The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

Is that counting all the Hispanics Biden & border czar let across that border? Guessing those folk aren't involved in polling

or voting

if they were a 2p2 poster power rankings


by PointlessWords k

Why do you think protests against businesses/the man can be compared to; hunting down the vice president and the speaker of the house in order to kill them + telling the Vp not to certify an election , preventing the peaceful transfer of power?

Let’s get some facts straight first :

how many deaths occurred because of the BLM protests and over how many days total?

How many deaths occurred because of the Jan 6 protests and over how many days?

Do you agree that many of the protestors were chanting “k

If you really think the "insurrection" was worse than the BLM riots where more people were killed,injured,and millions of dollars in destruction, you're certified brainwashed by the Dems.

by Gorgonian k

No one on the left thinks those riots were good nor should they go unpunished. We don't call those riots "guided tours." And we don't vote for people that incited them for president.

lol - yes you do. Here's what Kamala said in June of 2020 according to Snopes

"Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day... They’re not gonna let up and they should not."

So businesses are being burned to the ground, people are losing their lives, and the VP is out here supporting the violence. Here's the link

Disgusting stuff - now the poor American people have to follow her as she was thrown into position as the Dem nominee when they realized Biden won't win. It's just a big game of making money and using Americans as pawns - sadly most don't realize.

by pokerfan655 k

If you really think the "insurrection" was worse than the BLM riots where more people were killed,injured,and millions of dollars in destruction, you're certified brainwashed by the Dems.

Your subconscious seem to know it .
U put no S at insurrection and put an S at riots ?
Are u good in math ?

Compare apple to apple , 1 with 1 ?

Is there a particular 1 manifestation of blm that compare with the January 6 ?
Maybe there is I don’t know (I doubt it but I can be wrong ) .
Yes obviously grouping hundreds (if not thousands) of all blm manifestations with millions of peoples will exceed the sole January 6 .

But surely « hundreds » of January 6 would be extremely bad compare to BLM « riots ».

by Montrealcorp k

Your subconscious seem to know it .
U put no S at insurrection and put an S at riots ?
Are u good in math ?

Compare apple to apple , 1 with 1 ?

Is there a particular 1 manifestation of blm that compare with the January 6 ?
Maybe there is I don’t know .( I doubt it but I can be wrong ) .
Yes obviously grouping hundreds (if not thousands) of all blm manifestations with millions of peoples will exceed the sole January 6 .

Well there was 1 "insurrection" - there were multiple nights of rioting - what don't you understand? My sole point was the Jan 6th event is talked about as a heinous event, yet the riots are never mentioned. The riots were much worse - do you not agree?

by pokerfan655 k

Well there was 1 "insurrection" - there were multiple nights of rioting - what don't you understand? My sole point was the Jan 6th event is talked about as a heinous event, yet the riots are never mentioned. The riots were much worse - do you not agree?

No I don’t .
Like I said in the end of my post
(which I edited late for you to see it probably , sorry about that ) ,
If you would had hundreds of January 6 like u had hundreds of blm events , we wouldn’t even have this discussion .
Hundreds of January 6 would of been far worst on many levels.
Vast amount of blm manifestations were uneventful….

Ps: imo the implication of the January 6 on why they did it was far worst then what blm was about .

by pokerfan655 k

Well there was 1 "insurrection" - there were multiple nights of rioting - what don't you understand? My sole point was the Jan 6th event is talked about as a heinous event, yet the riots are never mentioned. The riots were much worse - do you not agree?

Jan6 was enabled and encouraged by the President of the United States because he wanted the vote counting to stop because he lost and he knew it. (The lie it was rigged was just so Trump’s derptards had something to hang their hat on.). That is orders of magnitude worse for the country and its stability than private citizens marching in the streets to protest what they perceive as injustice. (Anyone breaking the law during those protests/riots/whatever the **** you want to call them, should be prosecuted. So don’t come at me with any bullshit. Put those ****ers, just like the J6 ****ers, in jail.). The guy who is supposed to protect the Constitution was trying to circumvent it. If you cannot recognize that difference, you’ve got no shot at ever understanding anything.

And to say the “riots” or whatever are never mentioned is simply not accurate. Bring up J6 to ANY Trumptard and the first thing out of their whataboutism playbook is to scream “BLM Riots though!!!’” (You just did it yourself. See?) Yet another example of why Trump loves the uneducated; he can ram false equivalencies down their throats and they gobble it up without thinking twice (not that them thinking would matter as their brains are broken.)

by pokerfan655 k

If you really think the "insurrection" was worse than the BLM riots where more people were killed,injured,and millions of dollars in destruction, you're certified brainwashed by the Dems.

How many total deaths during blm protests and over how many days

How many deaths during Jan 6 protests and how many deaths

Do you admit many people were chanting death to pence /pelosi?

by pokerfan655 k

lol - yes you do. Here's what Kamala said in June of 2020 according to Snopes
"Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day... They’re not gonna let up and they should not."

