The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by FreakDaddy k

I'm very much aware of the complicated history. Does re-litigating it help at all in this current situation? I'm talking about based on what is ACTUALLY happening right now.

Who kidnapped, rapped and killed women and teens on the other countries home soil? Could you ever imagine Israel being the first mover actor in this situation?

I'll give you a hint... no... it does not happen.

Are you saying that Israel hasn't kidnapped, raped, and killed people?

by The Horror k

Are you saying that Israel hasn't kidnapped, raped, and killed women?

Correct... I'm saying, Israel hasn't gone into Palestine and initiated these kinds of things. As a democratic culture, they also hold people who do these things accountable in their own country. That is not the case in Palestine, where women are treated as objects.

by PointlessWords k

Let’s get the facts straight before we begin.

Not in this thread

by Bubble_Balls k

I get it... I understand that this is a difficult situation to grasp, and that it can appear like one side is just blowing the other side away.

That's why I asked my hypothetical. Israel is NOT starting these wars. Remind me, who ceded their position on the west bank? Remind me, who has tried to settle these disputes in good faith, and who has turned those requests down?

If you have a neighbor who will not negotiate in good faith, and continually shoots rockets into your country, and it's part of their religion to destroy non-believers... what do you do?


Move your discussion NOW

by pocket_zeros k

Trump will definitely gain net voters but the recent polls showed RFK share dropping precipitously so I think it's maybe +2 at most.

RFK is rumored to have asked for a cabinet position in exchange for endorsing Trump. I hear Trump's team is already working on crafting a new post just for him, with the title "Chief of Rusty Bird Cages".

+2 would flip AZ, PA, and NV (Kamala is barely ahead in those states per 538.com) and make MI, WI, VA, ME District 2 extremely close and GA and FL long shots.

The above doesn't count potential gains from the DNC so I have no idea what will happen. In this past week Kamala has basically stayed where she was in most swing states but has already dropped about half a point to a point in GA, MI, and PA.

RFK Jr is definitely batsh*t crazy. How he could support Trump is beyond me. Especially given who his father was. But if that was his title I would make sure he was doing his job from within the cages...

by King Spew k


Move your discussion NOW

Because you disagree?

I mean that's fine... we can move it.

And I also agree... most people don't have the FACTS. They are operating on pure emotion, that WAR is bad, peace is good without considering one side has ZERO intention of peace... ever.

I watched some of the DNC speeches, something I've never done before. I have to say, there were some damn good speeches. Both Obamas killed it. Clinton was good but, damn, he looks old now. The tone was really upbeat and positive, no fear mongering.

I kind of wished (well, maybe not?) I had watched the RNC as well, just to compare.

by Gorgonian k

The word is control, not influence. And no. He doesn't. How is this so hard for you?

ok well then I would like to see Kamala use her influence to work towards ending this conflict (and the one in Ukraine for that matter) or at least indicate that she intends to. instead, well we all see what is going on at the DNC right now and its one of the most digusting displays of warmonger that I have ever seen.

anyway, this is the election thread and thats what it would take to get my vote.

by Victor k

ok well then I would like to see Kamala use her influence to work towards ending this conflict (and the one in Ukraine for that matter) or at least indicate that she intends to.

She has.

by Victor k

instead, well we all see what is going on at the DNC right now and its one of the most digusting displays of warmonger that I have ever seen.

I don't think you've watched anything from the DNC if you think that.

by Victor k

anyway, this is the election thread and thats what it would take to get my vote.

Sounds like you'll be voting for Kamala then.

by Gorgonian k

She has.

I don't think you've watched anything from the DNC if you think that.

Sounds like you'll be voting for Kamala then.

not with an insane platform like this

I have no idea what possible problem you could have with that. I would ask you to clarify, but we've been asked to no longer discuss this topic here, so I will not. It's time for me to just move on and consider you a lost cause.

by Gorgonian k

It's time for me to just move on and consider you a lost cause.

You're just now figuring that out?

by FreakDaddy k

Because you disagree?


There is a current thread already to hash out this topic

by biggerboat k

You're just now figuring that out?

I don't recall interacting with this particular user before, so I'm not really sure.

liberals are against all war, except the current one(s). it really never fails.

by Victor k

why would they protest the side that isnt even in power? its your democrats that are sending billions in weapons that are used to mass murder children and break all International Law. it is your side that is working hand in hand to do plausible genocide.

ofc they are sick of hearing about it. they dont like to be faced with their own hypocrisy and will do anything to ignore who they are.

Republicans control the congress. The money wouldn’t be sent without their approval. And if anything, they want an even more brutal war. The people calling for a ceasefire are the Democrats, not Republicans.

Also this is a rather weird take on the whole situation. Hamas committed a violent terrorist attack, Israel responded. Do I support everything they have done? No. Do I think Netanyahu wants to prolong the war? Plausible. But at the end of the day Hamas can stop this war by surrendering and giving back the hostages. Then once Hamas is out of power we can put pressure on Israel to agree to a two state solution.

by biggerboat k

You're just now figuring that out?

I point out the hypocrisy of liberals and democrats. they would much prefer to

by Victor k

liberals are against all war, except the current one(s). it really never fails.

Uh yeah war is bad and it is awful but that’s not the same thing as never seeing a need to go to war. Why would anyone ever say that they would never support going to war ever?

by checkraisdraw k

Republicans control the congress. The money wouldn’t be sent without their approval. And if anything, they want an even more brutal war. The people calling for a ceasefire are the Democrats, not Republicans.

Also this is a rather weird take on the whole situation. Hamas committed a violent terrorist attack, Israel responded. Do I support everything they have done? No. Do I think Netanyahu wants to prolong the war? Plausible. But at the end of the day Hamas can stop this war by surrendering and gi

it also wouldnt be sent without the Democrats. I dont care what the Repubs do.

the rest of your post belongs in the other thread.

by checkraisdraw k

Uh yeah war is bad and it is awful but that’s not the same thing as never seeing a need to go to war. Why would anyone ever say that they would never support going to war ever?

Because religion is like that, irrational, completely indefensible claims with logic.

by checkraisdraw k

Republicans control the congress. The money wouldn’t be sent without their approval. And if anything, they want an even more brutal war. The people calling for a ceasefire are the Democrats, not Republicans.

Also this is a rather weird take on the whole situation. Hamas committed a violent terrorist attack, Israel responded. Do I support everything they have done? No. Do I think Netanyahu wants to prolong the war? Plausible. But at the end of the day Hamas can stop this war by surrendering and gi

Republicans control the house but yes as I wrote, house speaker approval was necessary

by Victor k

I point out the hypocrisy of liberals and democrats. they would much prefer to

I really don't care to engage with you, but I will say geo-politics are a lot more complicated than your myopic take.

Just think of Victor as an 8 year old child and it helps to make reading his posts tolerable.

I often think that I spend too much time posting on 2+2.

Then I click on "Find posts by Luciom", I note that he has made 170 posts in the last 48 hours (all in the Politics forum), and I realize that others have a much bigger problem than I do.
