In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 10 Views 10
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

3541 Replies


Over/under on when registered democrats stop receiving payments.


by mongidig k


As well as, most importantly, "Climate Change"!!!

by Luciom k

So the army isn't going to publish the name of the third member of the crew, the pilot which was actually training (And so the person who very probably caused the crash itself), because she is a woman and the family asked for the name to be kept secret (no idea why this is possible , but it looks like it's possible)

So we have no way for journalists to investigate on the details in hiring this person, whether i

I've been saying from day one something's off with what they're telling us about them and what they were actually up to. As soon as I saw it came from CIA headquarters in Langley red flags already started to go up. I know they have a new leader, but I guess I still have a bias against them.

Obviously there were people on there they either don't want people to know about or was there even anyone on it at all? (I never rule things out unless there was evidence to, they already demonstrated the technology (in DC), so every door still remains open).

Also the fact that he climbed out of 200 ft from where he know's he's supposed to be at to 350 and directly towards the American Eagle plane does raise some questions (and fwiw idk why the msm says it was pocket aces (american airlines); yes they're a subsidiary of them but it was American Eagle plane, who was also being operated under another 3rd party. Calling it American Airlines to me is misleading. Do the dems by any chance have a beef against AA?

Look how he climbed and turned himself right into the American Eagle jet. Why the sudden turn? He was facing him for most of the time and the jet's landing lights would of been on (the dots on the ones below are their trails). This was inexcusable by both ATC and by the helicopter.

For reference airport runway is 15 feet elevation.

Not only do we need to know the name of the Pilot but the name of the air traffic controller as well. Many current and former air traffic controllers and pilots are saying the same thing, the air traffic controller did not give good or precise information to the Black Hawk Pilot. For the life of me I cannot find any info on either of these two people.

by Luciom k

So the army isn't going to publish the name of the third member of the crew, the pilot which was actually training (And so the person who very probably caused the crash itself), because she is a woman and the family asked for the name to be kept secret (no idea why this is possible , but it looks like it's possible)

So we have no way for journalists to investigate on the details in hiring this person, whether i


by Luciom k

So the army isn't going to publish the name of the third member of the crew, the pilot which was actually training (And so the person who very probably caused the crash itself), because she is a woman and the family asked for the name to be kept secret (no idea why this is possible , but it looks like it's possible)

So we have no way for journalists to investigate on the details in hiring this person, whether i

Names of police officers involved in killing people are often kept hidden here.

by Luciom k

So the army isn't going to publish the name of the third member of the crew, the pilot which was actually training (And so the person who very probably caused the crash itself), because she is a woman and the family asked for the name to be kept secret (no idea why this is possible , but it looks like it's possible)

So we have no way for journalists to investigate on the details in hiring this person, whether i

They might as well release it. They know the Cheeto administration isn't going to keep it under wraps if it was a trans person piloting.

by Luciom k

So the army isn't going to publish the name of the third member of the crew, the pilot which was actually training (And so the person who very probably caused the crash itself), because she is a woman and the family asked for the name to be kept secret (no idea why this is possible , but it looks like it's possible)

So we have no way for journalists to investigate on the details in hiring this person, whether i

I really do not blame this family after they see what happened to the trans gender pilot whom was not flying this. I suspect their family wants to mourn in peace and not receive death threats

★ Recommended Post

If the pilot was a white dude and the 2 trainers were women--then the story would be the "dei trainers" were responsible 😀

I just wish we could go back to the good old days when white guys never crashed planes or allowed politicians to be assassinated. If we've learned anything about boomers over the years it's just that their the skill levels are just too damn high and not that they were playing on easy mode in bell bottoms lol

by wet work k

If the pilot was a white dude and the 2 trainers were women--then the story would be the "dei trainers" were responsible 😀

I just wish we could go back to the good old days when white guys never crashed planes or allowed politicians to be assassinated. If we've learned anything about boomers over the years it's just that their the skill levels are just too damn high and not that they were playing on easy mode in bell bottoms lol

agree 100%

but... this is specifically why i'm anti dei because every time something bad happens this is the result

and you get a lot of otherwise highly skilled and qualified people who always have to overcome initial prejudice that perhaps they don't really belong

it's a cultural sword of damocles that has the cobra effect of inflaming racist thought - this is why it should be done away with

With DEI, open up the training application process to get more candidates into "Controller School"


Hire the best skilled

/easy game

I agree it's a super easy scapegoat to drive wedges politically/make people angry easily etc. And I don't really know what the ultimate answer is but I know we tried the honor system for a good long time and things never worked out to be fair.

