The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


We are still awaiting your LSAT scores.

by jjjou812 k

We are still awaiting your LSAT scores.

Gonna be waiting like 6 months. Keep up the good work

by PointlessWords k

Gonna be waiting like 6 months. Keep up the good work

Have you taken a practice test yet? 4-6 months is probably a good amount of time to study for the LSAT. Good luck!

by chillrob k

Not just for you but anyone:

I saw something about him having donated $15 to some liberal PAC (not the Democrats), but how exactly is that even known? Or at least how could it have been discovered so quickly?

You also don't know if he donated lots more money to Republicans. Seems pretty silly to base anything on a small political donation.

Confirmed via OpenSecrets that it was different guy in PA with the same name that donated to ActBlue - not the shooter

by DonkJr k

Have you taken a practice test yet? 4-6 months is probably a good amount of time to study for the LSAT. Good luck!

Negative. Soon

by Montrealcorp k

Well what u think is worst , some irrelevant people being on the left saying nasty thing or the president himself like trump saying as much nasty thing ?
I’m sure I could find u many dickhead on the right nasty thing as well , that is not hard .

If one person, even the leader of a party, says nasty things it is bad but isn’t nearly as bad as say dem politicians coming together to say trump will end democracy.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Where have you been the past 8 years? These people have been openly calling for political violence for years, they've been lobbying tirelessly for random idiots to own firearms, and all of the sudden now I'm supposed to rush to the fainting couch?

Big difference between a few nuts supporting violence who aren’t politicians and actual politicians supporting violence.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Look I’m not saying I don’t hope trump dies, the world is a better place without him and I woulda lol’d hard if he met his maker yesterday. I just have a hard time believing the side who is famous for:

1. 1/6
2. Paul Pelosi’s attempted murder
3. Whitmer’s attempted kidnapping
4. All things proud boys and equivalent groups

Among others wouldn’t escalate their chaos/violence to avenge dear leader

Paul’s attacker didn’t exactly follow along a repub leaning conspiracy theories (see below) so I don’t think you can blame repubs for this unless you can show where repubs push the idea that elites control the internet, antisemitism, encourage pedophilia, etc.

“From August until the day before the attack on Mr. Pelosi, the blog featured many antisemitic sentiments as well as concerns about pedophilia, anti-white racism and “elite” control of the internet.“

by d2_e4 k

Like, calling political opponents traitors and saying they should be charged with treason for example, right Mickey? Or called for them to be imprisoned, right Mickey?

Took me all of half a second to Google up dozens of examples. Here you go, since you're apparently incapable of using the internet yourself:

Making up that trump will do anything for Putin or 50+ intelligence officers coming together to say hunters laptop is fake prior to an election both seem way worse than one person, even the leader of a political party, calling someone a traitor.

by d2_e4 k

Crickets here while you go off and post in other threads, huh, Mickey? This is why you are a lying scumbag. I don't usually call for posters to be banned but your posting ITT today has been absolutely disgraceful, even by your usual almost non-existent standards.

You have made it very apparent that you are intolerant of views that don’t align with your own. Instead of calling people scumbags or asking for bans because reading opposing views hurt your feelings a better strategy is to share why you disagree with them.

By the way, a week or so ago I got a PM from a mod warning me saying people that share a particular view are stupid or haven’t thought about that view enough because a mod took that as me calling an individual poster stupid. I would be absolutely shocked if you got a warning for calling someone something much worse than stupid (scumbag) and you actually did it directly.

by lozen k

No that comment should have been deleted and the individual a temporary vacation

by PointlessWords k

Nobody wished death on anyone.

Yes, multiple people on 2+2 said they wish the assassination attempt was successful. Yet, somehow d2 thinks I should be the one that gets banned because I don’t respond to him within a hour and we have opposing views.

by d2_e4 k

Plenty of people said they wished Trump dead on this forum, in the threads where he was posting, at the same time as he was posting in them. I know because I was one of them.

by chillrob k

Damn, I wish death on multiple people nearly every day. Too bad I don't have a magic lamp.

