The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by 72off k

there doesn't seem to be any evidence that black voters like biden more than anyone else, and i don't really see why they'd like him more than a black woman. it appears to be a myth that jimmy clyburn invented because he has pull with brandon

I mean biden literally won the nomination in 2020 cuz of black voters. Contradictory or not that’s just what happened

by StoppedRainingMen k

That’s my bad for repeating the subject then, I just skip over his posts

You're not losing much. I'll sum it up for you: "my freedom to take away yours for doing stuff my sky daddy doesn't like".

nah he won because the party decided he should win

anyway poling in 2024 says black voters dgaf about him, probably why he's lost so many of them to trump

Melania going to the box when trump isn’t there is a ****ing choice

by 72off k

nah he won because the party decided he should win

anyway poling in 2024 says black voters dgaf about him, probably why he's lost so many of them to trump

I mean sure, but if you look at the breakdown South Carolina is where the dem primary essentially ended, first state biden won and he took 71% of the black vote

Followed immediately by Bama which was the 2nd state biden won and he took 69% of the black vote

From that point it was a done deal. Superdelegates didn’t hurt but biden won because of support from black voters

by 72off k

there doesn't seem to be any evidence that black voters like biden more than anyone else, and i don't really see why they'd like him more than a black woman. it appears to be a myth that jimmy clyburn invented because he has pull with brandon

black southern voters are why he won the primary back in 2020

Kid rock lip synching a kid rock song was not on my bingo card

Joe rogan aged terribly

Bro stop licking your lips

A big shift was that Biden gained votes from mail in votes and new voters under 30. Trump gained in hispanuc votes and from new voters over 30.

Lee Greenwood gonna get played off again?

This is weirdest thing I’ve ever seen

I'm gonna need you to turn off the TV.

You don't like any of them. This is bad for your health.

yeah i was about to ask, why are you doing this to yourself? lol

by 72off k

yeah i was about to ask, why are you doing this to yourself? lol

My job requires me to stay informed

My sanity requires me to livestream a mind dump

I’m literally watching Donald Trump’s quincinera

interesting, what is your job roughly srm? i always pegged you as a pizza chef

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m literally watching Donald Trump’s quincinera


I’m the AI at your local McDonalds drive thru

Gotta know the tone of the of the people who need a Big Mac at 11 pm

by StoppedRainingMen k

I mean biden literally won the nomination in 2020 cuz of black voters. Contradictory or not that’s just what happened

Wasn’t it decided in court the dnc cheated to get Biden up there? Or was that 2016

Reports were they changed the speech to remove every mention of biden expecting him to dropout

And so far here we are

by Montrealcorp k

U think policies aren’t responsible at all ?
I mean if it was only about geography explaining poverty today , why previously it was kind of ok for many of them before?

It just a fact , without any geographic implication, that globalization did cost millions of jobs which was political and « Wall Street » decisions but hey , being against union and all surely help them too….

by formula72 k

I honestly don't know exactly what your point is but yes, policies are responsible to a certain level, but they are usually a symptom of something that has happened that is heavily out of their control. If Texas no longer has it's demand for its oil and gas exports, they are going to take a hit.

If it's determined that Lithium is the next big thing for Tesla and for businesses to extract and to refine, then that's going to supersede what the Big 3 auto makers can offer. The policies help in e

Policies are also heavily influenced by changes in the economy.

Biden originally back in 2021 halted a lot of oil and gas leasing to focus on the climate agenda and other areas. This year, he's opened the flood gates because he knows that lower transportation costs is one of the best ways to battle inflation.

We've seen this tone from him before occasionally, but it's coming off oddly like Sleepy Donald. It's an embarrassment, the listeners know it, but they don't want to know it. And that last part is way more important with human beings. His speech is some kind of languid rant of some of his paranoid fixations. How do his handlers think even his base can eat this up? They have been mostly hushed by it, surprised by it, dulled by it. They can hardly feign excitement. Two impaired candidates, in some different ways and some of the same ways.

That almost reminds me of an Elvis concert near the end when he unraveled on stage. Ha ... he just said "unraveled" just as I wrote it. Word overlap synchronicity. Anyway, Elvis, left to all his delusions and indulgences, eventually unraveled on stage while performing.

Within the last 45 seconds trump will do Reagan’s Star Wars, get to the bottom of Alzheimer’s and men will not be playing women’s sports

It's amazing how deluded his opposition is at times. This speech wasn't bad. He feels like a real human.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’m literally watching Donald Trump’s quincinera
