The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by lozen k

No way she does it and Trump should hold out and say Il do 2 debates 1 on Fox and One on the Network of Kamala's choice

The dems have been protecting her big time only doing tele prompter events. She even turned down the black journalists and would only do a zoom call.

Will see how Flip Flop Kamala does in interviews .

fox news should absolutely never get a debate. they admitted to spreading misinformation about the election.. they are completely unreliable and shouldn't ever be taken seriously again by anyone with a brain. that would be ridiculous.

he should show up to the one he agreed to if he isn't too scared. by september he likely will be losing in the betting markets and it will start getting to him, so i'd bet he shows up to the 9/10 one anyway..

by Slighted k

fox news should absolutely never get a debate. they admitted to spreading misinformation about the election.. they are completely unreliable and shouldn't ever be taken seriously again by anyone with a brain. that would be ridiculous.

he should show up to the one he agreed to if he isn't too scared. by september he likely will be losing in the betting markets and it will start getting to him, so i'd bet he shows up to the 9/10 one anyway..

Trump has said he would do it on Fox with Brett Baier and Martha Mcmullen . Brett Baier was one of the first journalists to call the election for Biden . Lets remember the 3 news networks serve on cause the party they are loyal to

by rickroll k

i see a fellow man of culture 😀

back in my 20s, one of the girls in our general social circle was dating a guy in his 50s and the big joke was that he was one of the guys from lemonparty because it'd get people to google search it 😀

😃 😃

by lozen k

Trump has said he would do it on Fox with Brett Baier and Martha Mcmullen . Brett Baier was one of the first journalists to call the election for Biden . Lets remember the 3 news networks serve on cause the party they are loyal to

his recent tweet says "fox news". so no. again fox news shouldn't be treated as legitimate in any way, shape, or form for at least as long as trump is in politics. they knowingly and willfully lied about the election.

honestly though if i'm the harris campaign, kamala should put out a statement that says "i have agreed to a debate on september 3rd on MSNBC with rachel maddow. there will be live up to the minute fact checking and mic muting for lies. see you there AND on our originally agreed upon date of 9/10."

eta- also i dont know what you mean by "party they are loyal to." only one of them is spreading outright lies and misinformation.

by Double Down k

During Trump’s first term, he famously asked what the point was of having all these nukes if we’re not going to use them.

I’ll let you determine for yourself if that’s someone we should hand the nuclear codes to.

is that more of a lets use them statement or a lets disarm statement?

by Slighted k

honestly though if i'm the harris campaign, kamala should put out a statement that says "i have agreed to a debate on september 3rd on MSNBC with rachel maddow. there will be live up to the minute fact checking and mic muting for lies. see you there AND on our originally agreed upon date of 9/10."

yup, they'll both act this way, and there will be no debate at all.
no debate is a big L for kamala's campaign and trump's ego, but big W for trump campaign.

by Slighted k

eta- also i dont know what you mean by "party they are loyal to." only one of them is spreading outright lies and misinformation.

all networks do this to favor their preferred party. see the repeated biden is sharp as a tack narrative and right wing media is spreading cheapfakes to make it seem like he's not with it.

by housenuts k

all networks do this to favor their preferred party. see the repeated biden is sharp as a tack narrative and right wing media is spreading cheapfakes to make it seem like he's not with it.

all media prefer trump. he sells more clicks.

feel free to post some evidence that the main networks(abc, nbc, cbs) were or are pushing biden.

by Slighted k

all media prefer trump. he sells more clicks.

feel free to post some evidence that the main networks(abc, nbc, cbs) were or are pushing biden.

I don't know about those networks. CNN / NYT is/was pro-Biden

by housenuts k

I don't know about those networks. CNN / NYT is/was pro-Biden

the original claim was the other three networks other than fox..

i think you and other republican leaning people want to think that about even those media you mentioned. because it supports the "BoTh SiDeS do it" narrative. but that isn't the case in reality. CNN has taken a massive shift to the right, and it's a running joke on the left that the NYT writes ludicrously republican leaning headlines and just repeats republican propaganda without any journalistic integrity.

and again only one major network has admitted/found to be deliberately and knowingly spreading falsehoods..

The NyTimes has had a serious of very untalented affirmative action right wing columnists.

by housenuts k

I don't know about those networks. CNN / NYT is/was pro-Biden

I'm sure that the average worker at CNN and NYT prefers Biden/Harris to Trump specifically and Democrats to Republicans generally. However, the main function of corporate media is to maximize profits for the owners/shareholders (like any other corporate entity of which I'm aware), and Trump is by far the greater asset, by that metric, than any Democratic politician. As Slighted puts it, he sells more clicks. That's the game.

The group that corporate media ACTUALLY hates is the real left, the economic left, the socialists. They are the ones that threaten the bottom line of your CNNs and your Sinclair Groups and the rest. Take a look at how corporate media treated Bernie Sanders when he was a real contender for the Democratic nomination.

has nbc, abc or cbs ever had to pay anyone $787M for telling lies about them?

lol republicans forever. here is how it works:

- 80% of the people support background checks for firearms purchases
- Actual media asks the people supporting the 20% (republicans in congress)...why?
- Response: "YOU ARE WORKING FOR THEM!!!!!!11"

rinse and repeat

the media doesn't work for democrats. your ideas suck and them asking you why doesn't equate to anything other than your ideas sucking and them asking why.

by lozen k

Lets remember the 3 news networks serve on cause the party they are loyal to

by housenuts k

all networks do this to favor their preferred party. see the repeated biden is sharp as a tack narrative and right wing media is spreading cheapfakes to make it seem like he's not with it.

Ah yes, the gool ol' "all the networks do it" narrative.

