The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

the genocide machine is still going brrr. its all good.

After decades of mediocrity in the field of software engineering, Victor's crowning achievement is discovering a macro to spam the same post over and over on a politics forum. Sad.

by d2_e4 k

After decades of mediocrity in the field of software engineering, Victor's crowning achievement is discovering a macro to spam the same post over and over on a politics forum. Sad.

And yet here I am trying to find a way to construe victor posting as genocide, but failing

by Luciom k

And yet here I am trying to find a way to construe victor posting as genocide, but failing


just catching up on the story of Trump's continuous slurring last night on Twitter

his cognitive ability is really slipping. this development will become one of the major talking points going forward for his campaign

all this said, i hope his staff is providing him with the necessary medical attention that he obv needs (he's really too old for all of this)

the slurring thing has been popping up occasionally for a while now ... could be loose dentures, or maybe he's really losing it. who's to say. the funny part was the cultists denying it's happening, and like, bro, he going at least partial sufferin' succotash!

its just a stutter guys. yall are ableist.

by ligastar k

his cognitive ability is really slipping. this development will become one of the major talking points going forward for his campaign

I'm thinking he's going to debate Harris and be such a mumbling mess that they pull him out and run Sarah Palin.

i caught the final 30 min or so live and didn't notice any slurring, was he an incoherent rambler, yes, but he's been like that forever

At the risk of diverting the conversation from whatever hate speech Corporal Luciom want to parrot against whatever minority group he’s mad at this morning, who in the trump campaign thought this interview was gonna be a good idea? All this was going to be was fan service to people who love Musk and/or people who love trump and the Venn diagram between the two is basically a perfect circle

And that’s ignoring what the interview actually was, far right circle jerking with apparently the guy whose entire fortune was made on EV saying ‘ya we need to drill baby drill’

****ing snake oil charlatans. Anyone who gives these parasites their time, money or devotion deserve the nothing their life benefits from it

by rickroll k

i caught the final 30 min or so live and didn't notice any slurring, was he an incoherent rambler, yes, but he's been like that forever

Maybe his been senile longer then we thought then ?
Would explain a lot …

by StoppedRainingMen k

who in the trump campaign thought this interview was gonna be a good idea? All this was going to be was fan service to people who love Musk and/or people who love trump and the Venn diagram between the two is basically a perfect circle

The Harris campaign seems to think it was terrible. Usually if your enemy is upset by something it means you did something well.

Personally, I feel the more we can hear the candidates speak, the better. Maybe that's just me.

by housenuts k

The Harris campaign seems to think it was terrible. Usually if your enemy is upset by something it means you did something well.

Personally, I feel the more we can hear the candidates speak, the better. Maybe that's just me.

Thinking something is terrible = upset? lol

by Mr Rick k

4) Immigrants do not increase the crime rate in the US (as Trump has been lying about) - simply because if they are caught committing a crime they will be deported

But they do if they aren't caught so you would have to suggest that it does increase the crime rate, no?

by bundy5 k

But they do if they aren't caught so you would have to suggest that it does increase the crime rate, no?

How do you know who committed a crime if nobody was caught? Last I checked, criminals don't usually leave a postcard saying "I'm an illegal alien and I done it" at the scene.

by Victor k

being "fit for office" is a complete nonsensical term. we have a senile man doing genocide and trying to start wars with Russia and China in office right now. Trump will be fine, he already did it once. we are at the stage of the Caligula makes his horse Consul part of the Empire. its fine.

Has Kamala said anything yet about how she will end the war in Ukraine or if she intends to end the war by meeting with Putin?

This whole prisoner swap was a BS propaganda by Biden - so the US and Russia each get something out of it but nothing is addressed about Russia's war on Ukraine? What kind of malarkey if I can use one of Biden's favourite words is he trying to pull over us? That he has had some form of victory meanwhile thousands of people have died in a war that should never have go on for this long (or at all).

by d2_e4 k

How do you know who committed a crime if nobody was caught? Last I checked, criminals don't usually leave a postcard saying "I'm an illegal alien and I done it" at the scene.

