Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
If that's what you believe then why do you keep quoting obesity statistics and mortality from COVID-19 for those < 50, if the Italian government mortality for that age group was fabricated anyway?
? it wasn't fabricated. They went with anecdotes, they just "forgot" to tell people it was basically always people with disastrous health pre-covid.
Ofc you can't havre an average that includes people with disastrous health when assessing your own risk can you?
? it wasn't fabricated. They went with anecdotes, they just "forgot" to tell people it was basically always people with disastrous health pre-covid.
Ofc you can't havre an average that includes people with disastrous health when assessing your own risk can you?
I'm confused. In the post just prior you wrote:
governative media started pushing the "the youngs are dying too!!!!" fake narrative 24/7 for like 10 days.
You called it fake narrative in that post and in this post you say the deaths weren't fabricated.
I'm confused. In the post just prior you wrote:
governative media started pushing the "the youngs are dying too!!!!" fake narrative 24/7 for like 10 days.
You called it fake narrative in that post and in this post you say the deaths weren't fabricated.
Oh, you don't get it? population averages for a diseases that exclusively threatens subpopulations are at best absolutely worthless, usually misleading on purpose for nefarious aims.
What the italian gvmnt did (and many others tried to do as well) was akin to mandating prostate cancer screening to women because of the incidence of prostate cancer in society.
You fabricate the impression the young are at risk BECAUSE an extremely small population among the youngs, *a-priori identifiable*, is somewhat at risk, and you use that to convince perfectly normal young people (and their parents and greatparents) they are at risk SO the historically unprecedented violation of their right isn't an utilitarian, sadistic violence illegal under our constitution, rather a paternalistic choice, which is (unfortunately) legal.
In italy it's illegal (unconstitutional) to mandate something health-related to you unless it directly benefits you
Lol 8th of April 2024, all normal people thought that in 2021 AT MOST
She even whines about long covid in her diatribe. Lady, hit the gym.
Vegan bacon for her son!?!? LMFAO. I'm so glad my mom came from tough upbringing and I wasn't raised by such a limp wristed human.
She is finally realizing the error of her ways and is rejoining society. Good.
Oh, you don't get it? population averages for a diseases that exclusively threatens subpopulations are at best absolutely worthless, usually misleading on purpose for nefarious aims.
What the italian gvmnt did (and many others tried to do as well) was akin to mandating prostate cancer screening to women because of the incidence of prostate cancer in society.
You fabricate the impression the young are at risk BECAUSE an extremely small population among the youngs, *a-priori identifiable*, is somewh
I understand the accusations you're making. You just haven't presented a convincing argument that it's true, esp the intent you're ascribing to it.
you write that as if it was a big number.
that's 0.1% of the population even if it's all covid-attributable (which is debatable), it isn't a big number.
a big number is the total population decreasing a lot, among working age people.
if old or ultra frail people risk more that shouldn't in the slightest modify anything in the life of everyone else to begin with.
the reaction to COVID would have been vaguely justifiable if millions of under65 had died.
and even then, why stop living given people die anyway even when ratting at home? just live fully normally anyway, with a higher chance of death. but I could understand the reaction if say 3 million under 65, many (hundreds of thousands) in absolutely normal health, had died in 2020-21.
but lol the actual **** if there isn't a hugely visible drop in population graphs, it's insane to consider it something huge. elders dying a bit earlier is close to be absolutely insignificant, and in many cases it's a blessing (like all demented/Alzheimer people died sooner, including my grandfather).
if this was the reaction to a close to insignificant disease what do we do if something that kills 5% of the population comes? and mind, it happened worse than that like 50 times in Europe in a couple of centuries and we still came out of that dominating the world.
what do you do if an ACTUAL pandemic, something where everyone has someone he knows, a normal person who has decades of life expectancy, die suddenly?
like even if the totality of the over 80 on the world had died that would still be infinitely less bad than any of the 50 plagues we had in Europe.
a pandemic is significant if it cripples society at its core killing a ton of children and working age people (and even then we can cope).
if it changes demographics dynamics for generations.
like say 35 million American dying in excess in 3 years, many/most under 65.
something that in 2069 at a glance you see as a disaster in population graphs.
Nah u can’t set the bar at 80 .
U kill trump opponent while letting trump off the hook !
At least aim 75 .
Your are too partisanship :p
you write that as if it was a big number.
that's 0.1% of the population even if it's all covid-attributable (which is debatable), it isn't a big number.
a big number is the total population decreasing a lot, among working age people.
if old or ultra frail people risk more that shouldn't in the slightest modify anything in the life of everyone else to begin with.
the reaction to COVID would have been vaguely justifiable if millions of under65 had died.
and even then, why stop living given people die a
It's only a big number when when you find yourself or your family included in it. Like Harry Truman said, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job; a depression is when you lose yours.
It's only a big number when when you find yourself or your family included in it. Like Harry Truman said, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job; a depression is when you lose yours.
it's a big number when everyone is included.
when every, or most people know a normal age and health person who died of it.
know in the Dunbar number sense.
and that's the threshold to start being scared but it can be a lot worse than that, like it was many many times in Europe with plagues.
2020 wasn't even the year with the highest lethality (gross, age adjusted, all causes) in the last 40 years ffs
-pfizer funded (or even ran) several studies on paxlovid, few were published
-there are ~20 paxlovid studies, one is bound to find significance at 5%
-govt funded $19b for paxlovid based on the result of a single pfizer-run study finding it reduced mortality 1%
-cochrane group review finds it's "uncertain whether paxlovid leads to fewer deaths and increases virus elimination"
-paxlovid sells for $1400/course and is worth six times its weight in gold
-it's tamiflu all over again
gorgo in 3 2 1...
Interesting peer reviewed study here.
Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown. The significance of this possibility warrants further studies. This article was previously posted to the Zenodo repository server on September 18, 2023.
Fwiw I’d imagine the vast majority of Guardian readers also think she is ridiculous for that.
Karen's gonna Karen.
Fun little factoid here from the archives. Congress people were exempt from vaccine mandates as well.
And you get no cancer cure
In August 2023 the American Board of Internal Medicine informed Kory his certification was to be revoked for spreading medical misinformation.