Me: we don't call them guided tours or vote for people who incite riots
You: yes you do look - shows quote about Kamala saying the protests were going to continue.

What do you think you did there? Do you not think the protests should have continued? Are you ok with police brutality? How do you feel about Sonya Massey?

by pokerfan655 k

So businesses are being burned to the ground, people are losing their lives, and the VP is out here supporting the violence. Here's the link

Where did she mention violence?
Why do you just lie?

Do you just not know the difference between a protest and a riot?

Here's what Kamala said in June of 2020 according to Snopes

"Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day... They’re not gonna let up and they should not."

by Gorgonian k

Where did she mention violence?

people died and businesses were burned to the ground at blm riots/protests. kamala said they should continue.

kind of encourages continued death and destruction, no?

by housenuts k

people died and businesses were burned to the ground at blm riots/protests. kamala said they should continue.

kind of encourages continued death and destruction, no?

No. Those are called riots.

She was talking about protests. You should probably read the actual snopes article where it makes that very clear.

While Harris did make that statement, she was not speaking out in favor of the rioting, however. The statement in question appears towards the end of the clip below at around 5:25:

So same question to you: do you just not know the difference between a riot and a protest?

by Gorgonian k

No. Those are called riots.

She was talking about protests. You should probably read the actual snopes article where it makes that very clear.

So same question to you: do you just not know the difference between a riot and a protest?

often times what starts off as a protest turns violent once a few bad actors decide to do something stupid.

by housenuts k

often times what starts off as a protest turns violent once a few bad actors decide to do something stupid.

Yes. Those bad actors were often white supremacists and cops. Does that mean people shouldn't protest ever again? Should Trump not have encouraged Jan 6th because of the possibility it could turn violent?

You know better than this. This is desperate straw grabbing.

by housenuts k

often times what starts off as a protest turns violent once a few bad actors decide to do something stupid.

Very good! Those who do something stupid (like break the law, and I’m not talking about nonsense like J-walking. *******s who destroy stuff.) are “rioters”. Those who don’t are “protestors.”

by Gorgonian k

This is desperate straw grabbing.

Nah. He’s being intentionally dense when it suits him. Bad faith.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Very good! Those who do something stupid (like break the law, and I’m not talking about nonsense like J-walking. *******s who destroy stuff.) are “rioters”. Those who don’t are “protestors.”

How about people that let’s say… throw tea into the harbor?

These Palestine riots in Washington are quite something. The ongoing acquiescence to them is indicative of encouragement. Tough look.

by housenuts k

These Palestine riots in Washington are quite something. The ongoing acquiescence to them is indicative of encouragement. Tough look.

I call them Pro Hamas protests

by lozen k

I call them Pro Hamas protests

ah yes, PPP: Peaceful Pro-Hamas Protests

nothing to see here. carry on

by housenuts k

These Palestine riots in Washington are quite something. The ongoing acquiescence to them is indicative of encouragement. Tough look.

Was this a conscious decision to not answer my questions, or did they just escape your notice?

I think it's important to know which.

by PointlessWords k

How about people that let’s say… throw tea into the harbor?

Either one is for the rule of law or one isn't. (I am.) If you break the law, you do not get to bitch if you get punished. Pretty sure that’s taught on day 1 of BasicAdulting101. But then again, to have taken BasicAdulting101 one must be educated and we know how Trump loves the uneducated.

by Gorgonian k

Was this a conscious decision to not answer my questions, or did they just escape your notice?

I think it's important to know which.

neither. i assumed they were rhetorical questions that didn't require answering.

but to answer them because you seem in need:

1) Does that mean people shouldn't protest ever again? no

2) Should Trump not have encouraged Jan 6th because of the possibility it could turn violent? all protests have the possibility to turn violent. this doesn't mean that people should not encourage protests occur. basically if you think no one should encourage protests, that means protests are unlikely to occur since there will be no one to organize them or rally the troops.

by housenuts k

ah yes, PPP: Peaceful Pro-Hamas Protests

nothing to see here. carry on

Are they breaking the law? Then they get to protest/demonstrate, even if their cause is repugnant to many. That’s how it works here, and that will not and should not change. Anyone who doesn’t like it should bounce.

by housenuts k

neither. i assumed they were rhetorical questions that didn't require answering.

but to answer them because you seem in need:

1) Does that mean people shouldn't protest ever again? no

2) Should Trump not have encouraged Jan 6th because of the possibility it could turn violent? all protests have the possibility to turn violent. this doesn't mean that people should not encourage protests occur. basically if you think no one should encourage protests, that means protests are unlikely to occur since th

Excellent. Then it sounds like we agree that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Kamala Harris saying what she said. I can appreciate your growth on this topic.
