The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

there was a border bill? or was it a fund ukraine bill with some border provisions wrapped in?

i don't remember any standalone border bills, but perhaps i'm wrong.

politics is a sham.

there was a standalone border bill which got canned anyway months ago.

funds to Ukraine got voted as a separate bill with a bipartisan majority

by housenuts k

there was a border bill? or was it a fund ukraine bill with some border provisions wrapped in?

i don't remember any standalone border bills, but perhaps i'm wrong.

politics is a sham.

Is it your contention that funding ukraine was what stopped the bill from passing when funding for ukraine passed on its own?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Dear MAGA chuds,

This right here is why none of you will ever be taken seriously. Or laid

‘Maybe trump is lying. Maybe trump lies all the time. But it’s biden (reminder: he’s not the candidate for president) whose lies we need to focus on, stop challenging us on trump’s lies. Even if he lies more than biden (reminder: he’s not the candidate for president)’

I guess I’m 30% of the way to a perma now


To be clear though I take back none of it to whoever of you felt ‘free speech absolutist’ just means you

by StoppedRainingMen k

Not sure how that was your conclusion from that post but….sure?

Edit: @victor

Edit2: also labeling me whatever your bluemaga meme is is certainly a direction you can go with I guess

For the record Victor I view you the same way I view house. You’re a good dude and I like you, but I agree with literally none of what you say politically

good. bc I def dont agree with Republican border bills. it seems that you do.

I’m not sure how you arrived at that conclusion from a post where I explicitly mocked the genesis of that bill and the reaction to it but <3 you anyway

by bundy5 k

But they do if they aren't caught so you would have to suggest that it does increase the crime rate, no?


The articles I have read are clear that immigrants commit fewer crimes than US born citizens. The fear of deportation (including their whole family I would guess) would be a very potent inhibiting factor.

One article though noted that second generation immigrants crime rates seem to rise to US born citizen levels (which may be because they are US born citizens with no fear of extradition).

so, to the extent that there were any substantive takeaways from the trump and elon 69 last night:

- trump wants to eliminate the department of education (this is a project 2025 thing, yeah?)
- they both think that firing striking workers is good and hilarious
- global warming is good because rising sea levels = more oceanfront property (???)

any other country-fixing proposals i missed?

by 72off k

so, to the extent that there were any substantive takeaways from the trump and elon 69 last night:

- trump wants to eliminate the department of education (this is a project 2025 thing, yeah?)
- they both think that firing striking workers is good and hilarious
- global warming is good because rising sea levels = more oceanfront property (???)

any other country-fixing proposals i missed?

Education bad. Dumb****ery good. Dumb****ery breeds more dumb****s to vote Republican and perpetuate the cycle of idiocracy.

Seems about the size of things.

by d2_e4 k

Education bad. Dumb****ery good. Dumb****ery breeds more dumb****s to vote Republican and perpetuate the cycle of idiocracy.

Seems about the size of things.

Borders bad. Poor, unskilled immigrants good. Poor, unskilled immigrants breed more poor, unskilled immigrants to vote Democrat and perpetuate the cycle of communism.

by housenuts k

Borders bad. Poor, unskilled immigrants good. Poor, unskilled immigrants breed more poor, unskilled immigrants to vote Democrat and perpetuate the cycle of communism.

Ah yes, cOmMunIsM. Run, Horsenut, run, there's a red under the bed!

by 72off k

so, to the extent that there were any substantive takeaways from the trump and elon 69 last night:

- trump wants to eliminate the department of education (this is a project 2025 thing, yeah?)
- they both think that firing striking workers is good and hilarious
- global warming is good because rising sea levels = more oceanfront property (???)

any other country-fixing proposals i missed?

