The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Trump appears to be suffering from a derangement syndrome

I wonder if there’s a catchy phrase for that

Definition of unhinged.

Trump gonna have a stroke at this rate.

by DonkJr k

First time I've heard anybody say this. If it was the case, then Biden wouldn't have been getting trounced so hard in the polls that he was forced to drop out. Out of the Democratic presidents in my lifetime (Clinton, Obama, Biden), Biden is certainly in last place.

he was getting trounced because he was old and his admin was bad at messaging his accomplishments. not because he didnt have them.

by Slighted k

he was getting trounced because he was old and his admin was bad at messaging his accomplishments. not because he didnt have them.

If you say so. It seems to me that when an incumbent drops out because they cannot possibly win an election, they probably aren't widely considered "the best president of our lifetimes." But WTF do I know?

by DonkJr k

If you say so. It seems to me that when an incumbent drops out because they cannot possibly win an election, they probably aren't widely considered "the best president of our lifetimes." But WTF do I know?

Obv not much, as anyone with any brains at all knows the issue with Biden is his age.

by DonkJr k

First time I've heard anybody say this. If it was the case, then Biden wouldn't have been getting trounced so hard in the polls that he was forced to drop out. Out of the Democratic presidents in my lifetime (Clinton, Obama, Biden), Biden is certainly in last place.

We are in an environment where it is unlikely that any president will have super high approval ratings, either generally or even within the president's own party. In fact, I would go so far as to say that we are entering an age where incumbency is no longer an advantage in presidential elections, and may even be a disadvantage.

But I do expect Biden's presidency to be viewed relatively favorably by historians. He obviously should have been emphatic throughout his term that he intended to be a one-term president. And he probably should have cited his own age and the demands of the job as the reason. But that was more of a political error (albeit a huge one) rather than a governing error.

by DonkJr k

If you say so. It seems to me that when an incumbent drops out because they cannot possibly win an election, they probably aren't widely considered "the best president of our lifetimes." But WTF do I know?

being a candidate for an election and being president are two different jobs. with different skill sets. biden was a great president, he was a poor candidate for 2024's election. he was polling low because people questioned his ability to continue for another 4 years, not because of his job performance for the first 4.

you can tell this from how quickly the party mobilized around Harris who like bundy said is tied to the same administration..

Biden's real issue is that he just isn't charismatic.

by biggerboat k

Biden's real issue is that he just isn't charismatic.

Not this iteration of him. Hard to be charismatic when you cant talk extemporaneously anymore. He wasn't Obama or Clinton, but pre decline Biden was fine in this respect.

by Dunyain k

Hard to be charismatic when you cant talk extemporaneously anymore.

That's not really true. He can and does but he has increasingly blank moments. It doesn't take many splashed all over the internet for people to label him as "lost it."

Biden was not a great president wtf

He caused literally a hundred thousand people to be killed during the two wars he supports. One of which is a genocide

Biden kept trumps racist asylum/ border policies in action

Biden kept the war on drugs going

Biden didn’t legalize weed

Biden added like what , $10 trillion to the national debt ?

Biden also selfishly held on to the presidency for far too long which hampered Dems ability to fight Trump

Biden was a shitty president and we should be ashamed to think otherwise.

Truly how low is the bar you set when Biden is a great president?

The last great president we had was Carter or JFK.

The rest are all dirtbags who support terrorizing brown people abroad and black/brown people at home

by PointlessWords k

Biden was not a great president wtf

He caused literally a hundred thousand people to be killed during the two wars he supports. One of which is a genocide

Biden kept trumps racist asylum/ border policies in action

Biden kept the war on drugs going

Biden didn’t legalize weed

Biden added like what , $10 trillion to the national debt ?

Biden also selfishly held on to the presidency for far too long which hampered Dems ability to fight Trump

Biden was a shitty president and we should be ashamed to thi

sure. i'd like to burn the establishment down as well. but unfortunately in the real world you need to grade on a curve. no one is outright stopping america from terrorizing brown people when that's a key american value.

every time one of you uses the word 'genocide' you make yourself look like a huge ****ing idiot.


by PointlessWords k

Biden was not a great president wtf

He caused literally a hundred thousand people to be killed during the two wars he supports. One of which is a genocide

Biden kept trumps racist asylum/ border policies in action

Biden kept the war on drugs going

Biden didn’t legalize weed

Biden added like what , $10 trillion to the national debt ?

