The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Bobo Fett k

How old are you, 12?

you're not on CT you wouldn't get it - also 2p2 blanks out ******ed

by housenuts k

don't pose dumb scenario questions and then when people ask questions about them a) answer a different question, and b) call them stupid for asking a follow-up question. retar dio.

1) 82 year old Trump will not try to run past term
2) if 82 year old Trump takes another shot he won't be successful

it's really that simple.

if you think otherwise then you live in a retar dio country and you should consider moving.

I already addressed all this in a post which you ignored, choosing instead to focus on this rapist scenario. I'll quote it for you below, I know scrolling is hard.

Also, why would I move to a different country? My country is not the subject of discussion here.

by d2_e4 k

As I say, there is plenty of evidence that he either knew there was no voter fraud, or at the very least, he had absolutely no reason to think there was.

As for how he will attempt to stay in power - I don't know, I'm not an expert on how to turn democracies into dictatorships, but I'm sure he has plenty of people around him who are. Maybe some other posters who are more knowledgeable than I am can flesh out some plausible scenarios.

Also, it's not just about him staying in power, it's about auth

by housenuts k

you're not on CT you wouldn't get it - also 2p2 blanks out ******ed

Oh, does it? Gosh, I wonder if there's a reason why.

by housenuts k

why wasn't he successful?

Because Mike pence is a boss

by Bobo Fett k

Oh, does it? Gosh, I wonder if there's a reason why.


This belongs on DefiantLs

by Bobo Fett k

It could be argued that it is a pretty big ask because unlike most, if not all other censored words, it has legitimate uses that have nothing to do with insults. And people who can't find a better way to express themselves than using insults will just switch to something else offensive. Next we'll have to censor autist, autistic, and whatever else people feel the need to use.

Seems to me that you should instead be asking that it not be allowed to be used pejoratively. Do you report posts of peopl

I'm not sure what your point is. Yes, you've demonstrated my point that censoring such words isn't all that effective because people will do such very clever things as using meme coin names to "disguise" their insults. Do you think that somehow legitimizes your insult that most of us stopped using at 12 years old?

He's such a sly fox, what with his clever deflections and ingenious scheme to bypass the profanity filter. I honestly don't know how we're going to keep up with his shenanigans.

by Bobo Fett k

I'm not sure what your point is. Yes, you've demonstrated my point that censoring such words isn't all that effective because people will do such very clever things as using meme coin names to "disguise" their insults. Do you think that somehow legitimizes your insult that most of us stopped using at 12 years old?

in your view is it ok to tell people: they can't read, they are stupid, they can't think, etc. but not ok to say they are retar dio?

by housenuts k

in your view is it ok to tell people: they can't read, they are stupid, they can't think, etc. but not ok to say they are retar dio?

Again, I think you're missing the point. Bobo is saying that there is a filter in place because the owners of this site don't want that word appearing in posts here. He didn't say you can't use it. Just let the filter do its work.

by d2_e4 k

Again, I think you're missing the point. Bobo is saying that there is a filter in place because the owners of this site don't want that word appearing in posts here. He didn't say you can't use it. Just let the filter do its work.

I'm asking Bobo what insults he thinks are ok vs what ones he thinks aren't.

by Ambush k

I have never posted in this dark corner of the forum before, but your posts about rep/dem behaviour very much intrigue me.

How do you feel about Trump's stance towards the 2020 election results and what do you think happened Jan 6th?

I ask only since you assert that a politician's behaviour matters - more than their followers, and I agree (although there is some correlation there, surely).

I think trump is right to feel cheated on the 2020 election, but not because of voter fraud. I think the intelligence community, main stream media and social media coming together to block the laptop story right before the election is cheating.

Your 1/6 question is pretty broad so I’ll include a few thoughts: a group of a ~thousand nuts broke into the capitol - most with the idea to protest but a few of the biggest nuts actually thought they could overturn an election. As I’ve posted previously there was exactly a 0% chance a group of 1k armed or unarmed people are going to overthrow the most powerful country in the history of the world.

