The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by wet work k

Is it true that Italy was the first to mandate the vaccine in Euroland?

Why are you sitting here discussing the politics of another country when you could be escaping communism?

I think Italy was second copying France vaccination pass.

Draghi was PM at the time and he went on video claiming that the vaccination pass (called "green pass") guaranteed you werent around infected people.

Can't move, have kids and mother doesn't want to move.

Besides there are many axis of communism. Here in Italy bizarrely for some things freedom is better than most other places.

For example I can vape inside most buildings, and there are no rules outside anywhere, I read in many places in the USA you can't vape in parks or outside many buildings because some fascists extended all smoking rules to vaping.

There are also many states where you can't play online poker if I understand it correctly.

Taxes on alcohol in Italy are very low.

Also in Italy enforcement of most things is very low, you can take your freedom disregarding rules, which is what our culture thought us after centuries of living under foreign rule. So practical freedoms are higher than statutory freedoms

It's very complicated

by Bubble_Balls k

Disagree pretty hard. RFK is drawing the conspiracy and anti-establishment crowd that are probably pretty light on ideological details and those entranced by the name. They can be from both the left and the right but very few are going to be jumping ship for a candidate they will see as very establishment. I think Harris is getting a boost mostly from those who were previously unmotivated to vote at all or were until that point undecided because of the available candidates.

RFK support was polling around 10 in June, and at 5 now

by PointlessWords k

They took the flu deaths and turned them into Covid deaths. Spare me the first 250k deaths a year

Jesus christ at least luciom tries every now and again to source his points, this is just the laziest bombthrowing that’s not even worth debunking because it’s not trying to be a serious point.

Number one I shouldn’t even be responding to this because you made an absolutely wild and insane claim with zero evidence whatsoever. Secondly, even if you could show a graph where flu deaths went down during the covid19 pandemic, especially 2020, you still haven’t proven that they were misattributed to covid because it simply could be the case that flu deaths went down due to generally strict protocols throughout the US. Lastly even if you actually could prove with real evidence and not just assertion that flu deaths in some amount were misattributed to covid, that doesn’t prove that people “turned them into covid deaths” like it was some malicious thing, it could have simply been a mistake in reporting. By the way, that didn’t happen because I’m pretty sure that they didn’t assign covid deaths through the pathology but rather using testing parameters.

So yeah this is why the people that deny covid was a real thing that actually ended up killing millions are able to make these stupid dumb arguments and never get challenged on it because they are so dumb you have to explain how it’s wrong in 7 different ways, meanwhile they’ll just move on to the next idiotic thing.

by Luciom k

RFK support was polling around 10 in June, and at 5 now

I have the same theory so I don’t see what the problem is. The RFK people that wouldn’t vote for Biden probably just didn’t want to vote for Biden because he is old and weak. I also think there are voters that saw Trump as the lesser of two evils because they saw him as at least capable of governing whereas they think Biden is completely demented. But Kamala’s stronger lead when RFK is included in polls indicates at least some of Trump’s support is syphoned off into the void that is 3rd party in the US.

by checkraisdraw k

Jesus christ at least luciom tries every now and again to source his points, this is just the laziest bombthrowing that’s not even worth debunking because it’s not trying to be a serious point.

Number one I shouldn’t even be responding to this because you made an absolutely wild and insane claim with zero evidence whatsoever. Secondly, even if you could show a graph where flu deaths went down during the covid19 pandemic, especially 2020, you still haven’t proven that they

Reminds me of when the CDC revoked the emergency authorization of the COVID PCR test as the pandemic was winding down, which was done to encourage the development of a dual COVID+influenza test, which was helpful because health officials knew flu cases would come roaring back once people starting circulating again and they didn't want mass confusion and fear from people catching the flu thinking they had COVID. Of course the instant that directive was sent out the misinformation machine picked up on it and claimed the COVID PCR test couldn't distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza. All these people share a wilful disregard for objective truth and reason, where every piece of information is contorted and weaponized to further their agenda.

CDC estimates that during the 2019–2020 season 36 million people were ill, 16 million people went to a health care provider, 390,000 were hospitalized, and 25,000 died with flu

I was wrong. Sorry

by Luciom k

I love the idea that a single person can own billions he (or his family) made in various ways, and try to shape and mold the world toward his views. That's because the probability of that person being better at deciding *anything* is higher given his success, talents generalizes more than people want to admit. Meta-success skills (planning, force of will when thing go badly, pride in your own possibilities and so on) generalize.

This might be one of the most hilarious things you’ve ever posted, to the point that I’m finding it hard to believe you since someone with brain function high enough to post on the internet would also hold this view.

Are you not aware that the VAST majority of billionaires in the world aren’t self made, that they were born into that wealth? Do you HONESTLY think that their billionaire-ness is a testament to their success, talents, and work ethic?

Straight up wild, dude.

by Double Down k

This might be one of the most hilarious things you’ve ever posted, to the point that I’m finding it hard to believe you since someone with brain function high enough to post on the internet would also hold this view.

