The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by mongidig k

Well! Well! Well!

It appears Bidenomics hasn't worked out so well. The markets are crashing and the economy is collapsing before our very eyes. This can't be good for the Harris campaign.

Harris +5 on her way to +10. Trump soon to be a sh*t stain in the rear mirror of our great country.

You guys must have missed the part about the economy collapsing before our very eyes. Collapsing! Before our very eyes!!

by mongidig k

Well! Well! Well!

It appears Bidenomics hasn't worked out so well. The markets are crashing and the economy is collapsing before our very eyes. This can't be good for the Harris campaign.

I don’t see how goggle , Microsoft going down on the S&P would affect you and the real economy but anyway ….

I mean it’s been going up for the last 3+ years , did you felt anything positive ?

I mean there is always a chance unemployment goes up substantially in the next 3 months. But obviously it hasn't as of now.

by pocket_zeros k

Harris +5 on her way to +10. Trump soon to be a sh*t stain in the rear mirror of our great country.

A Harris Presidency would be the worst thing for this country. She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

by mongidig k

Well! Well! Well!

It appears Bidenomics hasn't worked out so well. The markets are crashing and the economy is collapsing before our very eyes. This can't be good for the Harris campaign.

The markets go up and down all the time. The specific reason it went down by like 2.6% is related to the recent job report which showed only about 110,000 new jobs and the highest unemployment increase in a while. These things don't crash the market.

As to whether it will hurt Harris understand that the market has hit all time highs under Biden and if the market rebounds it could help her because that would be happening closer to the election.

by pocket_zeros k

Harris +5 on her way to +10. Trump soon to be a sh*t stain in the rear mirror of our great country.

Trump is actually still winning right now against Harris based on the polls since 7/21. However 538.com is now creating their analysis for states (GA, MI, and PA as of now). They count Likely Voters (LV) more than Registered Voters (RV) and All Adults (A). They also adjust for each pollsters historical bias and the timeliness of the polls. None of which I had done...

538.com now has Kamala leading in PA which means that she is basically just one WI away from taking the electoral college lead and while I have her trailing in Wisconsin by 0.2% in the Multi-Candidate (MC) polls, my guess is that 538.com will have her ahead because she is leading in the Heads Up (HU) polls.

Here are the current totals as of 8/2/24 polls taken from 7/21 onward.

Format is [(HU#|MC#): Results] where HU=Heads Up, MC=Multi Candidate, 3rd= 3rd party candidates, Un=Undecided

AZ(4|3): Kamala trails 2.8% HU and 2.3% MC with 6.7% 3rd and 3.7% Un, Biden was trailing by 5.5% prior standing in AZ (multiple polls).
CA(0|1): Kamala up by 24% MC, Biden was up by 20% in CA (multiple polls)
FL(1|1): Kamala trails by 7% HU and 8% MC with 6% 3rd and 8% Un, Biden trailed by 8.8% (multiple polls)
GA(6|4): Kamala trails 1.1% per 538.com with 4% 3rd and 5.3% Un. Was trailing by 1.4% HU and 2.5% MC. Biden trailed by 5.9% (multiple polls).
ME(1|1): Kamala leads by 9% HU and 8% MC after Biden had been trailing by 1% in the latest poll
MI(5|5): Kamala now leads by 1.9% per 538.com with 6.1% 3rd and 6% Un. Was leading by 1.2% HU and 1.6% MC. Biden had been trailing by 2.4% (multiple polls).
MN(2|2):Kamala leads by 8.5% HU and 4.5% MC with 8% 3rd and 5.5% Un, Biden had been tied (multiple polls).
NC(1|2): Kamala trails by 2% now both HU and MC with 6.5% 3rd and 4.5% Un, Biden had been trailing by 6.9% (multiple polls).
NH(2|3): Kamala still leads by 5.5% HU and 6.3% MC now. Biden had been trailing by 1% in the latest poll.
NV(2|2): Kamala is ahead by 0.5% HU and trails by 1% MC with 8.5% 3rd and 4.5% Un. Biden had been trailing by 5.7% (multiple polls).
OH(1|1): Kamala trails by 10% HU and 9% MC. Biden had been trailing by 9.3% (multiple polls)
OR(1|1): Kamala leads by 5% in HU and MC with 4% 3rd and 11% Un. Biden was up by 11% in the latest poll (with 19% for 3rd party and 12% undecided).
PA(7|6): Kamala now leads by 0.4% per 538.com with 4.4% 3rd and 6% Un. Was trailing by 0.7% HU and 0.4% MC. Biden had been trailing by 4.4% (multiple polls).
WA(0|1): Kamala leads by 14% MC. Biden had also been leading by 14% in most recent poll.
WI(4|4): Kamala leads by 1.3% HU and trails by 0.2% MC with 6.8% 3rd and 3.5% Un, Biden had been trailing by 2.3% (multiple polls).

Assuming Kamala will win NJ, NM, and VA where no polls have come out since 7/21/24 the current electoral score is: 275 to 262 Trump is ahead.

WI would give Kamala a lead of 272 to 265. With NE 2nd District, worth 1 electoral vote, undecided as no poll has come out and it was tied when Biden stepped down.

It is unknown whether Kamala's surge will continue or not. But for now it hasn't leveled out so hopefully the polls will continue to brighten. One of the potential issues though is that people in favor of Kamala may be making it a point to show up in polls and people in favor of Trump may not want to participate right now.

by Montrealcorp k

I don’t see how goggle , Microsoft going down on the S&P would affect you and the real economy but anyway ….

