but I'll be damned if I can ever recall hearing from a guy with the incorrectly-spelled username "checkraisedraw"
Anyway, **** you, you absolutely random **********.
Does marxism subtract IQ points from people metaphysically, epigenetically, or is it environmental factors?
Reverse the causality.
Every political attitude has a significant genetic component.
Additional twin and extended kinship studies which included parents, non-twin siblings, spouses, and twins reared apart confirmed these earlier results and found that most individual political attitudes were influenced by a combination of genetic effects (which explain between 30 and 60% of variance) and environmental influence (Truett et al. 1994; Eaves et al. 1999; Bouchard and McGue 2003; Hatemi et al. 2010).
LOTS of posts from checkraisdraw (sic) in this forum. Looks like a lot of very basic lib apologetics. Huh, maybe this is his way of finally getting the attention he so spectacularly failed to achieve through his ultra-basic posts
Enjoying checking out these checkraizdraw posts. Every other one is him pedantically scolding a lozen or some other low-info poster.
I mean there are plenty of people orbiting around crypto who suffered heavy losses (deservedly imho) but hodlers? Lol for now they are possibly in a better spot than most sp500 longs.
Like today sp500 bounced a bit back but btc did as well, and more.
BTC vs SP500 is terrifying for people like me to watch at historically, because it's a couple of years BTC does "too well for my taste".
Yes that includes a 2022 that saw BTC bleeding heavily and more than sp500
And -20% in 2 months.
That's ******ed. Guess what else? Everyone who held $100 of Bitcoin bought in 2009 is a multi-billionaire today.
Man a significant amount of people in poker in particular just bought BTC with their long term savings (in many countries because they also knew it would be tax free and undetected by authorities, not a small advantage) and have bene holding for years.
Since 2009? No. But I personally know plenty of people who put a portion of their winnings there and who are very very very comfortable with current events.
To be clear I also know a person who put his whole roll on PEPE after the election and he is definitely not comfortable right now
Man a significant amount of people in poker in particular just bought BTC with their long term savings (in many countries because they also knew it would be tax free and undetected by authorities, not a small advantage) and have bene holding for years.
Since 2009? No. But I personally know plenty of people who put a portion of their winnings there and who are very very very comfortable with current events.
Yeah, and a dude paid for a pizza with 4 Bitcoins and he thought he was getting a deal until it skyrocketed right afterward. The point is "if if if if" doesn't mean dick.
yes who cares. zoom out.
1 bitcoin is still 1 bitcoin and it will be worth significantly more in 4 years than it is worth now.
Yeah, and you know that how?
Unless it's 4 months, amirite? 😃
The point is lol @ you projecting the future of some volatile digital coin to the predictable returns of the Dow that's been around for 120 years.
Yeah, and a dude paid for a pizza with 4 Bitcoins and he thought he was getting a deal until it skyrocketed right afterward. The point is "if if if if" doesn't mean dick.
there are no "ifs", people are holding since 1-2-3-4-5 years ago, there is data about that btw, since the totality of Btc transactions are fully public.
Yeah, and a dude paid for a pizza with 4 Bitcoins and he thought he was getting a deal
The point is lol @ you projecting the future of some volatile digital coin to the predictable returns of the Dow that's been around for 120 years.
It was 10,000 Bitcoin. I'm not sure he thought he was getting a deal, just felt like transacting.
Don't think I ever compared it to the Dow, but personally I prefer to own Bitcoin over dow index, spy or qqqq.
To each their own.
honestly since you are a marxist and a pretty boring one at that you are probably a lower info poster than lozen
At least I can spell my name right, you stupid **********
you're a basic ass shitlib who delivered us Donald Trump; one of the two most basic types of Americans, and you have the stones to call somebody ELSE stupid
oh and yeah, it's so funny that the most anonymous and ignored semi-regular poster here is calling someone ELSE boring. My man, you are likely the least quoted poster here. Nobody here likes you or even finds you interesting!
And certainly, throughout the history of this forum, not one soul has ever read a checkraisEdraw post and been like, "huh, compelling take, let me respond!"
like, Luciom may be a fascist, but at least he says (unintentionally) funny stuff sometimes