You exaggerate, I'm sure. Because you do realize that if you are not religious, your comment is almost totally logically equivalent to "If I could kill him without anyone ever knowing about it in a way that didn't force me to watch the death or similar unpleasantness I would do it". Perhaps something like finding a way to stop an ambulance on the way to save him. I am guessing you don't really have multiple people in that category. Nor could you use a belief in God (which I think you don't have) as an excuse to say that the death hope and no downside murder are significantly different.

by bahbahmickey k

Making up that trump will do anything for Putin or 50+ intelligence officers coming together to say hunters laptop is fake prior to an election both seem way worse than one person, even the leader of a political party, calling someone a traitor.

by bahbahmickey k

Yet, somehow d2 thinks I should be the one that gets banned because I don’t respond to him within a hour and we have opposing views.

Good job making up more lies. Your ability to tell the truth is about on par with Trump's, so no wonder you like him so much.

by bahbahmickey k

If one person, even the leader of a party, says nasty things it is bad but isn’t nearly as bad as say dem politicians coming together to say trump will end democracy.

Big difference between a few nuts supporting violence who aren’t politicians and actual politicians supporting violence.

Paul’s attacker didn’t exactly follow along a repub leaning conspiracy theories (see below) so I don’t think you can blame repubs for this unless you can show where repubs push the i

lol as if republicans politicians arent under the thumbs of trump and will say and do exactly evrything trump wants them to do,
which they exactly acted like that since 2016 ?
get real lol...
never saw a person as bias as u , its ridiculous.

You are drowning your own party with those takes😀.

ps: u should rewatch what crazy talk trump held vs nancy pelosi and still do to promote violence toward her or her family until a nutjob took the challenge...
exactly like those january 6th idiots

by steamraise k

The group that brought you Project 2025 says this year's election is already illegitimate

to lay a foundation to justify tossing out any results that don’t put Trump back in the White House

"There’s a zero percent chance of a free and fair election,”
Mike Howell, the executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project.

The incumbent is always the greatest threat to a peaceful and
effective transfer of power
,” the conservative game-runners wrote.
This is noted without irony or any mention whatsoever

Funny how this was never an issue until Trump was the incumbent.

by bahbahmickey k

If one person, even the leader of a party, says nasty things it is bad but isn’t nearly as bad as say dem politicians coming together to say trump will end democracy.

Big difference between a few nuts supporting violence who aren’t politicians and actual politicians supporting violence.

Trump supported violence AT HIS OWN RALLIES! 🙄

by David Sklansky k

You exaggerate, I'm sure. Because you do realize that if you are not religious, your comment is almost totally logically equivalent to "If I could kill him without anyone ever knowing about it in a way that didn't force me to watch the death or similar unpleasantness I would do it". Perhaps something like finding a way to stop an ambulance on the way to save him. I am guessing you don't really have multiple people in that category. Nor could you use a belief in God (which I think you don't have)

That was a slight exaggeration. I don't believe in God but don't understand the connection you're making.

I definitely have fantasized about having the magic power to make people suddenly not exist, and would certainly use that power regularly on many people if I had it. Actually if I had the power to make every human no longer exist, I would definitely do that.


by chillrob k

Trump supported violence AT HIS OWN RALLIES! 🙄

Bahbah doesn't let pesky details like the truth get in the way of a good story.

by chillrob k

Actually if I had the power to make every human no longer exist, I would definitely do that.

You're an extinctionist? That's pretty insane, man.

by Tuma k

You're an extinctionist? That's pretty insane, man.

No kink shaming. Although I hope there's a safe word.

by Tuma k

You're an extinctionist? That's pretty insane, man.

I've discussed that several times in this forum. I'm against human pain and suffering.


a wise man once said, "once you lose your courts, you lose your country"

by David Sklansky k

You exaggerate, I'm sure. Because you do realize that if you are not religious, your comment is almost totally logically equivalent to "If I could kill him without anyone ever knowing about it in a way that didn't force me to watch the death or similar unpleasantness I would do it". Perhaps something like finding a way to stop an ambulance on the way to save him. I am guessing you don't really have multiple people in that category. Nor could you use a belief in God (which I think you don't have)

every day we unknowingly kill thousands of insects just walking through grass

we are gods

by rickroll k

every day we unknowingly kill thousands of insects just walking through grass

we are gods

And kill plants and other animals for the food we eat and products we use.

republicans running for office DAILY: "democrats are communist socialists who run the deep state, murder babies, are pedophiles and let illegals vote!!!!!!"

also republicans: there is a "Big difference between a few nuts supporting violence who aren’t politicians and actual politicians supporting violence."

go **** yourselves.

Why's it still called USA anyway have to remove the U by now surely


SA #1

etc etc

Trump VP pick in next few hours (sources)