Going back to the old way will just take things back to having another easy ~20+yrs slide by until we hit another oops we pulled the same old scam again lol. At some point you simply have to do something to remedy the sins of what is really the pretty recent past--a huge part of our ideas about/system of Justice is predicated on the same concept. Saying we promise it'll be fair this time around never works. The people who really deserve the blame are our ancestors who kicked the problem down to us to try to figure out--so starting with a real accounting of why we're here is probably as good a place as any to start imo. Lots of people still can't get themselves to admit even that--because once you do it narrows possible paths forward down a fair bit to things they have zero interest in doing. Which is exactly where they start their reasoning--well we're not doing anything for sure so they reason backwards to it wasn't really a big deal to begin with anyway. See it all makes sense? Everything's fine 😀

by wet work k

I agree it's a super easy scapegoat to drive wedges politically/make people angry easily etc. And I don't really know what the ultimate answer is but I know we tried the honor system for a good long time and things never worked out to be fair.

Going back to the old way will just take things back to having another easy ~20+yrs slide by until we hit another oops we pulled the same old scam again lol. At some point you simply have to do something to remedy the sins of what is really the pretty recen

main thing is if you isolate not by race but by upbringing then all things bear equal so the main problem is we're getting a lot of false positives - a disproportionate amount of blacks grow up in broken homes living off welfare means a disproportionate amount of blacks wind up in jail, being poor, and getting murdered

the white son of a convict is just as likely to become a criminal as the black or asian son of a convict

the single greatest determinant of the wealth a child will accumulate later in life is not by race nor gender but rather the income level of the parents

if you isolate blacks who grew up in broken homes vs those that didn't then the root of the foundation of poverty and violence suddenly appears out of the ether - it's not systemic racism, it's upbringing - and yes, the initial root of this is largely rooted in the initial starting point of slavery - but it's been multiple generations and at some point we need to shed that "can't be fixed because there was once slavery" fallacy and actually address the root of the problem


likewise, if you isolate women who had children vs those who didn't - the gender income gap disappears - it's not women who are paid less, it's mothers who took time away from their careers to raise children - yes they are somewhat worse at negotiating salary and that is a factor, but it's largely rooted in motherhood killing careers - it's a million times harder to reach the pinnacle regularly taking months or years off at a time for other pursuits

same can even be said for actresses - a big reason why a lot of starlets kind of disapear for while once they reach their 30s is because it's really hard to do a 4 month film shoot when you are pregnant and/or raising newborns

my brother and sister in law are in the same high paying profession and met while coworkers at the same firm - my brother stayed with the manhattan firm commuting into nyc once a week for work whereas the mom got a part time job locally which pays much less because it gave her more flexibility in order to raise a family - this is incredibly common and why even if she went back to full time back in the city, it's unlikely she'd ever catch up to earn again what my brother is earning at the same time despite that on paper they have similar lengths of experience - she ceased gaining higher qualifications and took several years of part time work at a much less prestigious firm - her pay level will reflect that

so things like dei don't solve the problem - when harvard lowers standards for blacks, it's the son of a black dentist that would have otherwise gone to Duke on his own merits which gets in - no welfare babies from compton are uplifted out of poverty through the process - and if they are - they were a certain lock to have already found their way out in the first place

if we did dei to help those born under bad circumstances regardless of race then it's a program that i could possibly get onboard with - but one that just simply goes by race alone neither fixes the problem and in fact only fuels the fires of racism

by King Spew k

With DEI, open up the training application process to get more candidates into "Controller School"


Hire the best skilled

/easy game

Applications are always all processed. And everytime you use objective tests, some demographies almost never qualify. This isn't special of air controlling, this is the norm for a lot of stuff.

The pro-DEI people can't accept it

My liberal sister met the great Laura Ingraham yesterday (didn't recognize her) and they chatted it up quite a bit. Laura said she works in news (debatable) and then said "Fox."

Laura said she met the new ambassador to Mexico who is tall and handsome (because that's how you qualify for the job?).

I told her to start some **** next time she sees her.

Conservatives hate dei until it’s time to fire up that old electoral college again

by King Spew k

With DEI, open up the training application process to get more candidates into "Controller School"


Hire the best skilled

/easy game

It doesn't work like that. They never count process, only results. Disparate impact and all that.

by 5 south k

They might as well release it. They know the Cheeto administration isn't going to keep it under wraps if it was a trans person piloting.

If its not release then there was nothing trump could grift about it anyway .

the real problem with anything trying to tackle racial inequalities is that doing so requires a modicum of racism

ie we can't even have a conversation with ai about it because the ai programmers are afraid of any outputs appearing racist so it always includes "but there's a reason for this" when it was not asked and it only does this in matters of race

now we make it about income and again it tries to explain it away by talking about an injust and racist society

but if we factor in both then now we're seeing the real story

and we get even more info when we factor in whether or not they are from a broken home or not

it would be my suspicion that a much higher percentage of those absentee fathers for other races are more of the widow/divorce variety rather than the "was never there" variety and that would explain the slight gap

it's about upbringing not race, just one race tends to skew heavily towards those negative upbringing - you tackle that and you tackle the inequality

but... it's a hard truth that no elected official will ever dare tackle for obvious reasons not to mention that government's hands are tied - what are they going to do, make being a single parent illegal?

but, the first step in solving a problem is acknowledging it