I don’t think trump actually wanted these nuts to break into the capitol building, but he deserves some blame from this. Dem politicians also deserve some blame for this for making it ok for politicians to encourage political violence for their role in the blm riots.

I agree there is some reflection of a politicians followers behavior to his/her behavior but you can’t blame a politician for everything one of his voters does. In a country of 330M there are going to be some nuts on both sides and you shouldn’t judge a politician on his/her craziest 1% of voters.

by biggerboat k

This whole vp conversation seems silly. I doubt we have anything resembling an election again if he wins.

We are 100% to have presidential elections every 4 years for the rest of our lives. Stop drinking the kool-aid.

If any presidential candidate tries cheating again to win an election they will learn from 2020 by going the dem route of lying before the election - not taking actions after the vote. The whole russia collusion is also an example of lying prior to an election that is far more effective than anything you can do after the votes are counted.

by housenuts k

in your view is it ok to tell people: they can't read, they are stupid, they can't think, etc. but not ok to say they are retar dio?

I'm not saying anything is or isn't OK. You do you. But it's pretty clear that:

1) The site has chosen to censor that word presumably because some people find it's offensive to those with actual disabilities. You don't have to agree with that, as many people don't, but to pretend you don't understand it is just disingenuous bullshit.
2) This is an insult most of left behind when we were 12 years old.

So it seems like a suboptimal move to circumvent the profanity filter simply to get in a childish insult. But like I said, you do you.

by housenuts k

you're not on CT you wouldn't get it - also 2p2 blanks out ******ed

Can't help but notice you dodged his question.

This thread was more fun in the 24-48 hours post assassination attempt. Both before and after that, most belongs in the Fringe Conspiracy thread about an upcoming authoritarian state. Politics is so wild and there's a reason people don't talk about it at family dinners. Gets so heated because everyone is sure they are right. As always, everything settles somewhere in the middle.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Can't help but notice you dodged his question.

I found it offensive that he would ask that and I cried for a bit.

by housenuts k

This thread was more fun in the 24-48 hours post assassination attempt. Both before and after that, most belongs in the Fringe Conspiracy thread about an upcoming authoritarian state. Politics is so wild and there's a reason people don't talk about it at family dinners. Gets so heated because everyone is sure they are right. As always, everything settles somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, because when the incoming VP says stuff like this, it's a fringe conspiracy to think he means it.

Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results. He has fundraised for January 6 rioters. He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump.

by d2_e4 k

Yeah, because when the incoming VP says stuff like this, it's a fringe conspiracy to think he means it.

at least you admit he's the incoming VP. may as well wrap this thread up

But that would deprive us of the opportunity to

by housenuts k

tell people: they can't read, they are stupid, they can't think, etc.

which would be sad.

by housenuts k

I found it offensive that he would ask that and I cried for a bit.

It's very suspicious you won't tell us you're an adult, I'm taking notes.

by Trolly McTrollson k

It's very suspicious you won't tell us you're an adult, I'm taking notes.

I joined this forum 20 years ago when I was -8 years old. not that hard to maths.

by housenuts k

I joined this forum 20 years ago when I was -8 years old. not that hard to maths.

Seems a little too convenient.

I just assumed it was a Menudo account, where it had to be handed over to someone younger once the account owner turned 16.

by biggerboat k

He literally tried to overturn the last election. Literally.

George W. Bush and his crew SUCCESSFULLY overturned the election and we still held elections after that.

Trump might execute the coup de grace on our broken democracy, but it's not as simple as #RESIST libs make it out to be.

Speaking of that, I can't wait for the return of those brilliant #RESISTANCE stars. Sarah Cooper is salivating over the opportunity to become relevant again through her act of lip-synching Trump speeches and having a billion people think it's hilarious and cutting for some mysterious reason.

What is CT?

by Rococo k

What is CT?

I think he meant the conspiracy theory thread.
