The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Yeah, I'm with Trolly. The vast majority of his cult are massive delusional pussies who wouldn't do much more than go online and cry about how he never said anything bad about anyone and got shot for no reason, like bahbah here.

by d2_e4 k

Yeah, I'm with Trolly. The vast majority of his cult are massive delusional pussies who wouldn't do much more than go online and cry about how he never said anything bad about anyone and got shot for no reason, like bahbah here.

That’s true, but enough of the minority are extreme enough that this would be their rally cry to engage in violence be it at politicians or general public

These clowns already stormed the US Capital, openly talk about adopting political violence on a daily basis, and we're clutching pearls about them getting riled up? Like, if someone shot at Biden how much decorum do you think we'd see from MAGA dipshits right now?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Actually, it would be hilarious and the GOP would have no one to fill his shoes. Personality cults don't last long after the leader dies.

North Korea though. Trump has plenty of kids.

by Trolly McTrollson k

These clowns already stormed the US Capital, openly talk about adopting political violence on a daily basis, and we're clutching pearls about them getting riled up? Like, if someone shot at Biden how much decorum do you think we'd see from MAGA dipshits right now?

I wouldn’t call it Pearl clutching, enough of these shitheads would engage in terrorism in the memory of dear leader whether attempted or successful for it to be a problem

by StoppedRainingMen k

I wouldn’t call it Pearl clutching, enough of these shitheads would engage in terrorism in the memory of dear leader whether attempted or successful for it to be a problem

A bigger problem than dear leader becoming president?

How did this clown get the gun in there?

by wet work k

How did this clown get the gun in there?

2A bruh. God bless the USA.

What a beautiful letter.

escort service ho said what?

by Tuma k

What a beautiful letter.

TLDR. Cliffs?

by d2_e4 k

TLDR. Cliffs?

"This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends. We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships, again."

The gist is every teardrop is a waterfall.

She’s been with him through the worst of times.

Lmao and she still thinks he’s a good guy

Trump, who is on record as having hung out with Epstein and has been accused by three different people of rape, one of which was 12 years old.

by PointlessWords k

She’s been with him through the worst of times.

Lmao and she still thinks he’s a good guy

Trump, who is on record as having hung out with Epstein and has been accused by three different people of rape, one of which was 12 years old.

Lol do you honestly think she wrote that? I'd be surprised if she can even write.

by Tuma k

"This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends. We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships, again."

The gist is every teardrop is a waterfall.

Ah yes, respect is paramount. Love each other. ****ing tearjerker.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Of all the laughable lies said in defense of trump on this forum ‘Dems have called him evil, trump has never said anything like that about others’ might be the absolute stupidest

There are some exceptions on both sides, but to deny that the left largely has attacked trumps character far beyond normal political back and forth and repubs have mainly stuck to attacking policy/results means you are biased or haven’t been paying attention. This is not debatable.

If we created a list of everything way out of line either a dem or repub politician said and what a right or left leaning media outlet said about the character of politicians from both sides what do you think the ratio of things said by the left vs by the right over the last 5 or 10. It isn’t close.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I mean ya, trump was a despicable piece of **** 24 hours ago and he’s a despicable piece of **** now. Him getting shot at doesn’t change that and I wouldn’t lose a second’s sleep over news that he died

But him being assassinated at a rally would be inarguably a horrible thing for the country because of the chain of events it would have set off. Nothing would give these lunatics who jerk off for a civil war their reason to take to the streets in arms more than the public murder of their god king

If trump died from this you wouldn’t see widespread violence and it would be very unlikely to see an attempt on the life of a major dem politician. Yes, there are right wing crazies just like there are left wing crazies (look at some of the posts on 2+2 the last 24 hours claiming this was an elaborate plan of trumps, posts saying they wish the bullet got him, etc), but they are fairly small in number on both sides. This was never going to result in a BLM riot level of political violence because repub leaders would never encourage such violence like we saw from the left during blm.

Can someone ban this lying POS?

lol hahahaahhamickey. you are so full of ****ing **** daily.

by d2_e4 k

A bigger problem than dear leader becoming president?

I suppose it depends on your perspective on how the election plays out with a dead trump

by StoppedRainingMen k

I suppose it depends on your perspective on how the election plays out with a dead trump

Look, there are just some people who, how can I put this diplomatically? The odds of the world being a better place without them in it are very high. Trump is a very close second to Putin in this regard.

by d2_e4 k

Look, there are just some people who, how can I put this diplomatically? The odds of the world being a better place without them in it are very high. Trump is a very close second to Putin in this regard.

I agree for the most part, the world is a better place with trump not a part of it 100 times out of 100, I just don’t think ‘oh someone assassinated trump, time to pack up and go home’ is the MAGA blueprint. They obviously can’t replicate trump but someone can plug and play to harness the anger

by d2_e4 k

Can someone ban this lying POS?

Speaking of things that are almost entirely dem… let’s add trying to silence someone who disagrees with you to the list.

by d2_e4 k

Look, there are just some people who, how can I put this diplomatically? The odds of the world being a better place without them in it are very high. Trump is a very close second to Putin in this regard.

What a clown comment to say trump is #2 on the list of who would make the world a better place if they were gone.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I agree for the most part, the world is a better place with trump not a part of it 100 times out of 100, I just don’t think ‘oh someone assassinated trump, time to pack up and go home’ is the MAGA blueprint. They obviously can’t replicate trump but someone can plug and play to harness the anger

If trump was assassinated today, tomorrow, a year ago or any other time of your choosing whoever the hardcore MAGA (as you call them) throw out has the same odds odds of winning the repub primary or the general election as Bernie would have to win a general election - the odds are so small that this outcome isn’t even worth discussing.

The non MAGA (as you call them) repubs would throw a couple candidates and they would win the primary handily.

by bahbahmickey k

There are some exceptions on both sides

You mean, like...Donald Trump himself?

by bahbahmickey k

but to deny that the left largely has attacked trumps character far beyond normal political back and forth and repubs have mainly stuck to attacking policy/results means you are biased or haven’t been paying attention. This is not debatable.

Dude, posters replying to your post aren't denying that people have attacked Trump's character. They've been incredulous about this:

by bahbahmickey k

Dems have compared him to hitler, said he’s going to destroy democracy and call him evil and similar. I don’t think trump has said those types of things about competitors and he’s just one person - a massive number of dem politicians and the media have joined into the above rhetoric.

Trump struggles to get through 5 minutes of a political speech without multiple personal attacks. Everyone knows this, including you, so why you thought this bizarroworld recasting of Trump would strengthen your argument is beyond me.

by bahbahmickey k

Speaking of things that are almost entirely dem… let’s add trying to silence someone who disagrees with you to the list.

Lol @"disagreeing". You're just shamelessly spewing brazen lies and ignoring responses that point it out. Disgraceful forum behaviour.

by d2_e4 k

Lol do you honestly think she wrote that? I'd be surprised if she can even write.

Why would you be surprised that someone over 30 can write?
