President Donald Trump
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
is that viktor in red?
if it was in your interest to do so you would have done it already, as we all know.
after killing one of our prime ministers (because he was too close with communists), and our most important energy sector CEO in generations (because he wanted to bypass the USA when dealing for oil and gas with the middle east), and felling one of our civil plane while trying to kill Gheddafi, i know for a fact you are treating us as vassals since decades ago and have no qualms doing anything you like to us for y
So he wouldn’t for Ukraine but would for Italy ?
Makes a lot of sense ….
You know Luciom , u should reread microbet comment .
Self interest rarely exceed primary basic human life unless people think like you .
I hope no one comes along and thinks we're the kind of people who see someone posting psychopathic things and then no one points out that they are a psychopath.
Ignoring a judges order to not deport people for a couple weeks and then laughing in his face about it.
Signs and symptoms
Socially, psychopathy typically involves extensive callous and manipulative self-serving behaviors with no regard for others and often is associated with repeated delinquency, crime, and violence. Mentally, impairments in processes related to affect and cognition, particularly socially related mental processes, have also been found. Developmentally, symptoms of psychopathy have been identified in young children with conduct disorder and suggest at least a partial constitutional factor that influences its development.
High Self interest priming over everything even human life .
Left are all evil and should be put to death .
Shoot on sight any possible immigrants
Etc ….
Maybe luciom perceives himself as a form of Dexter .
I hope no one comes along and thinks we're the kind of people who see someone posting psychopathic things and then no one points out that they are a psychopath.
Oh, believe me... no one new to this forum would mistake you people for people that wouldn't name-call someone. You can't go more than 2 consecutive posts without an ad hominem or name-calling remark.
trump approval ratings still at 47 (for leftist NBC so trustable on this), but for the first time ever in their polling he is net negative on the economy at -10, 44 approval.
Wow we're back to 1 thread?
The grannies are turning on him.
trump approval ratings still at 47 (for leftist NBC so trustable on this), but for the first time ever in their polling he is net negative on the economy at -10, 44 approval.
Lowest approval rating the first part of a term . Other than himself last time
The other shocker 28% approval rating for the Dems
sounds like his employer thinks he is worthless at work again today.
your country didn't dismantle the FDR legacy though, the original sin hasn't been cleaned. everything FDR and his SCOTUS did should be fully canceled and reversed if you actually believe what you wrote about him
In case you haven’t noticed, no one here really gives a flying **** about what you think we need to to clean up our historic government blunders. MYOFB.
The fascists stopped caring about what the courts say.
Were you rooting for these thugs to stay in the country?