Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
Not it’s not never .
Because they actually did become deadly in the first place ….
but even when very unlikely , when millions of people gets infected daily. , tiny chances gets very big very quickly .
That is the whole point of lockdowns before u find a response like a vaccine .
Every person that gets infected gives a chance for a virus to mutate , so yes the trend is lower but it just take one in a million and it gets bad very quickly .
And 1 in a million is something that was possible
spreading fast is actually a good thing imo. then its over with fast.
a virus doesnt want to kill the host it wants to spread so it becomes more transmissive thats all. it never happened only in zombie movies.
Maybe the plague? But that's bacteria that comes from rats as carriers and we don't live with them anymore like the medieval ages.
Spanish flu was very deadly, there is a chance one day the spanish flu type of virus comes back but who knows, society would deal with it as it comes.
yea so there isnt really an example of virus becoming more deadly.
so they f us with that nonsense.
spreading fast is actually a good thing imo. then its over with fast.
a virus doesnt want to kill the host it wants to spread so it becomes more transmissive thats all. it never happened only in zombie movies.
the vaccine only route was a massive financially corruptive driven f up.
Holy mother of God. Just no. Just stop talking. This type of nonsense is literally dangerous. It's blatantly, demonstrably untrue and promotes thinking that could lead to the death of millions. Quite literally. You may think being an amateur virologist is fun, but I can't impress upon you how dangerous it is to play pretend like this.
yea so there isnt really an example of virus becoming more deadly.
so they f us with that nonsense.
Since you apparently missed it before, I'll repeat it here. The Delta variant was more deadly than the strains that preceded it.
"The Delta variant was initially identified in India in late 2020; it spread throughout the world, and soon became the predominant variant until Omicron 3 took its place in mid-December 2021. It is believed that the Delta variant caused more than twice as many infections, and deaths than previous variants."
Tabatabai M, Juarez PD, Matthews-Juarez P, Wilus DM, Ramesh A, Alcendor DJ, Tabatabai N, Singh KP. An Analysis of COVID-19 Mortality During the Dominancy of Alpha, Delta, and Omicron in the USA. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec;14:21501319231170164. doi: 10.1177/21501319231170164. PMID: 37083205; PMCID: PMC10125879.
"Among the five known SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, Delta is the most virulent leading to severe symptoms and increased mortality among infected people."
Casey Patrick, Vaibhav Upadhyay, Alexandra Lucas, Krishna M.G. Mallela,
Biophysical Fitness Landscape of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Receptor Binding Domain,
Journal of Molecular Biology,
Volume 434, Issue 13,
ISSN 0022-2836,
Just stop.
If I didn't know better I'd swear this is a SNL skit or something. It just can't be real life.
If I didn't know better I'd swear this is a SNL skit or something. It just can't be real life.
If I had to draw it, I'd draw a bunch of people with dunce caps on, drooling on themselves and just repeatedly running into a wall. It is literally unbelievable to watch utter stupidity at this level.
Which is one thing. But coupled with such arrogance, it's just crazy.
yea ok so in theory a virus can become more deadly.
delta did get more deadly and more contagious, they say.
the original covid was deadly though, it killed doctors in china.
Probably high fiving each other after each wall slam too. Or trying and missing, hitting each other in the face.
Lolololol at "in theory". It's literally ****ing happened!
yea ok so in theory a virus can become more deadly.
I doubt that happened here. the original covid was deadly enough, it killed doctors in china.
How many times do you have to be shown that what you believe is utterly wrong before you consider that what you think about this issue is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT?
I know absolute dog dong about quantum physics, but I don't wade into a forum and start insisting my opinion on quantum physics matters at all. Get a freaking grip. ffs
yea ok, go find another virus in the history of mankind that became more deady.
good luck with that! 😀
Why? It literally happened WITH THIS EXACT VIRUS due to characteristics that are unique TO THIS VIRUS.
I'll repeat this yet again, because apparently you can't read:
holy crap.
I guess I was wrong a bit.
ebola became more deadly.
other viruses like mutated flue viruses also became more deadly but only bc they became more resistant to treatments.
no they are not.
ebola became more deadly.
and other viruses, but only because they coudlnt treat it anymore.
like flue viruses which mutated to become more resistant.
Apparently there is no amount of embarrassment that will discourage you from pretending to be a virologist.
This time you've not only not gotten anything right, your post didn't even make sense.
An impressive feat.
Then I expose you for being a liar. Which is not surprising given your ego.
"I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless and blaming long covid on fat people."
I have stated multiple times I wanted people over 50 locked down and you decided to ignore that completely and make up a lie.
Maybe I was too close to home when I made a comment about overweight people and that's why you decided to make up a lie and make it personal against me.
