The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by PointlessWords k

Why would you be surprised that someone over 30 can write?

Why is 30 the relevant age here? Is that when you learnt to write?

In her case, I would have thought that if she were literate, she would have written up a divorce petition a long time ago. Or maybe even had better options than marrying Donald Trump in the first place.

Everything about blahblah is disingenuous bullshit. Glad his schtick is falling flat here too

We are talking about three diff people. The 12 year old wasn’t married to Donald. His ex wife and him are divorced.

by PointlessWords k

We are talking about three diff people. The 12 year old wasn’t married to Donald. His ex wife and him are divorced.

Wtf are you talking about? Obviously when I say "do you honestly think she wrote that? I'd be surprised if she can even write", I'm talking about the person who supposedly wrote the letter. Dude, your reading comprehension is absolutely woeful.

by Bobo Fett k

You mean, like...Donald Trump himself?

Dude, posters replying to your post aren't denying that people have attacked Trump's character. They've been incredulous about this:

Trump struggles to get through 5 minutes of a political speech without multiple personal attacks. Everyone knows this, including you, so why you thought this bizarroworld recasting of Trump would strengthen your argument is beyond me.

A personal attack like calling a woman ugly is terrible and I don’t think he should say that but that is not what I’m talking about. There is a big difference between calling a woman ugly or saying Joe is sleepy (at least prior to last debate, now it is more in that gray area because his situation is just sad) and saying trump is hitler, will tear down democracy, is an evil person or he is #2 in the world of who would leave the world a better place if they died.

by bahbahmickey k

A personal attack like calling a woman ugly is terrible and I don’t think he should say that but that is not what I’m talking about. There is a big difference between calling a woman ugly or saying Joe is sleepy (at least prior to last debate, now it is more in that gray area because his situation is just sad) and saying trump is hitler, will tear down democracy, is an evil person or he is #2 in the world of who would leave the world a better place if they died.

How many of Epstein’s clients do you think are good people?

by bahbahmickey k

A personal attack like calling a woman ugly is terrible and I don’t think he should say that but that is not what I’m talking about. There is a big difference between calling a woman ugly or saying Joe is sleepy (at least prior to last debate, now it is more in that gray area because his situation is just sad) and saying trump is hitler, will tear down democracy, is an evil person or he is #2 in the world of who would leave the world a better place if they died.

Like, calling political opponents traitors and saying they should be charged with treason for example, right Mickey? Or called for them to be imprisoned, right Mickey?

Took me all of half a second to Google up dozens of examples. Here you go, since you're apparently incapable of using the internet yourself:


I'm sure that because you're not a lying POS, you will acknowledge this post and respond with your thoughtful comments, just like the last one that pointed out the same thing, right, Mickey?

by bahbahmickey k

A personal attack like calling a woman ugly is terrible and I don’t think he should say that but that is not what I’m talking about. There is a big difference between calling a woman ugly or saying Joe is sleepy (at least prior to last debate, now it is more in that gray area because his situation is just sad) and saying trump is hitler, will tear down democracy, is an evil person or he is #2 in the world of who would leave the world a better place if they died.

Cool story bro. Is there a reason you've chosen some of the most innocuous attacks he's made, and skipped right past the far worse ones?

by d2_e4 k

Like, calling political opponents traitors and saying they should be charged with treason for example, right Mickey? Or called for them to be imprisoned, right Mickey?

Took me all of half a second to Google up dozens of examples. Here you go, since you're apparently incapable of using the internet yourself:

by Bobo Fett k

Cool story bro. Is there a reason you've chosen some of the most innocuous attacks he's made, and skipped right past the far worse ones?

Crickets here while you go off and post in other threads, huh, Mickey? This is why you are a lying scumbag. I don't usually call for posters to be banned but your posting ITT today has been absolutely disgraceful, even by your usual almost non-existent standards.

by wet work k

How did this clown get the gun in there?

Wasn’t the premise of republicans having more guns and surrounded by guns help protect u more then having 0 guns vs a gunman ?

by PointlessWords k

She’s been with him through the worst of times.

Lmao and she still thinks he has good $ assets .

Trump, who is on record as having hung out with Epstein and has been accused by three different people of rape, one of which was 12 years old.

Fyp 😀

by Montrealcorp k

Wasn’t the premise of republicans having more guns and surrounded by guns help protect u more then having 0 guns vs a gunman ?

in fairness, had there not been a counter sniper to take him out, a lot more people would have died

by bahbahmickey k

There are some exceptions on both sides, but to deny that the left largely has attacked trumps character far beyond normal political back and forth and repubs have mainly stuck to attacking policy/results means you are biased or haven’t been paying attention. This is not debatable.