I mean it’s been going up for the last 3+ years , did you felt anything positive ?

Zero positive. Inflation is out of control. Only the rich can afford to travel or eat out.

by mongidig k

Zero positive. Inflation is out of control. Only the rich can afford to travel or eat out.

Inflation is now going down. Yes, the overall costs of food and stuff has gone up by 20% since Covid hit but so have a lot of wages especially for minimum wage type jobs.

Also, McDonalds is looking at having a $5 Happy Meal again. When I was in Las Vegas Burger King had that (at literally $5) but I couldn't get the Impossible Burger (veggie) for that price. I had to pay $10 for the Impossible Burger meal...

by mongidig k

A Harris Presidency would be the worst thing for this country. She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

That's the standard mysognist take on why women shouldn't be in positions of power. Is this really the best you can do?

by mongidig k

A Harris Presidency would be the worst thing for this country. She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

It's like you are describing Trump but don't realize it. Trump always projects his fallacies and defects. I guess it must be contagious...

by mongidig k

She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

Oh, wow! Sounds like important information; you should share how you came to this conclusion.

Meanwhile, I'm sure it wouldn't be your intent to cherry pick which responses you reply to, so I assume you must have missed the posts about your claim that the markets are crashing. I thought it might be helpful if I quoted one here for you:

by DonkJr k

I personally wouldn't call a 2.64% drop this week to be a "market crash" but wtf do I know? It looks like a pretty small downward blip to me when you look at the performance of the markets this year.

by mongidig k

Zero positive. Inflation is out of control. Only the rich can afford to travel or eat out.

Great .
So why you say stock market going down is bad ,if it went up it for the last 3 years and changed nothing for you ?
Seem your link of stock market and how good the economy is doing is flawed huh.

by Bobo Fett k

Oh, wow! Sounds like important information; you should share how you came to this conclusion.

Meanwhile, I'm sure it wouldn't be your intent to cherry pick which responses you reply to, so I assume you must have missed the posts about your claim that the markets are crashing. I thought it might be helpful if I quoted one here for you:

Well it’s the same message he hold for the secret service too ….
Woman are great to just make babies u know ….

Literally the only appropriate response to mong is to point and laugh every time he posts. I have no idea how or why people are still actually engaging with him.

by mongidig k

Well! Well! Well!

It appears Bidenomics hasn't worked out so well. The markets are crashing and the economy is collapsing before our very eyes. This can't be good for the Harris campaign.

by mongidig k

A Harris Presidency would be the worst thing for this country. She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

by mongidig k

Zero positive. Inflation is out of control. Only the rich can afford to travel or eat out.

These are you opinions? Please clarify.

i'm hearing JD Vance's wife surprised him w a new sectional sofa for his 40th bday today

^^burlap ?

by mongidig k

Well! Well! Well!

It appears Bidenomics hasn't worked out so well. The markets are crashing and the economy is collapsing before our very eyes. This can't be good for the Harris campaign.

The market has dropped down to only being up 30% since Biden took office.

by d2_e4 k

Literally the only appropriate response to mong is to point and laugh every time he posts. I have no idea how or why people are still actually engaging with him.

Because he genuinely represents approx 1/3 of american adults more or less, in his negative reading of current economic conditions

by ligastar k

i'm hearing JD Vance's wife surprised him w a new sectional sofa for his 40th bday today

I'm not surprised that he didn't want the traditional blowjob.

by mongidig k

A Harris Presidency would be the worst thing for this country. She is not mentally or emotionally capable of running this country.

by d2_e4 k

ETA: Also, I'm still not 100% convinced he's not a troll, as I find it hard to believe that someone can genuinely be as stupid as the character he portrays here.

There are literally tens of millions of them. Yes, it’s thoroughly depressing.

by ligastar k

i'm hearing JD Vance's wife surprised him w a new sectional sofa for his 40th bday today

I’ve heard he’s been saying that he’s an ally of the trans community but it’s really just because he has a thing for futons.

by tame_deuces k

The high road is the healthy approach, but I agree with you in that it is simply not effective. We're in a world of three-second headlines, attention spans counted in about the same and whatever is negative or dramatic gets promoted and creates engagement while the rest is left behind.

Whether we'll have free societies left for long enough to turn that trend around remains to be seen. I don't think we can keep this up and expect anything good in the end. While being serious and informed is perh

I don’t disagree in general, but let’s take mongo’s posting today ITT for example. Hypothetically speaking if I wanted to engage that nonsense I’d just quote that nonsense and reply with ‘good stuff, mongoloid’ and move along. I’ve said multiple times (and gotten banned for it a couple times) that people who are deeply unserious, know they’re lying and just want to get a reaction out of you while getting high fives from their fellow trolls win the argument by default when you waste your time trying to prove they’re wrong when they don’t care what the truth is. The only want to engage them (if you do at all) is with mockery and ridicule and revealing what deeply weird chuds they are without wasting paragraphs going point by point telling them why their argument is incorrect. It’s weirdly refreshing the Dems are finally taking that line and it’s deeply satisfying that 1. It’s working and 2. MAGA’s feelings are hurt and they don’t know how to counter it

Should it come to that? No. But it has so here we are

by pocket_zeros k

It’s a common them it seem
Hillary , Biden, Harris .
They all crooked, too old or mentally unfit ….

« Trump looking in a mirror » syndrome.