Then I expose you for being a liar. Which is not surprising given your ego.
"I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless and blaming long covid on fat people."
I have stated multiple times I wanted people over 50 locked down and you decided to ignore that completely and make up a lie.
Maybe I was too close to home when I made a comment about overweight people and that's why you decided to make up a lie and make it personal against me.
Yeah good luck with that buddy
What I said:
We could have locked the olds down and put restrictions in place for their caretakers + alleviate financial burden by supplementing the incomes of poor olds and caretakers
That is why I recommended locking down people over 55. Does everything need to be spoon fed to you too?
And the big lie:
I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless
Which is a complete lie of course.
Gorgonian. If you had as much moral spine as you think you do, you would apologize for lying about me.
Let's see if this moral high ground Gorgonian takes is all just a fake charade.
Nah, I'll just prove my point instead:
Responding to a post about covid being dangerous by saying it's not dangerous at all for those under 50.
I know you claim you want to "lock down the olds" but you only started claiming that after you got called out for discarding old people so you could claim covid was "basically harmless."
Since you at least claim that now pretty consistently, I'll withdraw that part.
But I'm going to highlight your quality of knowledge and character with a reminder that this is the type of person you are:
Monumentally dangerous to society? Yeah the 40% of American adults that are fat and obese also experiencing long covid issues? Lose weight!
Take the L and move on.
Fat and unhealthy people are constantly fatigued and tired, before covid, and after covid. And statistically they make up quite a large % of the American population.
So when the researchers asked them if they had long covid symptoms like fatigue, of course all of them will say "yes". And then people that don't look closely at the data will wrongfully assume long covid effects a large % of the population.
It doesn't. Under 50/60 People's fat and unhealthy lifestyles have a larger impact on their qu
Absolutely pathetic. The lack of apology is intentional by the way. You don't deserve one.
Since you at least claim that now pretty consistently, I'll withdraw that part.
I will accept "withdrawing" as an admit to lying about this down here:
I rank that just ahead of your treating anyone over the age of 50 as if they are completely worthless
However you start create even more lies in the same post:
I know you claim you want to "lock down the olds" but you only started claiming that after you got called out for discarding old people so you could claim covid was "basically harmless."
Years ago:
What we are seeing in China is what I have been saying for years here:
4) Best way to manage let it rip is to lock the olds down and let the young catch covid.
5) Force vaccinations on anyone 70 and older.
"Lockdown the olds over 60 at home, print money to send to them so they can live, let it burn for everyone else".
Keep grandma lockdown in her home, let it rip for everyone else.
That was the morally correct decision.
You are just a habitual bad faith liar. You claimed you read my posts yet you lied anyway about what I said.
It's time to take another mental health break from these forums Gorgonian. Your ego is so massive that you have to make up lies in order to try and win an argument.
It's time to take another mental health break from these forums Gorgonian. Your ego is so massive that you have to make up lies in order to try and win an argument.
Oh do get over yourself. If I have you confused with one or more of the myriad of conspiracy theorists that frequently throw away people over 50 to justify their covid denial, so be it, but I don't feel bad for it nor do I apologize for it. You simply aren't worth the effort to differentiate. I withdraw all that for you specifically and double down on the part about your pathetic blaming long covid on fat people. I find it hilarious how you solely focus on this because you think it'll score you points but don't deny the other awful things. Yikes.
You aren't going to cause me to "take a break." You aren't any effort at all.
Man, it's one thing to suggest isolating elderly and obese people as a kind of necessary triage, some of you ghouls absolutely get off on the idea of watching people less healthy than you die "Lose weight! Take the L and move on!" Fix your heart, bro.
Man, it's one thing to suggest isolating elderly and obese people as a kind of necessary triage, some of you ghouls absolutely get off on the idea of watching people less healthy than you die "Lose weight! Take the L and move on!" Fix your heart, bro.
To be completely fair, the "take the L part" was directed at me because I had the audacity to call him out for blaming long covid on fat people. But the rest is spot on.
I take no pleasure in seeing unhealthy people die sooner than healthy people, but i really don't consider myself responsible for their health in general, and especially when they didn't do their best on their part to try.
You guys wanted me and others to sacrifice our quality of life significantly, to try to save the lives of people who didn't sacrifice theirs to improve their own health jfc.
That's the kind of moral monstrosity you violently imposed on us. That's the whole philosophy of leftism at the end: better people who have better outcomes also because they acted better, can be sacrificed to help worse people who have worse outcomes also because of their worse actions in life, while obviously if anything, the literal opposite would be true, if you ever want to impose something AT LEAST reward people who acted better not the anti-human PUNISH the best people to help the worst people.