The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

often times what starts off as a protest turns violent once a few bad actors decide to do something stupid.

Many many many blm protest were uneventful .
Nothing happened .

We can’t say many January 6 were uneventful tho .
« They all » were bad.

If we do not care making distinction between both situation.

I’m glad not hundreds of January 6 happened compare to the hundreds of blm « riots » happened .

by housenuts k

neither. i assumed they were rhetorical questions that didn't require answering.

but to answer them because you seem in need:

1) Does that mean people shouldn't protest ever again? no

2) Should Trump not have encouraged Jan 6th because of the possibility it could turn violent? all protests have the possibility to turn violent. this doesn't mean that people should not encourage protests occur. basically if you think no one should encourage protests, that means protests are unlikely to occur since th

It’s all about HOW one encourages the protest.

“We are going to march to the capital steps and we are going to make our voices heard!!! Let’s Go!!!!!”

Is infinitely different than,

“We’re going to March to the capital and fight like hell because if we don’t we’re not going to have a country any more.”

Which one sounds like Trump? And which one makes people reach for their weapon instead of their megaphone? (The latter is rhetorical, as the answer is obvious.)

by MrDavitWilliam k

Are they breaking the law? Then they get to protest/demonstrate, even if their cause is repugnant to many. That’s how it works here, and that will not and should not change. Anyone who doesn’t like it should bounce.

200+ were arrested yesterday.
and seems like some laws or by-laws are being broken today as well. i'm guessing more have been arrested.

by Gorgonian k

Excellent. Then it sounds like we agree that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Kamala Harris saying what she said. I can appreciate your growth on this topic.

Cool. Lots of others here have a problem with Trump encouraging that protest on Jan 6.

by housenuts k

Cool. Lots of others here have a problem with Trump encouraging that protest on Jan 6.

Especially the colorado courts, who ruled that he committed insurrection.

Upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court, too.

by MrDavitWilliam k

It’s all about HOW one encourages the protest.

“We are going to march to the capital steps and we are going to make our voices heard!!! Let’s Go!!!!!”

Is infinitely different than,

“We’re going to March to the capital and fight like hell because if we don’t we’re not going to have a country any more.”

Which one sounds like Trump? And which one makes people reach for their weapon instead of their megaphone? (The latter is rhetorical, as the answer is obvious.)


Have you heard Kamala's campaign slogan?

"We're going to FIGHT. And we're going to win"

by Gorgonian k

Especially the colorado courts, who ruled that he committed insurrection.

Upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court, too.

you must've been disappointed with that ruling.

by housenuts k

you must've been disappointed with that ruling.

Why would I be?

by housenuts k


Have you heard Kamala's campaign slogan?

"We're going to FIGHT. And we're going to win"

Your dodge of the question and application of whataboutism is noted for the record. Your credibility score has dropped.

I know you’re incapable of making this kind of observation, so this one time I will point it out to you.

Harris’ campaign slogan does not suggest a disasterous result if they do not “win”. Trump’s do. His words “or you won’t have a country any more” suggest disaster, making it a win-at-all costs situation. Which in the minds of some means violence….and Trump knows this… it’s part of what makes him so incredibly dangerous.

If you truly are against violence being inspired by politicians, you should be pissed that Trump played you into thinking his words are harmless.

by Gorgonian k

Why would I be?

because you think encouraging protests is fine.

by housenuts k

because you think encouraging protests is fine.

It is. That's not what Trump did. You should probably read the court case.

The easiest thing to find is the CSC decision to uphold. Below is an excerpt:

We conclude that the foregoing evidence, the great bulk of which was undisputed at trial, established that President Trump engaged in insurrection. President Trump’s direct and express efforts, over several months, exhorting his supporters to march to the Capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud on the people of this country were indisputably overt and voluntary. Moreover, the evidence amply showed that President Trump undertook all these actions to aid and further a common unlawful purpose that he himself conceived and set in motion: prevent Congress from certifying the 2020 presidential election and stop the peaceful transfer of power.¶222We disagree with President Trump’s contentions that the record does not support a finding that he engaged in an insurrection because (1)“engage” does not include “incite,” and (2)he did not have the requisite intent to aid or further the insurrectionists’ common unlawful purpose.¶223As our detailed recitation of the evidence shows, President Trump did not merely incite the insurrection. Even when the siege on the Capitol was fully
116underway, he continued to support it by repeatedly demanding that Vice President Pence refuse to perform his constitutional duty and by calling Senators to persuade them to stop the counting of electoral votes. These actions constituted overt, voluntary, and direct participation in the insurrection.¶224Moreover, the record amply demonstrates that President Trump fully intended to—and did—aid or further the insurrectionists’ common unlawful purpose of preventing the peaceful transfer of power in this country. He exhorted them to fight to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election. He personally took action to try to stop the certification. And for many hours, he and his supporters succeeded in halting that process.¶225For these reasons, we conclude that the record fully supports the district court’s finding that President Trump engaged in insurrection within the meaning of Section Three.


