The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
the argument for kelly is that he's everything the republicans try to attack the dems for not being.. he's former military, he was an astronaut, AZ is a swing state, he's a "moderate", he's white, straight and christian.
he's basically the perfect compliment to Harris.
he'd also be able to (unfortunately) put a story behind the horrors of the GOP/SCOTUS gun policies ... reinforce the carnage this nation suffers daily bc the GOP stops common sense gun laws from passing
appeal to suburban moms... the GOP isn't allowing us to protect Olivia and Emma at school. your babies might be gunned down during math class today bc of the GOP's intransigence
It would make the dems defend the seat in 26 instead of 28 which isn't nothing.
Dems need a clean sweep to really do anything important, and we know America is dumb enough to push backwards in 26 even if they do get the sweep, and that would be an easy one to lose.
Dems are almost certainly losing the senate this year regardless of anything. The map is ****ing ludicrous
You’re right that it’s not nothing but if Kelly helps Harris in any measurable way more than Shapiro **** it, YOLO
if republican strategists were hoping for a messy fight to take place over this nomination i think they are going to be sad..
this looks like it could be wrapped up by tomorrow. not enough time for them to prop up manchin or someone.
Obama for VP?? Barack Obama.
Trump beats a white woman then loses to black woman? I think he is far too fragile to handle that.
Guess im a complete dumb**** thinking biden had a better show than harris.
harris seems to be polling better than biden in these early polls
The above Electoral College projected map has remained consistent for many many months. My two immediate tweaks would be to move Georgia from light GOP pink to damn near neutral. That GA 16 point shift is important, especially if we give it to the Dems. That one move shifts things from 216 Dem - 251 GOP to a literal toss up of 232 Dem - 235 GOP. And I've said that I would not be surprised if the powers that be decide the best VP for Harris would be to trying to keep medium pink GOP Ohio in
DEMS absolutely win one of either GA or WISCY. prolly GA becuase of the obvious. WIsy is tough policy wise but I thikn trump will bend more than he did in 2020 for MI and WIS
maybe both but def win one of those two absolutely, its closer than that
Trump beats a white woman then loses to black woman? I think he is far too fragile to handle that.
In a perfect world Trump would have lost the GOP nomination to non-white woman Haley, which would have given him a well deserved aneurysm. Then Haley would win the general to infuriate the smug Democrats who undoubtedly feel that the first woman POTUS will come from their party. But unfortunately the world ain’t perfect.
No clue ... Discuss//
Mod edit: from thread titled "Joe Manchin for President?"
lol. dude has less supporters than rfk. i'm sure some republican PAC will prop him up and get him to reregister as a Dem in a fake attempt to mess with the dem convention.. but Harris is too quick in putting together all the coalition. she'll have the nom all but wrapped up by tomorrow eod i'd bet.
I certainly hope Kamala beats Trump (although I doubt she will), but why are the Democrats in such a rush to nominate her? She's shown very little in terms of being a quality campaigner on the national scale. It was only 4 years ago that she went from "one of the favorites" to "dropping out before any votes were cast" in the 2020 Democratic Primary. Kopmala is seemingly a standard right-wing Democrat and Zionist compared to any of the other contenders. Who genuinely likes her other than some KHive wine moms?
Obviously (insert any beloved celebrity whatsoever) is the best choice to defeat "existential threat to all of American democracy" Donald Trump, but since the Democratic Party movers and shakers refuse to consider anybody outside of the club, they should at least consider Newsome or Whitmer or someone with some actual juice.
he's going to say so many shocking sexist/patriarchal things about Kamala over the next 107 days. suburban women are going to bury Trump again
women in focus groups always comment on how they don't like how mean and nasty he is
Oh totally. Once people recognize that Donald Trump is a sexist pig, he's DONE FOR!
What year is this?!?
I certainly hope Kamala beats Trump (although I doubt she will), but why are the Democrats in such a rush to nominate her? She's shown very little in terms of being a quality campaigner on the national scale. It was only 4 years ago that she went from "one of the favorites" to "dropping out before any votes were cast" in the 2020 Democratic Primary. Kopmala is seemingly a standard right-wing Democrat and Zionist compared to any of the other contenders. Who genuinely likes her other than some
Newsom already endorsed Harris and called her “tough, fearless and tenacious”. He also implied that she is the person best able to take on Trump today.
Trump beats a white woman then loses to black woman? I think he is far too fragile to handle that.
I can't see this being Harris - just gets too messy if Biden won't resign now. He sticks around and Trump attacks him and ties Harris in with his administration. Again reiterate this is only step 2 of the ultimate DNC plan for a whole new ticket to be endorsed at the convention. All the money raised will eventually go to this new ticket. Whitmer will be part of it for sure. Maybe Whitmer/Newsom and in that order. California as the presidential nominee does not work. It would have still been better to stick with Biden if that was the case.
replace Obama w Pelosi and your post makes a bit more sense. but only a bit
this SCOTUS' reading of the 22nd amendment would make this an impossibility (not that your post is serious anyway)
I can't see this being Harris - just gets too messy if Biden won't resign now. He sticks around and Trump attacks him and ties Harris in with his administration. Again reiterate this is only step 2 of the ultimate DNC plan for a whole new ticket to be endorsed at the convention. All the money raised will eventually go to this new ticket. Whitmer will be part of it for sure. Maybe Whitmer/Newsom and in that order. California as the presidential nominee does not work. It would have still been bett
i'm enjoying the non-Yank hot takes
keep 'em coming!
Newsom already endorsed Harris and called her “tough, fearless and tenacious”. He also implied that she is the person best able to take on Trump today.
Newsom is very smart he will not run he knows the time frame is short and right now it looks like Trump. He is young and will be there in 2028. Also the narrative from some will be your denying a black women from being the candidate and folks voted for a Biden Harris ticket .
The question is who will be her VP
Lets hope they polish up her presentation
All I can say Season 8 of the Reality show USA has been awesome.
The right having a full on meltdown over this is unquestionably magnificent
I can't see this being Harris - just gets too messy if Biden won't resign now. He sticks around and Trump attacks him and ties Harris in with his administration. Again reiterate this is only step 2 of the ultimate DNC plan for a whole new ticket to be endorsed at the convention. All the money raised will eventually go to this new ticket. Whitmer will be part of it for sure. Maybe Whitmer/Newsom and in that order. California as the presidential nominee does not work. It would have still been bett
biden's presidency is viewed by democrats as one of the best in our lifetimes. Harris is going to try tie herself to that administration not distance herself. lol. the democrats don't need to recruit conservative australians to their cause, they just need to energize their own party.
literally everyone that would run against Harris as already endorsed her for the nomination. she's had the largest fundraising day in history. lulz all around.
Voting for Biden against Trump was eh
Kamala is an infinitely better candidate
Things can change, but it does look like the dems are solidified on Kamala now.
Trump whining on his stupid website like the pathetic little bitch he is about how he spent all this $$$ and time preparing for one opponent and now it’s a different one. Boo ****ing hoo. Maybe if you weren’t such a shitty candidate and a horrible human being, Donald, you could just tell everyone all the great policy ideas you have and then they’d vote for you. But you don’t have any ideas or any value at all, which is why you have to constantly talk about how the other guy sucks. Try not sucking yourself for once, Donald.
First time I've heard anybody say this. If it was the case, then Biden wouldn't have been getting trounced so hard in the polls that he was forced to drop out. Out of the Democratic presidents in my lifetime (Clinton, Obama, Biden), Biden is certainly in last place.