The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Mr Rick k

I meant that she could take a neutral/pro Palestinian/Peace plan position and Shapiro would have his position and both could be happening at the same time and it might go over well with voters on both sides.

She definitely doesn't have to take Shapiro's side in what he is saying. She has the right to do what she wants as President. But I doubt she would put him down or criticize him which would be taken positively by his fans who would hope she would side with him. My guess is if asked about S

"Unlike our opponent, we do not demand absolute subservience to an authoritarian leader from members of our administration." Ez game.

by Slighted k

so i'm seeing Elon has backed away from his pledge to donate 45 million a month? wonder what the truth to that is.

Dems lying once again. Comical at this point

I just saw this


'In fact, 40 out of 44 of Trump’s former cabinet members have refused to endorse him, including former national security advisor John Bolton, former white house chiefs of staff John F. Kelly and Mick Mulvaney, and former attorney general William Barr ― all issuing stark warnings to the American public that their previous boss is “not fit to be president,” and “follows his own personal interests.” '


by Mr Rick k

I just saw this


'In fact, 40 out of 44 of Trump’s former cabinet members have refused to endorse him, including former national security advisor John Bolton, former white house chiefs of staff John F. Kelly and Mick Mulvaney, and former attorney general William Barr ― all issuing stark warnings to the American public that their previous boss is “not fit to be president,” and “follows his own personal interests.” '


Obviously disgruntled ex-employees, all of them. Nothing to see here.

On a more serious note, Dems need to hammer this. Quotes on billboards, that sort of thing. It's one thing for people who have always hated Trump to say bad things about him, but when those who have dealt with him personally and worked for him when he was president say the same things, that should hit home much harder.

Stick to sexist incompetence, no need to bring race in. Throw in some DA sent drug users to jail as well

by PointlessWords k

Vance is gay right?

by steamraise k

Usha Chilukuri Vance

do you think because hes married he isnt gay?
are you serious

by ntanygd760 k

There is nothing wrong with both sucking the same dick together

im just saying the republicans just chose a clearly gay man for VP pick. They are gonna get killed

by PointlessWords k

im just saying the republicans just chose a clearly gay man for VP pick. They are gonna get killed

Is he gay because he drinks mountain dew?

by PointlessWords k

do you think because hes married he isnt gay?
are you serious

im just saying the republicans just chose a clearly gay man for VP pick. They are gonna get killed

When it’s about them , any bad things do not count for them .
It only applies for others .
Palpatine said it’s fine so they won’t care imo .

by PointlessWords k

do you think because hes married he isnt gay?
are you serious

im just saying the republicans just chose a clearly gay man for VP pick. They are gonna get killed

I saw his pre-VP wardrobe get murdered in a tweet the other day so its unlikely that he is gay

by PointlessWords k

Vance is gay right?

I think a significant chunk of the Rs are closeted gay dudes.

by wet work k

I think a significant chunk of the Rs are closeted gay dudes.

Hold up a second there...


*Video of a peaceful protest exists*

by wet work k

I think a significant chunk of the Rs are closeted gay dudes.

Enough to overload grindrs servers and crash the app at the RNC

by d2_e4 k

Is he gay because he drinks mountain dew?

There's nothing gay about mountain dew. Diet mountain dew on the other hand...

In the year of jostling candidates, I'll take Vance to be withdrawn. Not sure the legalities of it but they can make it voluntary with skeletons or other such. Gonna be the wildest ride of an election season.

by PointlessWords k

Vance is gay right?

JD Vance went from thinking he was gay and changing his name twice to being an anti-LGBTQ+ extremist.

Influenced by a preacher’s condemnation of homosexuality, young Vance feared he was
destined for hell simply because he disliked girls and cherished his friendship with another boy.


by FellaGaga-52 k

In the year of jostling candidates, I'll take Vance to be withdrawn.

by steamraise k

Any chance they boot JD and go with another VP pick?

Lol. King Don is gonna be mad when he finds out. He's probably gonna think he caught teh gay from shaking hands with him.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Every politician without exception lies, every president without exception lies, but the degree to which trump does, how pointless the lies are ‘it didn’t rain on my inauguration’ the sharpie, etc and the way he lies as easily as he breathes air is pathologically insane

And he definitely is adored by people who believe facts are irrelevant and it’s not a lie if you believe it and you can get even a single other person to believe it with you. It’s definitely not an accident that the MAGAest of the

Yup. Garbage human beings.

Those who recognize Trump is a disgrace of a human yet vote for Trump because they are TRUE conservatives with actual values that they adhere to can be salvaged and worked with. They understand how the process of this type of government works; there’s give and take. There HAS to be.

The Trumptards do not and will not ever understand that. They do not believe in compromise. It’s all take, no give. (The recent border bill that Trump killed was a perfect example. One of the Trumptards who posts here even admitted it by stating that the bill had to be killed cuz there was other stuff in it that they didn’t like. It’s all or nothing with these dipshits.)

They long for an authoritarian leader to make them feel safe. It’s no accident that a huge segment of these folks are the same religious wackos who need a SkyDaddy to pray to cuz they cannot handle the fact that we simply rot in ground after we die.

From a strategic point of view for the democrats would it not be better if Biden stepped down today when he speaks to the people? That way Kamala would be the incumbent running the country

by lozen k

From a strategic point of view for the democrats would it not be better if Biden stepped down today when he speaks to the people? That way Kamala would be the incumbent running the country

That makes Johnson VP, does it not? Which mean Johnson would just refuse to certify any election Trump didn’t win. So, no.

See what a mess the US is now in by allowing Trump to infect our politics? Never before would the VP refusing to certify an election been on anyone’s radar, because it’s ****ing preposterous and anyone intelligent knows it. But we’re dealing with an amoral monster commanding millions of mindless dipshits who do whatever he says. Until he is dead and gone, the US is straight ****ed.

Clear as day from the 15 sec speech I saw him give.

Tbh Vance would prob be a better president than Kamala but we aren’t voting on that

Would rather have a gay white man as prez or an ex cop?

Ez choice for the left

by MrDavitWilliam k

That makes Johnson VP, does it not? Which mean Johnson would just refuse to certify any election Trump didn’t win.

Maybe very briefly, but Kammy would get to appoint her own VP.

by PointlessWords k

Clear as day from the 15 sec speech I saw him give.

Tbh Vance would prob be a better president than Kamala but we aren’t voting on that

Would rather have a gay white man as prez or an ex cop?

Ez choice for the left

You think that “the left” would prefer a closeted gay man who is clearly ashamed of his gayness? Really? Wow. You don’t understand the left at all, yet you comment on politics. Foolish.

by MrDavitWilliam k

That makes Johnson VP, does it not? Which mean Johnson would just refuse to certify any election Trump didn’t win. So, no.

See what a mess the US is now in by allowing Trump to infect our politics? Never before would the VP refusing to certify an election been on anyone’s radar, because it’s ****ing preposterous and anyone intelligent knows it. But we’re dealing with an amoral monster commanding millions of mindless dipshits who do whatever he says. Until he is dead and gone, the US is straig

Nah, only applies if president and VP both die simultaneously. Harris nominates a VP who needs to be confirmed by both house and senate

Since this house would never confirm that VP I assume there just wouldn’t be one and it would be a vacant post for a while