Are you not aware that the VAST majority of billionaires in the world aren’t self made, that they were born into that wealth? Do you HONESTLY think that their billionaire-ness is a testament to their success, talents, and work ethic?

Straight up wild, dude.

One of the best lines from tonight's DNC speeches is when Michelle Obama said this about Harris:

"She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth."

by pocket_zeros k

One of the best lines from tonight's DNC speeches is when Michelle Obama said this about Harris:

"She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth."

Agreed. Like, Trump is literally the epitome of an absolute buffoon who continuously failed forward, because he appeals to poorer buffoons.

by checkraisdraw k

Jesus christ at least luciom tries every now and again to source his points, this is just the laziest bombthrowing that’s not even worth debunking because it’s not trying to be a serious point.

Number one I shouldn’t even be responding to this because you made an absolutely wild and insane claim with zero evidence whatsoever. Secondly, even if you could show a graph where flu deaths went down during the covid19 pandemic, especially 2020, you still haven’t proven that they were misattributed to co

Dude, the guy you are responding to is called "PointlessWords". When they tell you who they are, believe them.

I've noticed many people that grow up on the threshold of middle/high class will downplay how well they had it, especially in these times. Both of Harris' parents were insanely successful and I doubt that she wanted for anything growing up. She's been a corrupt vessel of the government her entire life. She is not someone that people lacking generational wealth can relate to. Meanwhile, you have people regurgitating these standard political plays like they aren't obscene.

by pocket_zeros k

One of the best lines from tonight's DNC speeches is when Michelle Obama said this about Harris:

"She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth."

I mean if you love raping words you can like that sentence.

If instead you care even a bit about semantics, calling inheritance "affirmative action" is completely absurd, a racist dog whistle, an utter disgrace.

AA is a state intervention (and an unconstitutional one, a grave violation of profound principles of society), inheritance is a family event (and a completly legal one, the fulfilment of one of the most profound principles of society)

by Double Down k

This might be one of the most hilarious things you’ve ever posted, to the point that I’m finding it hard to believe you since someone with brain function high enough to post on the internet would also hold this view.

Are you not aware that the VAST majority of billionaires in the world aren’t self made, that they were born into that wealth? Do you HONESTLY think that their billionaire-ness is a testament to their success, talents, and work ethic?

Straight up wild, dude.

I am actually aware of the fact that it's the opposite


As of 2022, a majority of the world's billionaires had earned their wealth themselves. Nearly 2,000 of the total 3,194 billionaires worldwide that year had earned their fortune this way. Meanwhile, 317 billionaires had inherited their wealth.

Keep in mind the remaining like 800 married, and if you are chosen by one of the best people in the world as life companion it's not random as well. Moreover it's often about marriages that happened before either person was a billionaire.

So actually.. the vast majority of billionaires in the world are people who made the billions themselves, or spouses (or ex spouses) of people who made that money.

Now a question: why do you go allin with such a wild claim that is disprovable very easily? were you REALLY convinced your claim was correct to the point you didn't even need to check it before making it while trying to mock a person you disagree with? why incur such a risk of being ridiculed for a completly absurd claim?

It might be the time to exit your echo chamber a bit, if the people you interact with all believe the utter bullshit that billionaires are almost never self made, while the literal opposite is true, imagine how many other factual, objective lies they made up their world ideology with, trapping you in a model of the world predicated on falsity.

by pocket_zeros k

One of the best lines from tonight's DNC speeches is when Michelle Obama said this about Harris:

"She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth."

I thought it was in her reference to black jobs and soon the presidency will be one was it
She is an amazing speaker . Great night for the Dems

by lozen k

I thought it was in her reference to black jobs and soon the presidency will be one was it
She is an amazing speaker . Great night for the Dems

Not sure it was a great night, Harris dropped from 50% to 47% chance of winning on polymarket. Maybe though it was because of RFK possibly dropping out

by Luciom k

I mean if you love raping words you can like that sentence.

If instead you care even a bit about semantics, calling inheritance "affirmative action" is completely absurd, a racist dog whistle, an utter disgrace.

AA is a state intervention (and an unconstitutional one, a grave violation of profound principles of society), inheritance is a family event (and a completly legal one, the fulfilment of one of the most profound principles of society)

Conservatives believe any reference to race is racist because when they're referencing race is usually to express racist thoughts, so your sentiments aren't surprising.

As for money representing affirmative action for the wealthy, anyone who understands how the laws in this nation are literally written by the wealthy (ie, the paid lobbyists embedded inside DC and state legislatures) will understand how accurate Michelle's brilliant play on words is.

Speaking more broadly, the biggest problems conservatives have is a starkly negative worldview. One only need to see the contrast between the RNC and DNC conventions to see this. How many husband/wives did you see speak at the RNC? How often did you see love and affection discussed? How much time was spent talking about the people of this country vs the candidates? The country is about to reject your worldview, for the second election in a row.

by pocket_zeros k

Conservatives believe any reference to race is racist because when they're referencing race is usually to express racist thoughts, so your sentiments aren't surprising.

