In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 10 Views 10
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

3567 Replies


Fox News airs absurd conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is a Pentagon asset

Jesse Watters suggesting that Swift is a Pentagon psy-op asset
who is using her fan base to drum up support for President Joe Biden.

by steamraise k

Fox News airs absurd conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is a Pentagon asset

Jesse Watters suggesting that Swift is a Pentagon psy-op asset
who is using her fan base to drum up support for President Joe Biden.

I heard her boyfriend is as well shilling the vaccine . I applaud artists that dare to go political most do not

Mike Lindell cries 'canceled'

“Please help us and support us during this time of cancellation.”

by steamraise k

Fox News airs absurd conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is a Pentagon asset

Jesse Watters suggesting that Swift is a Pentagon psy-op asset
who is using her fan base to drum up support for President Joe Biden.

This is so stupid it's laughable. So many incorrect statements and assertions. But the key one was:

"We have no evidence of this. If we did we would show it".

As for Taylor Swift, her big threat, according to FOX, was that she got people to register to vote. The horror! How can democracy survive if more of the people exercise their right to vote?

And of course, in that briefing the speaker did not pitch anyone on using Taylor Swift as an asset. Her picture was simply there as an example of person with a very large social media following.

There's tons more wrong about this video but I'll leave it at this. I commanded a PSYOP Battalion during my Army career. I've been to and briefed at conferences like this. I know propaganda when I see it. The biggest PSYOP and mis and disinformation campaigns targeting Americans in recent years have been by Russian units and FOX News.

by Bobo Fett k

Victor, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if taking every situation and putting the worst possible spin on it for whomever you're hating on is a useful debate or conversation tactic? Rhetoric can be a useful or even humorous tool at times, but it loses all value when you use it every. ****ing. Post.

And the result is just endless stupid arguments about the words you use rather than the issues at hand, and I'm probably not the only one who long ago stopped reading the Ukraine and Israel threa

Trolls gonna troll

We should just ban the world genocide on this forum

One of those "warning shots" missed and hit a cargo ship

another win for USA bombing

by steamraise k

Fox News airs absurd conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is a Pentagon asset

Jesse Watters suggesting that Swift is a Pentagon psy-op asset
who is using her fan base to drum up support for President Joe Biden.

1. ‘We have no evidence this is true but check out this bombshell’ is basically how we’ve ended up with the modern GOP

2. Her accused crime is *checks notes* more people voting?

Awesome stuff as always, fox

Jesse Waters is entertainment. Just like the ridiculous stories Rachel Maddow always peddled.

You guys take it easy too seriously

by metsandfinsfan k

Jesse Waters is entertainment. Just like the ridiculous stories Rachel Maddow always peddled.

this is just a hilariously bad take. but pretty bog standard right wing brain worms stuff.

by metsandfinsfan k

Jesse Waters is entertainment. Just like the ridiculous stories Rachel Maddow always peddled.

You guys take it easy too seriously

Except the millions of idiot trumpers believe it.

by Slighted k

this is just a hilariously bad take. but pretty bog standard right wing brain worms stuff.

Yeah we all know that people are lined up with gunshot wounds outside a hospital because there was no room as they were treating ivermectin overdoses
That’s the story Maddow was running with and the Donald Trump is a Russian spy

by metsandfinsfan k

Jesse Waters is entertainment. Just like the ridiculous stories Rachel Maddow always peddled.

You guys take it easy too seriously

Ya I remember the last time a left winger watched Maddow and took up arms against a restaurant that serves borsch or some other pseudo kremlin proxy

Whataboutism continues to be the defense of a coward

by StoppedRainingMen k

Ya I remember the last time a left winger watched Maddow and took up arms against a restaurant that serves borsch or some other pseudo kremlin proxy

Whataboutism continues to be the defense of a coward

Wasn’t right wing nuts trying to rip down the fences at the White House this past weekend.
All lefties

Idiots on both sides believe idiocy

by lozen k

Yeah we all know that people are lined up with gunshot wounds outside a hospital because there was no room as they were treating ivermectin overdoses
That’s the story Maddow was running with and the Donald Trump is a Russian spy

rightwing brain worms patient 0.
the rural doctor from oklahoma said that to an oklahoma news station. both are more than likely republican. neither said people were waiting outside of hospitals only that rural ambulances and hospitals were backed up.

Russian interference/influence was real, bro. i know you've been told otherwise by fox, but you were lied to.

the left has nothing you can compare the right derps too. you can keep trying if you want..

by metsandfinsfan k

Idiots on both sides believe idiocy

Your side is the least educated though… kinda by a lot. Not sure how we’re measuring idiocy these days :shrug:

Idiots on both sides but most congregate to one over the other. Meh

Worshipping a conman has to be top of the idiot list, no?

The actual equivocation to the evidence of trump’s crimes (even ignoring Maddox cuz I don’t watch and have no idea what’s being claimed) and the notion that Taylor swift is a psy-op (which came with the asterisk of the host alleging this literally saying I can’t prove any of this) is the most desperate attempt at ‘we can say what we want cuz something something Russiagate’ I’ve ever seen

Moreover I’m absolutely certain nobody on the left will be arrested for attempted or completed domestic terrorism as a result of something they saw on msnbc

Conversely I’m certain at least one tinfoil MAGA saw Watters and thinks it’s their patriotic duty to take out *checks notes* Taylor Swift

by metsandfinsfan k

Idiots on both sides believe idiocy

You don't have to engage in these kinds of apologetics every time Jesse Watters says something idiotic. It's okay to just say "lol, that guy is dumb."

by Trolly McTrollson k

You don't have to engage in these kinds of apologetics every time Jesse Watters says something idiotic. It's okay to just say "lol, that guy is dumb."

I don't think he's dumb. I would be shocked if he believed 20% of the bs he spouts

by Slighted k

the left has nothing you can compare the right derps too. you can keep trying if you want..

Don't worry, he will.

by metsandfinsfan k

I don't think he's dumb. I would be shocked if he believed 20% of the bs he spouts

Isn't that worse? To knowingly lie on TV so much in order to make money by sowing divisiveness?
