The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by GTO2.0 k

Guys, the Secret Service sucks. There’s been like three books in the past few years about how much they suck. The most likely explanation for this is that they sucked today.


by chillrob k

What do you want him to say? What could he say that would make you respect him more?

Just to come back to this I'm glad it wasn't a speech that was read from a teleprompter. But he could have used less political rhetoric. Good that he called Trump by his first name. Still looked really old and probably woken up from his sleep hence why it took so long to release a statement (which is my main criticism - what was it more than 90 mins after the shooting to release a statement and the Pennsylvania governor issued one more than an hour before that).

We’ve been told for years the 2nd amendment is to protect against government tyranny. So someone took a shot at a dude who tried to stay in power despite losing an election. How is this not exactly what the right wing tells us the framers intended?

by ecriture d'adulte k

We’ve been told for years the 2nd amendment is to protect against government tyranny. So someone took a shot at a dude who tried to stay in power despite losing an election. How is this not exactly what the right wing tells us the framers intended?

but not when it happens to them. that's like the only tenet of conservativism.

by GTO2.0 k

Guys, the Secret Service sucks. There’s been like three books in the past few years about how much they suck. The most likely explanation for this is that they sucked today.

I don’t disagree for the most part but way too many things are too suspicious to take seriously. Occam’s razor usually wins here

by housenuts k

I don't know how windy it was but at that proximity a slight wind will not make much of a difference

I think it could be enough at 400m

by PointlessWords k

I think it could be enough at 400m

Yes agreed, but it was 125m according to this

Well he shoulda aimed center mass

by PointlessWords k

Well he should aimed center mass

Seems like it would have provided a pretty wide margin for error.

by bahbahmickey k

What are you even theorizing? That the trump campaign hired someone to shoot so close to trump that it hit his ear just to improve his odds of winning?

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

I’ve seen much worst theories by Qanon and the like on other issues .

Laptop laptop laptop :p

by ecriture d'adulte k

We’ve been told for years the 2nd amendment is to protect against government tyranny. So someone took a shot at a dude who tried to stay in power despite losing an election. How is this not exactly what the right wing tells us the framers intended?

It’s like their « freedom » .
It’s only good when it’s in their interest , not when it goes against their interest or help others interest .
It’s a subjective right they hold dear to their heart .

by PointlessWords k

Well he should aimed center mass

Wonder if Trump had plates on

by housenuts k

Wonder if Trump had plates on

Horseface, how are the crypto markets reacting to the news?

by d2_e4 k

Horseface, how are the crypto markets reacting to the news?

Let me google that for you

by housenuts k

Let me google that for you

Bitcoin is up 3%? Good stuff, another 30 bucks in your pocket.

Damn I should of buy a bit more earlier this week to edge out trump 😀

by d2_e4 k

Bitcoin is up 3%? Good stuff, another 30 bucks in your pocket.

Huge if true

But it's probably a good sign for the markets. Bitcoin trades 24/7.

Generally a precursor for the 32.5 hours per week markets.

by PointlessWords k

Well he shoulda aimed center mass

If you can't hit a frigging watermelon @400ft with a .22 in what looks like zero wind--you just suck. End of story.

by bahbahmickey k

What are you even theorizing? That the trump campaign hired someone to shoot so close to trump that it hit his ear just to improve his odds of winning?

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

A got a better theory for u .
Maybe it’s just a Russian elite agent knowing he will miss trump but making sure Putin friend gets elected .
Putin wins Ukraine in return for his help .
So easy to make crazy **** up isnt ?
I’m waiting Qanon call anytime soon .

IMO Mark Wahlberg’s best movie is The Happening.

I’m glad to see Biden’s team decided to put all their ads on hold. Hopefully they realize how dangerous fear mongering is. I assume they won’t be using “democracy is on ballot” or similar phrases anymore that go far beyond normal political banter.

On one hand Biden’s only hope to win is to convince low information voters that trump will end democracy and do all kinds of other terrible things that are 0% to happen, but on the other hand they have to know many people are going to see blood on dem hands from this assassination attempt so continue to use that type of rhetoric will bury dems for years to come.

by hansmolman k

IMO Mark Wahlberg’s best movie is The Happening.

by bahbahmickey k

I’m glad to see Biden’s team decided to put all their ads on hold. Hopefully they realize how dangerous fear mongering is. I assume they won’t be using “democracy is on ballot” or similar phrases anymore that go far beyond normal political banter.

God you're an insufferable hypocrite.

by bahbahmickey k

I’m glad to see Biden’s team decided to put all their ads on hold. Hopefully they realize how dangerous fear mongering is. I assume they won’t be using “democracy is on ballot” or similar phrases anymore that go far beyond normal political banter.

On one hand Biden’s only hope to win is to convince low information voters that trump will end democracy and do all kinds of other terrible things that are 0% to happen, but on the other hand they have to know many people are going to see blood on dem

How would you feel about Trump ads playing this up or saying something like,”this shows they will do anything to stop me, we must fight them to the death”
