The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Saying "Everything I don't like is communist, has not worked well for your party.".

sick of his whiny, hateful "woe is me" routine, sick of his total word salad vomit and
ravings as well as him saying everything will go to hell in the U.S., if he isn't re-elected

sick of him saying, "The likes of which we've never seen before.".

by steamraise k

I love my country more than my party.

How do you feel about the rest of the planet? I see a lot of people feigning interest in it, yet they neglect properly researching and/or completely ignore the implications of who they support.

by canofworms k

No, What's ****ed is the child undermining everything you did by pretending they had a difficult childhood so that they can be on the "right" side of politics. I see it happening all the time with the people I grew up with, and you see it now with Kamala Harris acting like she's some project baby.

Yep, because all people who grew up with privilege worked at McDonalds while going to college.

by natediggity k

"The U.S. economy added far fewer jobs in 2023 and early 2024 than previously reported, a sign that cracks in the labor market are more severe — and began forming earlier — than initially believed.

On Wednesday, the Labor Department said that monthly payroll figures overstated job growth by roughly 818,000 in the 12 months that ended in March. That suggests employers added about 174,000 jobs per month during that period, down

Did they clarify why the huge mistake happened?

by steamraise k

I love my country more than my party.

Trump’s latest claim about the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting

by Luciom k

Did they clarify why the huge mistake happened?

"The revisions, which are preliminary, are part of an annual process in which monthly estimates, based on surveys, are reconciled with more accurate but less timely records from state unemployment offices. The new figures, once finalized, will be incorporated into official government employment statistics early next year."

So this is not a new thing. But the numbers are rarely this far off.....this is the largest preliminary revision since 2009.

by steamraise k

Trump’s latest claim about the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting

You just wasted 6 min of my life

by pocket_zeros k

Yep, because all people who grew up with privilege worked at McDonalds while going to college.

A LOT of people get jobs in college. Most people that experience true adversity at a young age don't make it to college at all.

by natediggity k

"The revisions, which are preliminary, are part of an annual process in which monthly estimates, based on surveys, are reconciled with more accurate but less timely records from state unemployment offices. The new figures, once finalized, will be incorporated into official government employment statistics early next year."

So this is not a new thing. But the numbers are rarely this far off.....this is the largest preliminary revision since 2009.

Ye i mean i know at the beginning they are preliminary, i was asking if we had any clue about how/why this time the mistakes were this big.

Btw in theory mistakes should be in a random direction every month, not in the same one for 12 months in a row (!!)

by Luciom k

I mean if you love raping words you can like that sentence.

If instead you care even a bit about semantics, calling inheritance "affirmative action" is completely absurd, a racist dog whistle, an utter disgrace.

AA is a state intervention (and an unconstitutional one, a grave violation of profound principles of society), inheritance is a family event (and a completly legal one, the fulfilment of one of the most profound principles of society)

“If you love raping words you can like that sentence” is a wild statement. You realize that calling Trump a product of affirmative action is most likely a response to him calling Kamala a DEI candidate, right? Your selective outrage and reliance on rhetoric to make your point is honestly disgusting.

Ugh. I was hoping with the locking of the covid thread I wouldn't have to read anymore brain dead covid conspiracy crap, or at least not get flooded with pages of it.

by checkraisdraw k

“If you love raping words you can like that sentence” is a wild statement. You realize that calling Trump a product of affirmative action is most likely a response to him calling Kamala a DEI candidate, right? Your selective outrage and reliance on rhetoric to make your point is honestly disgusting.

Michelle in the same speech said that Trump isn't qualified for the job of president because that's a black job now.

I am actually outraged at the way she racializes everything.

And this happens the same day Obama has a very moderate and reasonable message, that doesn't spare criticism to Trump, but does so in a dignified manner, so it's not like she had to do this

by Luciom k

Michelle in the same speech said that Trump isn't qualified for the job of president because that's a black job now.

Haha, that's pretty good.

by d2_e4 k

Haha, that's pretty good.

