The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
I am little surprised that Wes Moore isn't getting more oxygen. There are some elements of his background that could appeal to both centrists (stint in the military, worked in finance) and progressives (four years as CEO of the Robinhood foundation). That said, I am not entirely sold on him. Successful politicians tend to convey authenticity to their supporters. Obama, Trump, Bill Clinton, W, and even Biden in his prime have been able to give the appearance of speaking extemporaneously into a microphone when the situation required it. There is a second tier of candidates who have the right resume but who tend to flame out on a national stage because they come across as overly scripted and packaged. I would put Marco Rubio and Cory Booker in this category. Based on the couple of times that I have heard Moore speak, I have some concern that he is less in the Obama/Clinton camp and more in the Rubio/Booker camp. But people improve as speakers over time and it is still very early for him. He is only 45. He never held elected office before becoming governor of Maryland, and he has been in that job for only two years.
In any case, I'm sure he will speak at the Democratic convention, and his name will be thrown around as a potential presidential candidate in 2028 and 2032.
Is that the patsy the Russians setup to “save” Trump while they blew a piece of his ear off with explosives?
the funding thing is so silly imo. newsom starting with $0 tonight would have $100m by the end of the week and $300m by the end of next
the amount individuals can raise is capped
the amount you can give to the party/PACs is capped at a much bigger number but those have already raised plenty
hence why of the 240 million in the biden/harris war chest, only 90 million belongs to them - the rest belongs to parties/PACs
that 150 million from major donors is likely mostly tapped and they can't donate again this election cycle - there are obviously some who haven't contributed and in theory an unlimited amount of people left who can donate $10 but the majority of the major donors for PAC/party stuff have already been tapped out
it would be possible, but a massive uphill climb to get even close to 90 million - not to mention that in order to raise 90 million, they'd probably need to spend 20 million on ads - so it's more like raising 115 million+ just to reach 90 million in the bank
not to mention the costs of starting fresh - hiring people last minute, etc etc - everything will come at a premium because you're likely coaxing people away from good and high paying jobs and you'll need to make it rain to convince them to leave the safety of their current situation for what will likely be a 4 month exercise in failure
that 90 million is a huge amount - also need to factor in that biden will need to refund it if he drops out and kamala doesn't take the reigns, which itself would be a gargantuan task to both determine which prorated amount each donor should receive and then issuing it - also has tax implications for everyone involved because a lot of that money was raised last year and used as a writeoff
115+ million is very hard to raise 5k max a pop and majority of donations are going to be $5 or $10

have never heard him speak. seems like he sucks
the rock is a republican
never heard of him
might be too big a challenge to run someone with little name recognition this close to the election (though there could be benefits to going with a ~blank slate). it's probably going to be kamala + some white man as veep. saw walz or whatever from minnesota and the gov from north carolina thrown out as possibilities. can't be gavin because he and kh are both from california, plus he doesn't want to be veep anyway.
If Biden steps down and Harris is the nominee, who do we think would realistically be the VP pick for her? I don't recall seeing this answered anywhere yet.
If Biden steps down and Harris is the nominee, who do we think would realistically be the VP pick for her? I don't recall seeing this answered anywhere yet.
I am 99% certain that the decision would be tactical, which is why you see names from purple or light red states being mentioned, but as between Shapiro, Beshear, Cooper, Whitmer, etc., I couldn't say.
Pete B
Ok, here's a hypothetical - let's say we had a media that actually did its job, and correctly worked out that Biden's faculties weren't there and haven't been there for years as has been obvious to anyone who is paying attention since forever, and there is enough pressure that he opts to, or is forced not to, seek a second term. What would the ticket for the Dems be now, and would it still be a 2-1 dog against DJT?
Enjoy hell, Lou Dobbs
Ok, here's a hypothetical - let's say we had a media that actually did its job, and correctly worked out that Biden's faculties weren't there and haven't been there for years as has been obvious to anyone who is paying attention since forever, and there is enough pressure that he opts to, or is forced not to, seek a second term. What would the ticket for the Dems be now, and would it still be a 2-1 dog against DJT?
they'd need to go back at least 3 years, start grooming and promoting the chosen successor - getting him part of the conversation on most national issues and be regularly seen with biden showing he has a lot of influence etc etc
i think then they'd be a favorite
trump has a pretty good base
but beyond that he's a trash candidate
the right guy could easily embarass him in a debate and poke holes in all his lies and malfeasance
it's amazing that joe stood there in a debate, watched a guy who tried to illegally seize power claim he didn't do anything wrong and lie left and right and just ignore it and say "i created jobs for blacks"
trump only appears strong in debates because he's never once faced off against anyone who both think on their feet and react to him & have the cohones to actually drop the prepared talking points and do so
trump has no talking points - he just goes in there and rawdawgs - he's not good at it at all - but when everyone else is scared to say anything that hasn't been run by focus groups beforehand then they never react and call him out on anything and as a result he becomes the table captain and appears dominant and in charge
just get one guy capable of thinking on his feet and not afraid to do so and the clown that trump is would soon be apparent to many of his less devoted supporters
Wonder if Biden backs out if Trump will do a debate vs the new nominee.
Can you imagine Trump debating Denzel, lol. Denzel would rip him a new *******.
Have any Progressive in Congress/Senate come out against Biden? So far it's been your typical centrist-neoliberal/old guard