The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
"Biden tests positive for Covid, White House says" from BBC.
Yep, that's the first shot in the 'Biden is steppping aside cos
I mean, can't he just... have COVID?
I don't think he's gonna step down. He certainly has been passionately holding on to his campaign every time he's talked about it, even after the debate. He SHOULD step down, obviously, the dude can hardly speak, but you don't get to be POTUS without being pathologically narcissistic. He thinks he's killing this President ****.
I mean, can't he just... have COVID?
I don't think he's gonna step down. He certainly has been passionately holding on to his campaign every time he's talked about it, even after the debate. He SHOULD step down, obviously, the dude can hardly speak, but you don't get to be POTUS without being pathologically narcissistic. He thinks he's killing this President ****.
Is there anything to this Lady McBiden angle that has been floated here?
Why wouldn't a guy this old and this important be right on top of COVID immunisations? Seems dodgy.
Sick level horsenuts, but we know that's your alt. Nice try.
Of course he can just have COVID. If you think that he is at least considering an off ramp, then he could health concerns as a bit of one. If you don't think he is looking for an off ramp, then yeah, he will just lie low for a week and then get back to "I'll never step down" routine.
You mentioned Indianapolis and the Gulf Coast, which, coincidentally, are the places where I've lived most of my life and where I live now, respectively. Indianapolis is a lovely city. Lower average income than LA and these other huge cities, but a lower cost of living. The downtown area is honestly pretty nice. Some homeless, but as major blue cities in red states go, it's doing rather well. Now I live in a reddish area in a red/purple state, and things are about the same. I don't think t
I've never been to Indianapolis, but I've always assumed it would be fine but boring. It is frequently listed as one of the more liveable cities in the U.S.
Your political views are a wee bit out of step with your neighbors if you live in the Florida panhandle now.
If that trend takes off, it's really going to throw a wrench into the good work PlayBig, Derek & Roseanne have been doing. They'll have to come up with a new sleuthing technique for identifying the imposters from blurry low resolution photos.
When I was a kid, there was a high profile college basketball player named Derrick Chievous. He was known as the Band-Aid Man because he always wore a band-aid on a different of his body to cover up an imaginary cut or scrape.
Trump worshipers should do the same thing. They should sometimes cover an eye with a bandage, sometimes cover their nose, sometimes put an arm in a sling, etc.
If he has COVID then he probably is right on top of his immunizations. What are they up to now 11?
This is a bit of a segue, but I like to pick Luckbox's brain a little on these kind of topics, because he is thoughtful (if not always knowledgeable). Are you of the opinion that Western elites actually take Covid vaccines and believe in them? Or do you think it is possible they try to force them on the plebes while passing themselves due to health concerns?
This is a bit of a segue, but I like to pick Luckbox's brain a little on these kind of topics, because he is thoughtful (if not always knowledgeable). Are you of the opinion that Western elites actually take Covid vaccines and believe in them? Or do you think it is possible they try to force them on the plebes while passing themselves due to health concerns?
Yeah I have to assume that they aren't taking the real deal and that the images we see where they're rolling up their sleeves for the cameras are for TV only.
His party is pretty much united now. I'd be really surprised if he sticks it out.
Fairly united against Biden, maybe.
But will they fumble the election by squabbling over who takes up the banner after he steps aside?
It's a two step process. First you come together with a single voice and tell Biden to go away. Next, you maintain that single voice and support Kamala to see this through to the end.
You know damn well that a big portion of dems will be unable to behave themselves. They'll fight about who should be at the top of the ticket and Trump will sit smug on the sidelines talking about what a disaster the DNC is.
Fairly united against Biden, maybe.
But will they fumble the election by squabbling over who takes up the banner after he steps aside?
It's a two step process. First you come together with a single voice and tell Biden to go away. Next, you maintain that single voice and support Kamala to see this through to the end.
You know damn well that a big portion of dems will be unable to behave themselves. They'll fight about who should be at the top of the ticket and Trump will sit smug on the sideline
You don't think the Republicans have been split in trump? Cmon man.
I really don't think kamala is the best choice.
kamala as VP
newsomb as prez or michelle
They may not have been during the primaries but they are now and the convention shows that. I still think Desantis or Haley were better off waiting till 2028 and I suspect Newsom may be considering this and just let Kamala run and lose . Its an uphill battle for anyone at this point but I do think anyone does better than Biden
Your political views are a wee bit out of step with your neighbors if you live in the Florida panhandle now.
Tampa, but indeed. Nothing I'm not used to.
This is a bit of a segue, but I like to pick Luckbox's brain a little on these kind of topics, because he is thoughtful (if not always knowledgeable). Are you of the opinion that Western elites actually take Covid vaccines and believe in them? Or do you think it is possible they try to force them on the plebes while passing themselves due to health concerns?
lol, of course they do. They don't share the conspiracy view that the COVID vaccine has Bill Gates depopulation microchips or Autism Juice or Died Suddenly Magic or whatever you types are always on about.
democrats aren't republicans. i dont think democratic voters will go for the same stuff that republicans are known for like stabbing each other in the back and then playing the kiss the ring game.
i dont either in a vacuum. but i think she's gotta be the play in the current situation, like rococo said. plus there is some questions with if the nominee isn't kamala will biden/harris release the 240 million in funds. if they don't, which i dont think they have to/nor can anyone use it otherwise, and you're skipping over harris then it has to be for pritzker on the condition he self funds.
If Democrats really felt that they had to win the election at all costs; to "preserve American democracy" and all that, they'd just ship $1B under the table to, say, Denzel Washington.
You really think Denzel wouldn't beat Donald?
I hear people advocate for Tom Hanks, and he'd probably win too, but he's one of the premier Hollywood Sickos/QAnon enemies for some reason or another. Denzel is not, and also seems to be genuinely religious, which would be a plus for all the non-partisan religious rubes out there.
John Goodman would be another good one. I'd vote for the Washington/Goodman ticket. Call it the Flight Caucus.