-large scale deportation of undocumented immigrants
-"We’re going to have the best Iron Dome in the world."
-"We're going to drill baby drill"
-let police "do their job [...] without being destroyed" (here i assume he meant letting them headshot women carrying hot water)

-"we could build a moon base"
-"send astronauts to Mars"
-"solve traffic with tunnels"

by d2_e4 k

Ah yes, cOmMunIsM. Run, Horsenut, run, there's a red under the bed!

We all have our own fears. I run from communism. You run aUtHoRiTarIaNisM.

by housenuts k

We all have our own fears. I run from communism. You run aUtHoRiTarIaNisM.

Yes, thanks for confirming that your fears are illusory and mine are based in reality.

by smartDFS k

-large scale deportation of undocumented immigrants
-"We’re going to have the best Iron Dome in the world."
-"We're going to drill baby drill"
-let police "do their job [...] without being destroyed" (here i assume he meant letting them headshot women carrying hot water)

-"we could build a moon base"
-"send astronauts to Mars"
-"solve traffic with tunnels"

the Dems just tried to implement large scale deportation. and they have given the police more money than anyone else in history.

so tell me again why you guys think this is bad?

by smartDFS k

headshot women carrying hot water

someone needs to save the baby

also lol again @ the cultists saying that there was no lisping. have heard it in a bunch of different clips, and a good example at around 4:20 of this one, that i hadn't heard until just now

you look and sound like absolute ****, sir

by housenuts k

Borders bad. Poor, unskilled immigrants good. Poor, unskilled immigrants breed more poor, unskilled immigrants to vote Democrat and perpetuate the cycle of communism.

Unskilled workers exist a lot in non immigrants population .
You racist or something to target immigrants ?

Lot of poor are non immigrants and they breed a lot ?
You racist or something to target immigrants ?

Well seem Florida for example got lot immigrants and they vote red shrug

Communism in the US ?
lol …
The healthcare and education system with the wealth inequalities at all time high is a full proof how communism is present down there

You missed the border part

by d2_e4 k

Can someone summarise this EU v Musk situation for me? I tried googling it but I seem to be getting results about the UK riots, what's the deal with the Trump interview?

the EU has rules against intentionally/knowingly spreading disinformation..

the assertion is that Trump and Musk know the things they are saying are lies and are deliberately spreading them on twitter which can be subject to the EU's jurisdiction.

Even if you dislike Ilhan Omar as a person or her politics, the fact that a female Somali refugee can come to America and rise to such heights is a testament to how much more tolerant, progressive and better America is than pretty much the rest of the world.

Could you imagine a female Somalian refugee/immigrant becoming a high ranking politician anywhere in the Third World or Global South? Of course not. It would be a laughable conceit.

Of course she responds by calling (Jewish?) Americans "literal Nazis", but that says more about her own intolerance and bigotry, and those of her constituents, than the country that has accepted her with so much tolerance and open arms.


by Dunyain k

Even if you dislike Ilhan Omar as a person or her politics, the fact that a female Somali refugee can come to America and rise to such heights is a testament to how much more tolerant, progressive and better America is than pretty much the rest of the world.

Could you imagine a female Somalian refugee/immigrant becoming a high ranking politician anywhere in the Third World or Global South? Of course not. It would be a laughable conceit.

Of course she responds by calling (Jewish?) Americans "li

I've never heard of this person until earlier today. She's anti crypto so I don't like her. But good on her for what she's achieved.

by Slighted k

the EU has rules against intentionally/knowingly spreading disinformation..

the assertion is that Trump and Musk know the things they are saying are lies and are deliberately spreading them on twitter which can be subject to the EU's jurisdiction.

Wonder if EU takes issue with the edited CNN clip from musk/Trump where CNN pretended like they were supporting nuclear war. That was weird.

by housenuts k

You missed the border part

Well I don’t know many countries that are communist that have immigration problems ?
Do you ?
People don’t seem enjoying to migrate in communist countries .
So there’s that for the U.S. being communist using your border theme.

And again fwiw , Obama did more in deportation then trump.
Democrats cares about border too it seem .
