The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

You know you've won an argument when the other sides retort is about your grammar. Good game. At least you can try again. Maybe you'll learn.

Well, you're just repeating the same dumb **** I've already addressed, so not much point going round in circles with your vacuous content.

by housenuts k

thinking goes like this:

Trump tried to overturn an election in 2020 and wasn't successful. He's learned a lot from his failures and now he's going to try again in 2028 but do it better, for an election he won't even be in.

makes sense.

No. Try to be less obtuse. They are saying his trying to overturn an election is evidence that he wants to stay in power by any means necessary. So this "for an election he won't even be in" is horseshit you made up.

by jalfrezi k

d2 you're becoming slightly more left wing, or at least less right wing, in your old age.

we need to unban our 2nd favorite italian after waluigi so he can be properly called a leftist

by StoppedRainingMen k


Oh man


Tell me more about your ignorant understanding of how other countries work

Are you trying to argue that Cuba and Iran don't hold elections?

by rickroll k

we need to unban our 2nd favorite italian after waluigi so he can be properly called a leftist

I mean, it's just not the same being called a leftist by someone who also thinks Hitler was a leftist. Loses some of its zest.

by d2_e4 k

No. Try to be less obtuse. They are saying his trying to overturn an election is evidence that he wants to stay in power by any means necessary. So this "for an election he won't even be in" is horseshit you made up.

Do you think he thought there was voter fraud, or he knew there wasn't but was pretending there was to stay in power?

by housenuts k

Do you think he thought there was voter fraud, or he knew there wasn't but was pretending there was to stay in power?

I don't claim to know what he was thinking, I'm going by what he said and did. If I had to guess, he had to know there was no voter fraud, because the whole voting fraud thing was something he made up out of thin air. Plenty of his inner circle have said they told him there was absolutely no evidence for voter fraud. He called state officials telling them to "find votes", so he was attempting to commit his own voting fraud. Why does the distinction matter? You think he just made an honest mistake lol?

by housenuts k

why wasn't he successful?

Mostly because his VP wasn't on board.

by d2_e4 k

I mean, it's just not the same being called a leftist by someone who also thinks Hitler was a leftist. Loses some of its zest.

Adolf Hitler and other proponents denied that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing: instead, they officially portrayed Nazism as a syncretic movement.

Well, if Hitler said it, it must be true.

by chillrob k

Mostly because his VP wasn't on board.

Good point, I missed that from my list.

Yeah. We really don’t know what would have happened if Pence said well allegations of fraud have been made so let’s let these 5 states go back and confirm. What we 100% know is the clowns that pretend like there was no doubt would have been regurgitating right wing Fox News media talking points about how the unprecedented nature of the 2020 certification process proves trumps fraud nonsense must be true.

by d2_e4 k

Well, if Hitler said it, it must be true.

finally, a voice of leftist reason

by d2_e4 k

I don't claim to know what he was thinking, I'm going by what he said and did. If I had to guess, he had to know there was no voter fraud, because the whole voting fraud thing was something he made up out of thin air. Plenty of his inner circle have said they told him there was absolutely no evidence for voter fraud. He called state officials telling them to "find votes", so he was attempting to commit his own voting fraud. Why does the distinction matter? You think he just made an honest mistak

Because it would show his intent.

If he truly thought there was voter fraud, his actions may make more sense.

If he knew there wasn't voter fraud, then your position is stronger.

Second question.

His failed attempt to stay in power last time was based on alleged voter fraud.

His attempt to stay in power in 2029 will be based on....

by housenuts k

Because it would show his intent.

If he truly thought there was voter fraud, his actions may make more sense.

If he knew there wasn't voter fraud, then your position is stronger.

Second question.

His failed attempt to stay in power last time was based on alleged voter fraud.

His attempt to stay in power in 2029 will be based on....


by housenuts k

Because it would show his intent.

If he truly thought there was voter fraud, his actions may make more sense.

If he knew there wasn't voter fraud, then your position is stronger.

Second question.

His failed attempt to stay in power last time was based on alleged voter fraud.

His attempt to stay in power in 2029 will be based on....

As I say, there is plenty of evidence that he either knew there was no voter fraud, or at the very least, he had absolutely no reason to think there was.