How many unsolved crimes are there in the US and how many crimes have been committed by illegal entrants in the US? I don't expect you to know the answer but seems outlandish to suggest that of those unsolved crimes that none of them would have been committed by illegals into the country. Particularly when you think that they won't come up on any database for prior history including for fingerprints.

by bundy5 k

How many unsolved crimes are there in the US and how many crimes have been committed by illegal entrants in the US? I don't expect you to know the answer but seems outlandish to suggest that of those unsolved crimes that none of them would have been committed by illegals into the country.

How does the above support your thesis that illegals increase the crime rate, i.e. not the total number of crimes, but the crimes committed per unit capita?

I'm not arguing that they do or don't btw, I'm just pointing out the fallacy in your argument. Obviously every person on average commits a nonzero number of crimes, so every additional person, illegal immigrant or not, increases the total number of crimes committed.

by d2_e4 k

How does the above support your thesis that illegals increase the crime rate, i.e. not the total number of crimes, but the crimes committed per unit capita?

Are the illegals counted in the official population counts because if they aren't why wouldn't it increase the crime rate?

by bundy5 k

Are the illegals counted in the official population counts because if they aren't why wouldn't it increase the crime rate?

I would think that they are since right wingers are always throwing around scary numbers of how many of them there are, but in the unlikely event that they are not, I suppose you would be correct on a technicality. Although this still doesn't tell us whether the crime rate amongst illegals is higher, lower, or the same as the rest of the population. It just means you're counting them in the numerator and not the denominator, making your stat meaningless.

by Ambush k

I'm afraid Trumps lies are too many and his habit too well known to dedicate half a news desk to tracking them all, but I would wager that Trump told more fragrant lies since Biden stepped down than Biden has in his lifetime. Not that it is all that relevant, because well documented liar Trump appears to be up against Harris.

The problem for Trump is that he doesn't see the big drama in lying, exaggerating or saying mistruths because he isn't a real politician. If you are going to be critical, it is Biden that should be under the spotlight for his lies because he does say them (not as often as Trump but he still does) and he is a career politician. And yes you can say politicians lie as well sure but usually it is only occasionally or very rarely and Biden has done a lot more than that.

by bundy5 k

The problem for Trump is that he doesn't see the big drama in lying, exaggerating or saying mistruths because he isn't a real politician. If you are going to be critical, it is Biden that should be under the spotlight for his lies because he does say them (not as often as Trump but he still does) and he is a career politician. And yes you can say politicians lie as well sure but usually it is only occasionally or very rarely and Biden has done a lot more than that.

We shouldn't hold the guy you want to be president to the same standards as everyone else because he's "not a real politician". Ok then.

by d2_e4 k

Thinking something is terrible = upset? lol

Member when the EU tried to blackmail Elon not to do it? I member. Ppl scurred.

by bundy5 k

The problem for Trump is that he doesn't see the big drama in lying, exaggerating or saying mistruths because he isn't a real politician. If you are going to be critical, it is Biden that should be under the spotlight for his lies because he does say them (not as often as Trump but he still does) and he is a career politician. And yes you can say politicians lie as well sure but usually it is only occasionally or very rarely and Biden has done a lot more than that.

Dear MAGA chuds,

This right here is why none of you will ever be taken seriously. Or laid

‘Maybe trump is lying. Maybe trump lies all the time. But it’s biden (reminder: he’s not the candidate for president) whose lies we need to focus on, stop challenging us on trump’s lies. Even if he lies more than biden (reminder: he’s not the candidate for president)’

by housenuts k

The Harris campaign seems to think it was terrible. Usually if your enemy is upset by something it means you did something well.

Personally, I feel the more we can hear the candidates speak, the better. Maybe that's just me.

by housenuts k

Member when the EU tried to blackmail Elon not to do it? I member. Ppl scurred.

The EU = Harris campaign now? Do better, George.
