The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by formula72 k

It's not 1899. California turning red isn't going to turn it into a shithole just like turning Mississippi blue is going to turn it into an economic powerhouse. People migrate where they want to live their life and where they can work. It's a completely different ballpark if Mississippi were to produce the oil of texas or if Silicon Valley was somewhere else, or where the olds would want to live when they retire and can afford to live anywhere under specific stringent climate conditions that

U think policies aren’t responsible at all ?
I mean if it was only about geography explaining poverty today , why previously it was kind of ok for many of them before?

In the 19th and early-to-mid-20th century, what is now known as the Rust Belt was defined by other nicknames, including Factory Belt, Steel Belt, or Manufacturing Belt. All these nicknames denoted the region’s importance for the U.S. manufacturing sector. The region became America’s industrial center, owing in large part to its natural resources, especially iron ore and coal. There was also a plentiful supply of labor in the region, as people immigrated from Europe and the U.S. South in search of jobs. In addition, the area that is now referred to as the Rust Belt had a very good transportation network in the form of waterways.

It just a fact , without any geographic implication, that globalization did cost millions of jobs which was political and « Wall Street » decisions but hey , being against union and all surely help them too….

tbf, that is rather hilarious - you should photoshop your avatar to add in trump ear along with bitcoin eyes

by housenuts k

Double female ticket

Who doesn't like 2 chicks at the same time?

by housenuts k

Google helps. Of course instead of doing it yourself you ask others to do it for you. Waste of time. You're a leech of society. You should try contributing to it.

Are inland cities worse off economically than coastal cities?

Inland cities can indeed face economic disadvantages compared to coastal cities. Here are some reasons why:

Accessibility and transportation: Coastal cities tend to have better connections to global trade routes, making it easier for goods to be transported in and out of these

That doesn’t explain why they have to be so poor and underperforming so much .
Rust belt wasn’t always called rust belt .

by rickroll k

tbf, that is rather hilarious - you should photoshop your avatar to add in trump ear along with bitcoin eyes

If that trend takes off, it's really going to throw a wrench into the good work PlayBig, Derek & Roseanne have been doing. They'll have to come up with a new sleuthing technique for identifying the imposters from blurry low resolution photos.

by rickroll k

tbf, that is rather hilarious - you should photoshop your avatar to add in trump ear along with bitcoin eyes

They need an app for it. That's how I did the lasers. I have no photoshop skills. If someone adds the pillow, happy to update my avatar.

by housenuts k

If you're not here for the lols you're missing out greatly


That chode praying definitely thinks Jesus turned Trump's head, I'd bet my house on it.

by d2_e4 k


Mostly ******s

by Montrealcorp k

U think policies aren’t responsible at all ?
I mean if it was only about geography explaining poverty today , why previously it was kind of ok for many of them before?

It just a fact , without any geographic implication, that globalization did cost millions of jobs which was political and « Wall Street » decisions but hey , being against union and all surely help them too….

I honestly don't know exactly what your point is but yes, policies are responsible to a certain level, but they are usually a symptom of something that has happened that is heavily out of their control. If Texas no longer has it's demand for its oil and gas exports, they are going to take a hit.

If it's determined that Lithium is the next big thing for Tesla and for businesses to extract and to refine, then that's going to supersede what the Big 3 auto makers can offer. The policies help in elevating some of the financial aftermath - and that money literally comes from the revenue of the other guy.

by d2_e4 k


That chode praying definitely thinks Jesus turned Trump's head, I'd bet my house on it.

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

Well, as I have been known to point out on occasion, these people are... how can I put this most diplomatically? Dense as a bag of spanners.

by Bobo Fett k

Do you know where I can find an up-to-date map? Every one I find seems to be defective.

Lol yeah. Louisiana leads the nation in port cargo volume..... being where the largest in the continent meets the Ocean is probably a good place to be. Alabama has one of the deepest ports in the hemisphere. The people in these states aren't doing better because od conservative culture run amok.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

especially when the other guy in this race actually goes to church every single sunday.

by housenuts k

Mostly ******s

They're probably selling those bandages for like 50 bucks at the door too lol. Coming soon to store shelves near you (with a gaudy Trump logo, of course). Discount if you buy the sneakers & bandage bundle. Gotta respect the grift. You should sell some of your BTC and buy one.

Biden stepping down during Trump's speech tomorrow night would be pretty funny

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

Reality doesn't count in religion. You make a wish, you believe magic ... you dismiss any inconvenient aspects of reality.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

White Christianity in the US is pretty toxic. The largest named denomination is the Southern Baptists who split because mainline baptists where neutral on slavery and southern baptists considered it a god given right to own slaves.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination but I can’t begin to understand going to church every Sunday for 65 years and knowing who Donald trump is and after 65 years deciding Donald trump is basically Christ almighty

There was a good article about this.


Tldr Christianity is at best the 2nd worst religion. Christians view Trumps sex crimes as a sign that he is a real man, like king David and the important thing is he will be a vehicle for their hatred.

by ES2 k

There was a good article about this.


Tldr Christianity is at best the 2nd worst religion. Christians view Trumps sex crimes as a sign that he is a real man, like king David and the important thing is he will be a vehicle for their hatred.

Which religion gets the #1 spot in your estimation?

Lots of leaks today. Schumer, pelosi, harris, katzenberg, all the same thing that the big names are trying to convince team biden. And the likely self leaks coming out probably mean that didn't succeed - at least not today.

by Dunyain k

Which religion gets the #1 spot in your estimation?

you should check out what the muslim version of evangelicals say and do politically

don't know enough about hindus and buddhists but they are probably up to no good as well

by rickroll k

you should check out what the muslim version of evangelicals say and do politically

don't know enough about hindus and buddhists but they are probably up to no good as well

Those sneaky sun worshippers are pretty sus in all. Sunbathing, my ass.

oh the zoroastrians and zunists were probably not very friendly neighbors

if you have seen raised by wolves (which is a pretty good scifi imo) the main religion there uses a lot of zoroastrian motifs

"Biden tests positive for Covid, White House says" from BBC.

Yep, that's the first shot in the 'Biden is steppping aside cos ' media management process.

by housenuts k

make sure the hill you're on isn't too sloped or you might die on it. Gulf Coast FTW.

You said something objectively false, Bobo Fett explained how ... whereupon you immediately start blathering about dying on hills and other nonsense.

Anyway, I agree with those who said there are impoverished areas in both Republican and Democrat cities and states. This is largely because both parties are beholden to capitalism broadly and corporate interests more specifically. Democrats do marginally better with poverty reduction, as they're somewhat less eager to totally shred all safety nets than the GOP, but both are captured by the aforementioned interests which benefit from poverty and income inequality.

You mentioned Indianapolis and the Gulf Coast, which, coincidentally, are the places where I've lived most of my life and where I live now, respectively. Indianapolis is a lovely city. Lower average income than LA and these other huge cities, but a lower cost of living. The downtown area is honestly pretty nice. Some homeless, but as major blue cities in red states go, it's doing rather well. Now I live in a reddish area in a red/purple state, and things are about the same. I don't think there would be a big difference economically if Gavin were Governor here as opposed to Ron DeSanctimonious.