If we created a list of everything way out of line either a dem or repub politician said and what a right or left leaning media outlet said about the character of politicians from both sides what do you think the rati

Well what u think is worst , some irrelevant people being on the left saying nasty thing or the president himself like trump saying as much nasty thing ?
I’m sure I could find u many dickhead on the right nasty thing as well , that is not hard .

by rickroll k

in fairness, had there not been a counter sniper to take him out, a lot more people would have died

How would u know ?
Was he there for trump or for like any usual daily AR mass murder attack without sniper around in the area in the US ?

by bahbahmickey k

There are some exceptions on both sides, but to deny that the left largely has attacked trumps character far beyond normal political back and forth and repubs have mainly stuck to attacking policy/results means you are biased or haven’t been paying attention. This is not debatable.

If we created a list of everything way out of line either a dem or repub politician said and what a right or left leaning media outlet said about the character of politicians from both sides what do you think the rati

Remember , those aren’t crazies , they are called conspiracy theorist and many Alex Jones are on the side of trump ..
U find it disgusting ?
Imagine how it felt least 4-8 years lol -> laptop laptop laptop .

by d2_e4 k

Like, calling political opponents traitors and saying they should be charged with treason for example, right Mickey? Or called for them to be imprisoned, right Mickey?

Took me all of half a second to Google up dozens of examples. Here you go, since you're apparently incapable of using the internet yourself:

To be fair to baham , this isn’t a big deal because baham and Maga actually praise a president with those attributes like that shrug .
It’s acceptable for them not an insult or w.e bad personal attack

by StoppedRainingMen k

I wouldn’t call it Pearl clutching, enough of these shitheads would engage in terrorism in the memory of dear leader whether attempted or successful for it to be a problem

Where have you been the past 8 years? These people have been openly calling for political violence for years, they've been lobbying tirelessly for random idiots to own firearms, and all of the sudden now I'm supposed to rush to the fainting couch?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Where have you been the past 8 years? These people have been openly calling for political violence for years, they've been lobbying tirelessly for random idiots to own firearms, and all of the sudden now I'm supposed to rush to the fainting couch?

Wait, I'm confused. Bahbah just told me that only democrats do stuff like this. Are you sure those guys are republicans? Seems unfathomable.

Blah blah is a completely disingenuous scumbag, let’s be absolutely clear about that

Remember when one of his followers broke into pelosi’s house to kill her and settled for beating an 80 year old man with a hammer? You might be shocked to learn he thought that was hilarious and basically said as much in his rallies

I will shed zero tears when this guy dies, I’ll probably do a celebratory shot and rub one out. Thoughts and prayers to your objective bullshit tripe tho

by Trolly McTrollson k

Where have you been the past 8 years? These people have been openly calling for political violence for years, they've been lobbying tirelessly for random idiots to own firearms, and all of the sudden now I'm supposed to rush to the fainting couch?

Look I’m not saying I don’t hope trump dies, the world is a better place without him and I woulda lol’d hard if he met his maker yesterday. I just have a hard time believing the side who is famous for:

1. 1/6
2. Paul Pelosi’s attempted murder
3. Whitmer’s attempted kidnapping
4. All things proud boys and equivalent groups

Among others wouldn’t escalate their chaos/violence to avenge dear leader

Don’t forget the Charlottesville rallies.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Look I’m not saying I don’t hope trump dies, the world is a better place without him and I woulda lol’d hard if he met his maker yesterday. I just have a hard time believing the side who is famous for:

1. 1/6
2. Paul Pelosi’s attempted murder
3. Whitmer’s attempted kidnapping
4. All things proud boys and equivalent groups

Among others wouldn’t escalate their chaos/violence to avenge dear leader

But that's just the thing, MAGA dipshits have *already* engaged in violence in and chaos ever since they ran over a woman at their Unite the Right Klan rally. It's not like this incident was the trigger for whatever future **** they do.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Look I’m not saying I don’t hope trump dies, the world is a better place without him and I woulda lol’d hard if he met his maker yesterday. I just have a hard time believing the side who is famous for:

1. 1/6
2. Paul Pelosi’s attempted murder
3. Whitmer’s attempted kidnapping
4. All things proud boys and equivalent groups

Among others wouldn’t escalate their chaos/violence to avenge dear leader

What you're forgetting is nazis are huge weenies who won't attack unless they have a clear advantage. If you see a group of nazis on the prowl, stay away. If you see a lone nazi, call them what they are.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Look I’m not saying I don’t hope trump dies, the world is a better place without him and I woulda lol’d hard if he met his maker yesterday.

Maybe this got missed as a post edit earlier, but please don't wish death on people, especially people with SS details. We don't want to give the FBI more work.

guys....all they do is wish for civil war and journalists to be killed....and vice presidents to be hung....

please do not express anything but sorrow if anything bad happens to one of them.

