In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

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12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

3567 Replies


You are out of line, Victor. If you know or believe that people here had some part in your situation, say so. You have not been shy about posting such things in the past. On the other hand, frivolously accusing anybody of that, even in a roundabout manner, is way over the line.

Btw, the only one "peppering you with questions" is me. You just stated that somebody (or bodies) doxxed you and had a hand in your termination. You even said "you and your friends" did it, as if I had a hand in it. If somebody in this forum did such a thing, they should be identified and immediately permad. If you are making this up, you have stepped way over the line here.

I think he said the guy who was harassing him with his employer was someone who used to be part of this forum and then a lot of them moved to a different online politics forum.

by DonkJr k

You are out of line, Victor. If you know or believe that people here had some part in your situation, say so. You have not been shy about posting such things in the past. On the other hand, frivolously accusing anybody of that, even in a roundabout manner, is way over the line.

Btw, the only one "peppering you with questions" is me. You just stated that somebody (or bodies) doxxed you and had a hand in your termination. You even said "you and your friends" did it, as if I had a hand in it. If s

the only person out of line is yourself. for some reason you think that this is the Victor personal life and employment thread. for some reason you think you deserve truthful answers from me about my personal life.

by chillrob k

I think he said the guy who was harassing him with his employer was someone who used to be part of this forum and then a lot of them moved to a different online politics forum.

you think a lot of things that are wrong.

by Victor k

the only person out of line is yourself. for some reason you think that this is the Victor personal life and employment thread. for some reason you think you deserve truthful answers from me about my personal life.

So you are giving untruthful answers instead. I figured as much. If there was any truth to what you accused this forum of doing, you would have followed your typical MO of posting about it relentlessly.

When I created the initial post, what was going through my mind was "how does somebody have so much spare time and energy to post with so much rage every single day?" Just yesterday, not counting posts you made after midnight EST, you created 49 posts, every single one of them pure anger. It was not that long ago that you posted something along the lines of "I used to be a really angry poster, but not anymore." What you are doing these days is spewing vitriol 24/7. I don't see how that can be healthy for anybody.

Anyway, good luck.

Ok but this isn't the Victor personal life and job thread. By your own admission I have not posted about any of that stuff for a long time. So why are you in here trying to make it about my personal life? Do you want me to figure out who you are and ask a bunch of questions out of nowhere?

(1) You are the one that made it an issue when you not only said you were unemployed, but also blamed us with "considering what you and your friends have done."

(2) I did not admit to you not posting "about any of that stuff for a long time." I said it is your typical MO to post about any perceived slights relentlessly.

(3) You are completely unhinged. You seriously need immediate help. Lirva at least recognized he had an issue and sought treatment. You are worse off than he is.

(4) Stop lying. Stop putting words in other posters' mouths. Stop making threats. Stop making false accusations. I can promise you that nobody is impressed with the way you act around here.

I am going to leave it at that. You are clearly unwell and I am not here to trigger somebody in a damaged mental state. I look forward to reading today's posts where you put your seething anger with the world on full display. Have fun with that; it clearly has been really productive.

why did you make this post?

Victor, I was under the impression that you had a job as a programmer. Is that still the case? I find it hard to believe that anybody can create literally a thousand posts a month on 2p2 and still be gainfully employed. Don't you find this constant anger and contrarianism to be a little exhausting?

who is making threats? you are.

and no, I do not have a job. so you can leave that out of your personal attacks on me.

If you read that and thought I was making a threat, your mental state is much worse than I thought just five minutes ago.

basically, as BGP says, you cant discuss the topic at hand, so you need to make it personal. you dont see me going around and talking **** about people's jobs and personal life. I have avoided talking about mine for months now.

and then you come in here and say that I am posting too much to have a job? how am I supposed to take that but as a threat?

by DonkJr k

If you read that and thought I was making a threat, your mental state is much worse than I thought just five minutes ago.

my mental state. my job. my family. my personal life.

none of it is any of your business. none of it is this forum's business. why do you keep bringing it up?

by Victor k

you think a lot of things that are wrong.

But not this one I suppose.

Because you are accusing me of doing despicable things and then following up those ridiculous accusations with threats. You are performing the age-old Victor act of picking a fight with a poster, and when they respond, acting like you are the victim. You are not a ****ing victim. Using hyperbole such as "you support killing babies" to make your misguided political points it one thing, but to falsely accuse somebody of trainwrecking you? That is making it personal. And your "wah it's my personal life, stop talking about it" act is complete nonsense; nothing gratifies you more than being the center of attention. This could have gone down this way:

"I am unemployed at the moment."

"Sorry to hear that."


And that would have been the end of it. You chose to make this an issue with your belligerence and blaming this forum for your problems. And you have the nerve to act like you are the victim?

I picked a fight?

bruv, this is the post that started it all

out of nowhere you have a go at my job when I havent said anything about it. when I havent mentioned it in the thread. when you havent even posted in the thread in months.

and then you continue peppering me with questions about it.

for some reason you think that I am under the obligation to cater to you when you have shown time and time again to be vicious and nasty towards me.

5 dead reported by Yemen. It appears we went out of our way to avoid collateral damage. Israel should probably take notes.

by Victor k

I picked a fight?

bruv, this is the post that started it all

out of nowhere you have a go at my job when I havent said anything about it. when I havent mentioned it in the thread. when you havent even posted in the thread in months.

and then you continue peppering me with questions about it.

for some reason you think that I am under the obligation to cater to you when you have shown time and time again to be vicious and nasty towards me.

In your head, the whole world is vicious and nasty toward you. If only the world wasn't so unfair to you, everything would be different. Anyway, this has taken up enough of my attention this morning. I have the unfair burden of having to work for a living.

Have a nice day!

by ntanygd760 k

5 dead reported by Yemen. It appears we went out of our way to avoid collateral damage. Israel should probably take notes.

Israel: what a bunch of cucks

by DonkJr k

I am very sorry to hear that. Are you saying that posters on this forum are responsible for you being unemployed?

Prolly accused his boss of being ecstatic at murdered babies or something.

by DonkJr k

In your head, the whole world is vicious and nasty toward you. If only the world wasn't so unfair to you, everything would be different. Anyway, this has taken up enough of my attention this morning. I have the unfair burden of having to work for a living.

Have a nice day!

you quite clearly wanted a fight, well now you can have one.

by Victor k

...out of nowhere you have a go at my job when I havent said anything about it. when I havent mentioned it in the thread.

But you don't have a job. So you overreacted. Its like getting upset that someone comments on your dog, when you don't have one.

Who cares which thread you posted you were a programmer in? You mentioned it in a personal fight with d2e4.

by jjjou812 k

But you don't have a job. So you overreacted. Its like getting upset that someone comments on your dog, when you don't have one.

Who cares which thread you posted you were a programmer in? You mentioned it in a personal fight with d2e4.

actually he mentioned it. as he often does. I just said that programming is easy with no mention of a job.

why should donkjr comment at all about my job or lack of one? I am really confused how I am supposed to react to completely out of left field off topic and vaguely threatening post about my personal life.

By vaguely, you mean "not even remotely despite my ever increasing paranoia," correct?


it's coming....

Shouldn’t we move on ?