Only one network had to pay close to $800 million dollars for promoting misinformation about the election results. It's hard to imagine something a news network could do that should be more damaging to their credibility, but there's a bunch of people like you guys who are ready to hand wave it all away with 'durr, all the networks are the same' drivel. It's no wonder Trump keeps banging on with his "fake news media" nonsense, as there are so many ready to lap it up.

speaking of what i was saying about the NYtimes. these are the headlines and revisions involving Trump's debate tweet.

"trump agrees to a Fox News Debate with Harris on Spt. 4"
-according to Mr. Trump's post on social media, the debate will take place in Pennsylvania a crucial battleground state.

"Trump proposes a Fox News Debate with Harris on Sept. 4"
-according to Mr. Trump's post on social media, the debate will take place in Pennsylvania a crucial battleground state.

"Trump Backs Out of ABC Debate and Proposes One with Harris on Fox"
-According to Mr. Trump's post on social media, the previously scheduled debate to be hosted by ABC was "terminated" once President Biden dropped out of the race.

so it took 3 rewrites of the same headline to get to an actual "balanced" headline and it's still incorrect because Trump said "Fox News" which is like the mentally challenged little brother of "Fox". this is not an outlet that attempts to push left narratives. lol.

and i know it doesn't matter to a single maga chud, but the terms Trump agreed to for the ABC debate, don't mention either candidate name, they just talk about the numbers needed to get a candidate on stage which Kamala Harris obviously meets.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

The group that corporate media ACTUALLY hates is the real left, the economic left, the socialists. They are the ones that threaten the bottom line of your CNNs and your Sinclair Groups and the rest. Take a look at how corporate media treated Bernie Sanders when he was a real contender for the Democratic nomination.

Sanders was on “corporate” media every week for years. Reality just does not conform to your narrative. They helped make him one of the most powerful/influential senators in the country, when in 2015 most barely knew who he was.

i also think the Harris campaign should show up to the sept. 10th debate with an actual live chicken in an orange cage and put it on the other podium while she gives a town hall. maybe even put a little tufted hair piece on the chicken, or even just the cage..

by ecriture d'adulte k

Sanders was on “corporate” media every week for years.

An exaggeration, but yeah, he's a Senator. They'll have any Congressperson that wants to come on. They've given plenty of time to right-wing lunatic Congresspeople.

People like Sanders (relative to other politicians, certainly), and will watch him speak. Clicks. Eyeballs. This is the incentive. But they were straight terrified of the prospect of him becoming POTUS.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Reality just does not conform to your narrative. They helped make him one of the most powerful/influential senators in the country, when in 2015 most barely knew who he was.

There are tons of examples of mainstream media ignoring/downplaying his successes in the 2020 primary. He was also the only contender that had media mainstays like Chris Matthews flipping out on live TV on MSNBC and comparing his platform to Fidel Castro and public executions:

by Bobo Fett k

Ah yes, the gool ol' "all the networks do it" narrative.

Only one network had to pay close to $800 million dollars for promoting misinformation about the election results. It's hard to imagine something a news network could do that should be more damaging to their credibility, but there's a bunch of people like you guys who are ready to hand wave it all away with 'durr, all the networks are the same' drivel. It's no wonder Trump keeps banging on with his "fake news media" nonsense, as there are s

I am not hand waving anything away . The reality is Fox is trying to get Trump elected and CNN and MSNBC are trying to get a Democrat elected

Brett Baier is a stand up journalist and can handle a debate as well as the last two CNN moderators did. If you can't comprehend that Laura Ingram is as disgusting as Rachel Maddow than you have been corrupted by the media.

Look at the two networks surround their wagons around Kamala and compare her to Obama .

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

He was also the only contender that had media mainstays like Chris Matthews flipping out on live TV on MSNBC and comparing his platform to Fidel Castro and public executions:

Please find me ONE example of a prominent CNN/MSNBC/CBS media person freaking out to this degree about CIA Pete or Kamala Harris.

republicans loved cnn when they were going HARD at biden to step down. they all suddenly wanted to talk to cnn too.

lol loozen

Is there a chrome extension that replaces every word of a lozen post to ‘trump’?

by #Thinman k

republicans loved cnn when they were going HARD at biden to step down. they all suddenly wanted to talk to cnn too.

lol loozen

Yes post-debate cnn, NYT and all other left media turned on Biden. That's why it is was nice to see them starting to be honest. Pre-debate they all defended him and denied any old man issues or that another person should be the candidate.

by #Thinman k

has nbc, abc or cbs ever had to pay anyone $787M for telling lies about them?

lol republicans forever. here is how it works:

- 80% of the people support background checks for firearms purchases
- Actual media asks the people supporting the 20% (republicans in congress)...why?
- Response: "YOU ARE WORKING FOR THEM!!!!!!11"

rinse and repeat

the media doesn't work for democrats. your ideas suck and them asking you why doesn't equate to anything other than your ideas sucking and them asking why.

For future reference: in the last 2 polls the numbers were actually higher. Gallop in 2018 had 95% wanting background checks and Quinnipiac in 2019 had 94%

"A number of polls taken over the years show that the vast majority of Americans support universal background checks for those wanting to buy guns. In 2015, for example, a national Public Policy Polling survey of gun owners found overwhelming support (83%) for background checks, a 2018 Gallup poll found that 95% of people supported "requiring background checks for all gun sales," and in 2019, a Quinnipiac University poll from 2019 found that 94% of American voters supported universal background checks."

Shittenhouse said he wasn’t voting trump cuz he wasn’t strong enough on 2a the MAGA came at shittehouse and now he’s voting for trump again cuz he’s strong enough on 2a

Deeply weird people across the board