Biden also selfishly held on to the presidency for far too long which hampered Dems ability to fight Trump

Biden was a shitty president and we should be ashamed

Who said Biden was some sort of historically great president?

Also, you apparently measure presidents solely by how many wars occurred globally during that president's term that implicate U.S. interests. That seems like a dubious yardstick.

by Rococo k

Who said Biden was some sort of historically great president?

i said "viewed as one of the best in our lifetimes" which probably got it started. i was talking elder millennial though. definitely should have qualified that.

by Rococo k

Also, you apparently measure presidents solely by how many wars occurred globally during that president's term that implicate U.S. interests. That seems like a dubious yardstick.

I heard FDR was pretty good and even he had one.

by d2_e4 k

I heard FDR was pretty good and even he had one.

I can only assume that PW thinks it was outrageous for the U.S. to have supported the Allied war effort, at least prior to Pearl Harbor.

Gaza is always a dubious distinction since there isn’t a single person who coulda been POTUS at the time and woulda done anything but shrug their shoulders and supported israel (see: RNC, the). It’s an objectively terrible look but biden just happened to be the guy in the office when that happened

The Afghanistan withdrawl otoh was self-inflicted and objectively disastrous and if you’re going to pick any global issue to pin to Biden’s lapel it’s that one

by PointlessWords k

He caused literally a hundred thousand people to be killed during the two wars he supports. One of which is a genocide

Need to learn what "caused" means.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Gaza is always a dubious distinction since there isn’t a single person who coulda been POTUS at the time and woulda done anything but shrug their shoulders and supported israel (see: RNC, the). It’s an objectively terrible look but biden just happened to be the guy in the office when that happened

The Afghanistan withdrawl otoh was self-inflicted and objectively disastrous and if you’re going to pick any global issue to pin to Biden’s lapel it’s that one

The Afghanistan withdrawal actually kind of cuts both ways. Biden was trying to stick to an agreement that the Trump administration made with the Afghan government/Taliban about when NATO troops would leave the country. It got delayed a bunch from the initial date in order to try to make a withdrawal somewhat feasible but it was still obviously a bit of a disaster.

Both administrations have some claim to both the credit for getting out and the disaster that the actual withdrawal ended up being.

So, I've been communicating with my niece who seems to have the pulse of the younger social media crowd.

She's telling me that the buzz amongst younger people was that gaza has been in the forefront of their minds and they didn't want to vote for either joe or trump because of this single issue.

However, they are really getting fearful of this project 2025 and are starting to come around to thinking this is much more important than gaza right now, and might bring them out to the voting booths.

by biggerboat k

So, I've been communicating with my niece who seems to have the pulse of the younger social media crowd.

She's telling me that the buzz amongst younger people was that gaza has been in the forefront of their minds and they didn't want to vote for either joe or trump because of this single issue.

However, they are really getting fearful of this project 2025 and are starting to come around to thinking this is much more important than gaza right now, and might bring them out to the voting booths.

this is why i think it would be an unforced error to select Shapiro as VP. UNLESS it's shown that he really can deliver PA for sure. selecting shapiro brings Gaza back into the forefront because he's more pro-Israel than biden is, and tried to ban colleges from divestment.

beshear and kelly >>>>> shapiro for me.

I can’t figure out the point of beshear. I assume this is about replicating Biden’s folksy flyover appeal but he’s just not a big enough name to deliver that as a running mate

by #Thinman k

every time one of you uses the word 'genocide' you make yourself look like a huge ****ing idiot.


Oxford: "the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group"
Wikipedia: "Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part."
Cambridge: "the murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race, or religious group"

The first two readily describe the situation in Gaza. The third doesn't, but their definition is clearly too stringent - even The Holocaust is not genocide according to Cambridge, unless they're being quite sketchy with the definition of the phrase "whole group".

Your alleged "huge ****ing idiots" are wordsmiths compared to you.

I do agree that anybody that plausibly could have been President would have done more-or-less the same thing here. US Presidents are bad. All of them. This is Empire.