Another reminder: there's testimony that Trump told security to remove the metal detectors at the entrance because they weren't there to hurt him.

The whole decision is well worth a read.

thanks will check it out

by housenuts k

These Palestine riots in Washington are quite something. The ongoing acquiescence to them is indicative of encouragement. Tough look.

Are there actually riots or just weirdos on twitter calling peaceful protests insurrections and riots?

by coordi k

Are there actually riots or just weirdos on twitter calling peaceful protests insurrections and riots?

100% peaceful

The United States Park Police (USPP) released a statement announcing that at least eight anti-Israel agitators had been arrested on Wednesday afternoon during an unruly protest.

The USPP reported that a crowd at Columbus Circle "damaged and destroyed park property, including vandalizing statues and fountains, tearing down and burning flags, and starting several small fires."

Oh noes, small fires and damage to flags.

by coordi k

Are there actually riots or just weirdos on twitter calling peaceful protests insurrections and riots?

its illegal to oppose (plausible) genocide in the USA.

what I cant figure out is why the pro-Israel folks arent fully supporting the Dems who are doing all of this.

by pokerfan655 k

What's hilarious is the Dems never mention all the rioting/looting that happened a couple years back with BLM. Many more deaths, more destruction to stores/infrastructure - hell even Dems were saying to incite violence. Both parties are just salesmen - they talk a bunch of bullshit, push narratives to support their causes - meanwhile their only interest is private interest groups that will line their pockets. Anyone who supports either side strongly is just a sheep/pawn in their game - gotta wak

Hmm. Well both sides obviously demonstrate, riot, loot. One side, the fascist one, attempted to overturn the election with the riot. What we are overlooking this when we say, "Yeah but they broke into those stores ...?" To try to pass this off as the same thing is quite the little trick.

Hanania has a point. Antisemites burning American flags and assaulting police officers is pretty much the best campaign ad Republicans can get.

by Dunyain k

Hanania has a point. Antisemites burning American flags and assaulting police officers is pretty much the best campaign ad Republicans can get.

Riots are ok so long as they aren't trying to overturn elections.

by Victor k

its illegal to oppose (plausible) genocide in the USA.

what I cant figure out is why the pro-Israel folks arent fully supporting the Dems who are doing all of this.

Many pro Israel folks support Dems. And Republicans.

The antisemites are just a vocal minority of the Democrat Party. Too bad we dont have a European parliamentary system where the antisemites can self segregate into their own Islamist and Marxist/Communist parties; so they aren't just lumped in with all the Democrats, most of whom support Israel and Zionism.

I dont think many of the people who are protesting are voting Dem.

anyway, I found some of the Marxist Islamist antisemites

they are iran-backed hamas

I mean, their family member is in the terror tunnels with Hamas right now so what else do you need? if they didnt support terrorism then they wouldnt be there.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Either one is for the rule of law or one isn't. (I am.) If you break the law, you do not get to bitch if you get punished. Pretty sure that’s taught on day 1 of BasicAdulting101. But then again, to have taken BasicAdulting101 one must be educated and we know how Trump loves the uneducated.

Is that from communist China? You’re not allowed to complain because you said so? This is America. We have freedoms here. Freedoms to **** up and complain.

by Victor k

its illegal to oppose (plausible) genocide in the USA.

what I cant figure out is why the pro-Israel folks arent fully supporting the Dems who are doing all of this.

Because they are insecure

by housenuts k

Riots are ok so long as they aren't trying to overturn elections.

What’re your thoughts on the people trying to kill the VP and the speaker of the house? How about the pipe bombs that were found?

by PointlessWords k

What’re your thoughts on the people trying to kill the VP and the speaker of the house? How about the pipe bombs that were found?

I'm aware of chants. Were people actually trying to kill them?

Not sure about the pipe bombs. Kitchen timer detonator. Not clear it was ever activated. Or maybe it was and didn't detonate? No way to select a target with that. Was around both DNC and RNC HQs. What is the general thinking with the pipe bombs?