As for money representing affirmative action for the wealthy, anyone who understands how the laws in this nation are literally written by the wealthy (ie, the paid lobbyists embedded inside DC and state legislatures) will understand how accurate Michelle's brilliant play on words is.

Speaking more broadly, the biggest problems cons

Affirmative action is racism, and unconstitutional, according to the law as interpreted currently by the judiciary in the USA. It's not "conservatives", it's the law.

by Luciom k

Affirmative action is racism, and unconstitutional, according to the law as interpreted currently by the judiciary in the USA. It's not "conservatives", it's the law.

Corruption is illegal as well as interpreted by the judiciary yet it's that corruption which writes the laws in this country. To ignore that corruption and then point to efforts to lean against it as illegal is the blind leading the blind, ie conservatives talking to themselves in their echo chamber.

by pocket_zeros k

Conservatives believe any reference to race is racist because when they're referencing race is usually to express racist thoughts, so your sentiments aren't surprising.

As for money representing affirmative action for the wealthy, anyone who understands how the laws in this nation are literally written by the wealthy (ie, the paid lobbyists embedded inside DC and state legislatures) will understand how accurate Michelle's brilliant play on words is.

Speaking more broadly, the biggest problems cons

Reality is everything you said here is true . But its still going to come down to 7 states but if Trump continues on the Tirade Tour its over

Interesting that China hates both candidates. I like this.

It's funny that Russia needs Trump and Iran needs Kamala. Awkward for them.

by Luciom k

Affirmative action is racism, and unconstitutional, according to the law as interpreted currently by the judiciary in the USA. It's not "conservatives", it's the law.

I need to give this more treatment than the pithy response I posted. I too am ideologically opposed to affirmative action. In fact when I was younger I spoke much the same as you, although with a different ideological baseline, with absolutes like "that is illegal" or "that is objectively unfair". What I learned as I grew older is that the world doesn't work in absolutes. I also learned that the subversive influence of money in politics makes it impossible to orient oneself around the rules of the game when the rules themselves are controlled by the game. In short, I started to let wisdom guide my thinking rather than repeating the last thing I learned from a book or some influential ideologue. You're running around these forums parroting what you think is righteous but you really don't have a clue. You're the 18 year old version of myself had I never grown up.

by canofworms k

I've noticed many people that grow up on the threshold of middle/high class will downplay how well they had it, especially in these times. Both of Harris' parents were insanely successful and I doubt that she wanted for anything growing up. She's been a corrupt vessel of the government her entire life. She is not someone that people lacking generational wealth can relate to. Meanwhile, you have people regurgitating these standard political plays like they aren't obscene.

I wouldn't say that growing up as the daughter of a university professor and a lab researcher qualifies as growing up in the midst of "generational wealth."

by canofworms k

I've noticed many people that grow up on the threshold of middle/high class will downplay how well they had it, especially in these times. Both of Harris' parents were insanely successful and I doubt that she wanted for anything growing up. She's been a corrupt vessel of the government her entire life. She is not someone that people lacking generational wealth can relate to. Meanwhile, you have people regurgitating these standard political plays like they aren't obscene.

So being successful and raising a child in comfort is bad thing now?

Donald Trump knew exactly what he was doing in Michigan

In the 1970s and ’80s, at the peak of the city’s links to the
white supremacist movement, Robert Miles, the grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan,
had a Howell mailing address and was known to hold rallies on a nearby farm property.

Black residents of nearby Detroit knew full well not to set foot in the town of Howell.

a small group of masked white supremacists
marched through downtown Howell chanting “Heil Hitler.”
Later that day, another demonstration was held on a highway overpass,
featuring a swastika flag and people chanting, “We love Hitler. We love Trump.”

They chanted, “We love Hitler. We love Trump.” Trump hasn’t condemned them.

by pocket_zeros k

I need to give this more treatment than the pithy response I posted. I too am ideologically opposed to affirmative action. In fact when I was younger I spoke much the same as you, although with a different ideological baseline, with absolutes like "that is illegal" or "that is objectively unfair". What I learned as I grew older is that the world doesn't work in absolutes. I also learned that the subversive influence of money in politics makes it impossible to orient oneself around the rules of t

Wait a sec, Michelle claim was comparing a *now unconstitutional, and always controversial* STATE practice, with a *almost universally recognized as moral, and perfectly legal* PRIVATE event called "inheritance" ok?

Money influence in politics and whatnot had nothing to do with the claim. She simply claimed people who inherited money have a easier life and can "fall forward" which means even if they make mistakes they can go on easily, they have extra help.

It's true that happens, that rich people have an easier life, but they do because they either made or inherited the money, which has nothing to do with receiving illegal help from the state.

At 41 i understood a lot of things better, including the fact that making money even if you come from money is harder than i assumed (seeing a ton of friends from money failing miserably) so if anything i increased my propensity to think that people with money deserve it, compared to 20 years ago.