As for how he will attempt to stay in power - I don't know, I'm not an expert on how to turn democracies into dictatorships, but I'm sure he has plenty of people around him who are. Maybe some other posters who are more knowledgeable than I am can flesh out some plausible scenarios.

Also, it's not just about him staying in power, it's about authoritarianism in general, and he is the face of it. That might mean fixing future elections for republicans, turning the judiciary into an arm that is effectively subordinate to the executive branch, prosecuting journalists and other suppressions of free speech, and lots of other bad things that happen in authoritarian societies.

by chillrob k

Mostly because his VP wasn't on board.

The rapist's VP? The part I quoted was asking why the rapist wasn't successful.

Bishop's Gambit posed a scenario and I was seeking more clarification in order to answer his question.

by housenuts k

The rapist's VP? The part I quoted was asking why the rapist wasn't successful.

Bishop's Gambit posed a scenario and I was seeking more clarification in order to answer his question.

Yes, you want to stretch the analogy to the extent that it is no longer relevant then claim victory. You are very cunning and smart.

I (and others) have answered your question inasmuch as it's relevant to this conversation, which is explaining why Trump was unsuccessful in his first attempt to steal the election and retain power.

by d2_e4 k

Yes, you want to stretch the analogy to the extent that it is no longer relevant then claim victory. You are very cunning and smart.

I was moreso curious why the rapist wasn't in jail. I guess Newsom let him be free.

by Slighted k

yeah. it's pretty great that Trump is a terrible politician and picks people like Vance who brings no one extra to the table. it'd be rough to beat his cult if he had even the smallest bit of intelligence or strategy.

why pick someone that could be the stabilizing influence on your crazy or maybe someone who has billions of dollars to dump into a vanity campaign like the ND governor.. nah let's go with this far right wing crazy that things abortion should have no exceptions and also called you

Or someone that provides diversity of...any kind! Age is about it, but I don't think that's really bringing anything new.

Yikes. Especially this:

This worldview translates into a very aggressive agenda for a second Trump presidency. In a podcast interview, Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law.

“You stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it,” he declares.

The President Jackson quote is likely apocryphal, but the history is real. Vance is referring to an 1832 case, Worcester v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the US government needed to respect Native legal rights to land ownership. Jackson ignored the ruling, and continued a policy of allowing whites to take what belonged to Natives. The end result was the ethnic cleansing of about 60,000 Natives — an event we now call the Trail of Tears.

Vance seems like a great guy. 🙄

by housenuts k

I was moreso curious why the rapist wasn't in jail. I guess Newsom let him be free.

Maybe he wasn't caught. Or maybe because attempted rape is not a punishable by life offense. Or maybe Aileen Cannon threw his case out.

Or maybe you should stop playing dumb games in a transparent and futile attempt to distract everyone's attention away from the fact your argument sucks.

by d2_e4 k

Maybe he wasn't caught. Or maybe because attempted rape is not a punishable by life offense. Or maybe Aileen Cannon threw his case out.

Or maybe you should stop playing dumb games in a transparent and futile attempt to distract everyone's attention away from the fact your argument sucks.

don't pose dumb scenario questions and then when people ask questions about them a) answer a different question, and b) call them stupid for asking a follow-up question. retar dio.

1) 82 year old Trump will not try to run past term
2) if 82 year old Trump takes another shot he won't be successful

it's really that simple.

if you think otherwise then you live in a retar dio country and you should consider moving.

by Bobo Fett k

Or someone that provides diversity of...any kind! Age is about it, but I don't think that's really bringing anything new.

Yikes. Especially this:

Vance seems like a great guy. 🙄

Or this:

Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results. He has fundraised for January 6 rioters. He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump. After last week’s assassination attempt on Trump, he attempted to whitewash his radicalism by blaming the shooting on Democrats’ rhetoric about democracy without an iota of evidence.

by housenuts k

don't pose dumb scenario questions and then when people ask questions about them a) answer a different question, and b) call them stupid for asking a follow-up question. retar dio.

1) 82 year old Trump will not try to run past term
2) if 82 year old Trump takes another shot he won't be successful

it's really that simple.

if you think otherwise then you live in a retar dio country and you should consider moving.

How old are you, 12?

by StoppedRainingMen k


Oh man


Tell me more about your ignorant understanding of how other countries work