Ye very funny for a party that was chanting 4 more years to a old white man until one month ago

by Luciom k

Ye very funny for a party that was chanting 4 more years to a old white man until one month ago

Right? It's almost like if it's a different person running, they support that person. ****ing hypocrites!

You do realise the "black job" jab is a reference to something Trump said recently, right?

by Luciom k

Michelle in the same speech said that Trump isn't qualified for the job of president because that's a black job now.

That's not what she said.

"The job he's currently seeking might be one of those black jobs."

by Luciom k

We don't have much data but, presumably, shouldn't Harris father come from decent money just because he was able to study in London and then at Berkley being Jamaican? how does a 20 y old Jamaican in 1958 manage to get to study in London without very significant for the time (ie top5% at the very least in Jamaica) family money? maybe there were free programs or something i am not aware about

In the humanities, at least, almost no one pays substantial tuition for a PhD program in the U.S. If you don't get funding early on, it's pretty much a sign that the school doesn't want you.

It probably works the same in STEM fields.

Wanted to give Harris a chance, not a big Trump fan. But ok raising capital gains tax, when there shouldn't really be any to begin with is one thing. Taxing unrealizd gains, gtfo. Imo she is an idiot, dangerous fool, has no business leading anything. Trump all day.

I'll never have 100 milly, I figured that out. But if they do this, they will lower threashold later no problem. But you are telling people with 100 mill they cant invest in anything. Need to sit in cash or lose any gains.

by Luciom k

Michelle in the same speech said that Trump isn't qualified for the job of president because that's a black job now.

I am actually outraged at the way she racializes everything.

And this happens the same day Obama has a very moderate and reasonable message, that doesn't spare criticism to Trump, but does so in a dignified manner, so it's not like she had to do this

You are just such a disingenuous hack dude. She said that as a response to talking about how illegal immigrants are taking “black jobs”.

Michelle Obama’s speech wasn’t that great for me because she has no policy expertise and it clearly shows, just like Doug’s speech, but that’s such a disingenuous attack dude.

by roymunson888 k

Wanted to give Harris a chance, not a big Trump fan. But ok raising capital gains tax, when there shouldn't really be any to begin with is one thing. Taxing unrealizd gains, gtfo. Imo she is an idiot, dangerous fool, has no business leading anything. Trump all day.

I'll never have 100 milly, I figured that out. But if they do this, they will lower threashold later no problem. But you are telling people with 100 mill they cant invest in anything. Need to sit in cash or lose any gains.

so in your opinion, taxing gains mean they cant invest anything. Why is that? are they pitching a fit?

by Luciom k

Michelle in the same speech said that Trump isn't qualified for the job of president because that's a black job now.

I am actually outraged at the way she racializes everything.

And this happens the same day Obama has a very moderate and reasonable message, that doesn't spare criticism to Trump, but does so in a dignified manner, so it's not like she had to do this

Nothing in her speech was bad. Reality is if she was the candidate She would win a landslide

It's fine to make a witty retort but you still need to consider the meaning behind what you're actually saying.
I guess it doesn't matter to people who constantly take things out of context and make up whatever meaning they want regardless of what is said.

*Trump talks about how our country is being taking advantage of and that it will get worse* (it will)


by canofworms k

It's fine to make a witty retort but you still need to consider the meaning behind what you're actually saying.
I guess it doesn't matter to people who constantly take things out of context and make up whatever meaning they want regardless of what is said.

by canofworms k

*Trump talks about how our country is being taking advantage of and that it will get worse* (it will)


Ah, so the context of all Trump's previous rhetoric and actions doesn't matter in this specific case. Gotcha. Man, why is everyone giving the guy a hard time, he just wants America to be great. They must hate America.

by d2_e4 k

Ah, so the context of all Trump's previous rhetoric and actions doesn't matter in this specific case. Gotcha. Man, why is everyone giving the guy a hard time, he just wants America to be great. They must hate America.

I don't think you know what context is....
